Be A PT ... Don't Live Anywhere At All! The majority of Somalis are nomads who have proved themselves gratifyingly resistant to the chaos of civil war and famine. While Western attention has been focused on farmers and devastated city dwellers, the nomads continue to use their mobility -- as they have for centuries -- to avoid much of the hardship. Cities and mechanized agriculture, the results of "civilization," are first to be hurt when the structure of civil order collapses. War has destroyed the largest towns; farmers were quickly cut off from supplies with the onset of hostilities. Nomads, with camel, goat, and sheep herds, are highly mobile and can generally avoid areas where there is fighting. Camels, in particular, are natural survival aids in Somalia. They permit the nomads to scrape a bare subsistence from the arid semi-desert. War and famine have driven up the price of grain, forcing nomads to barter away more of their animals to obtain it. Nevertheless, the incalculable effects of war affect the nomads, though later and less intensely than they impinge on the settled populace. On an international scale there is a survival lesson here for the civilized world as well. Do you want to escape the control over your life and property now held by modern governments? The PT concept could have been called Individual Sovereignty, because PTs look after themselves. We don't want or need authorities dominating every aspect of our existence from cradle to grave. The PT concept is one way to break free. In a nutshell, a PT merely arranges his or her "paperwork" in such a way that all governments consider him a tourist -- a person who is just "passing through." The advantage is that being thought of by government officials as a person who is merely "parked temporarily", a PT is not subjected to taxes, military service, lawsuits, or persecution for partaking in innocent but forbidden pursuits or pleasures. Unlike most citizens or subjects, the PT will not be persecuted for his beliefs or lack of them. PT stands for many things: a PT can be a "prior taxpayer," "perpetual tourist," "practically transparent," "privacy trained," or "permanent traveler" if he or she wants to be. The individual who is a PT can stay in one place most of the time. Or all of the time. PT is a concept, a way of life, a way of perceiving the universe and your place in it. One can be a full-time PT or a part-time PT. Some may not want to break out all at once, or become a PT at all. They just want to be aware of the possibilities, and be prepared to modify their lifestyle in the event of a crisis. Knowledge will make you sort of a PT -- a "possibility thinker" who is "prepared thoroughly" for the future. The PT concept was created by Harry Schultz, the financial consultant and author of a number of books on investing that were best sellers in the 1970s. Today there is a publishing company in Britain specializing in books for the PT -- unique titles on tax havens, obtaining a second citizenship, living in exotic locations, buying a tax free car, and making money internationally. Even if you never buy the books, just reading the catalog is fascinating. The catalog is free, and can be had by writing: Scope International Ltd. Box AS125, Forestside House Forestside, Rowlands Castle Hants. PO9 6EE, Great Britain. PT is elegant, simple, and requires no accountants, lawyers, offshore corporations, nor other complex arrangements. Since the income of most PTs is immediately doubled, and most frustrations of life with Big Brother are instantly eliminated, the logical question is only: "Can you afford not to become a PT?" The PT, once properly equipped, operates outside of the usual rules, gaining mobility and a full slate of human rights. The value of these rights cannot even be perceived by people who have never experienced them. Tax havens become an important tool of the PT, because the tax haven corporations and trusts provide an interface to the more permanently settled world, just as a flag of convenience does for a ship. The message of PT is not, however, to encourage greed, lust, irresponsibility, immorality or any of the other seven deadly sins. The effect of PT being popularized will be to release creative souls from the many burdens of coping with Big Brother. You don't need to found a new country or displace someone else to make yourself a sovereign. The PT need not dominate other people. He or she must only be willing to break out of a parochial way of thinking: the PT must be superior only in that small area located between the ears. We speak of the potential PT now in terms of wealth, talent, intelligence and creativity. Who is this PT in the upper minuscule of the population? It might well be you...