WELCOME TO THE README FILE OF THE ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH FOR DOOM! Hello again everybody! Now its about 3 weeks after v1.68, this is v1.70. I know that I coulda brought this out sooner, but one of my staff caught mono and to add to it; his computer is down too! so I had to work overtime on most of it. So now I deleted the regular sections of this file they were getting lengthy beacause I left last version text in, and i just kept adding to it!, And I just realized that that was what the revison.txt is for! And secondly, people don't wanna read, they wanna play! So, lemme see what did I do in this version.....Well I took out all the gibberish in the master.bat because I'm going to use DEUSF (That's one hard program to understand!). So it doesn't ask all those B.S. picture questions. So you don't need dmgraph anymore, and pkzip, and all those damn graphics files! Just one file to add which is deusf.exe. That's mainly it, Pretty soon I'm gonna put in sounds and new textures! (if I can find good ones!) So remember all you have to do is extract all files to doom directory, and run master.bat! Well Here ARE ALL THE FEATURES: -Color changes from all the objects or beings with green parts are now changed to red. Such as the eye in symbol is now red, the green armor was changed to red, the spiritual armor's eyes are now red, an ammo box now has a tint of red to it, barrels filled with toxic now seem to be filled with a thick bloody substance, a plasma charge's green lights are now red, invulnerbility sphere is now red. As of enemies, the troopers now have red hair, the sargent's eyes are red, Caco's green eye was changed to red, the Baron of Hell's fireball is now a blood ball!, and many more color changes. -AND when you blow up an enemy, he turns into re-animating slop! -All the weapons were speeded up, especially the chaingun and plasma gun,and the rocket launcher. -The barrels now explode 3 times taking up to 100% of health off if your armor is 0. -Many text changes, (sorry to many to mention) at the startup is all new text and at the end of episode 3 a new text ending! And all weapons have all new names! -Many things are made shootable and are strong enough to withstand a rocket, and in some cases turn into piles of guts! -The walls bleed! That's right they actually bleed after being shot and then turn into piles of slop on the floor. The enemies' blood also turn into slop and hit the floor! -Totally new bloody graphics for the TROOPER, SARGEANT, IMP, AND DEMON! -Also TOTALLY NEW, explosion deaths, for the player and the Lost Soul! LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT, REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR DOOM.EXE AND SUCH! I DON'T WANT TO BE BLAMED BY SOME IDIOT WHO DIDN'T BACK UP HIS FILES! At this thime I would like to thank the following people: 1.ALL the people at ID SOFTWARE for the wonderful DOOM series. 2.GREG LEWIS for the progam known as DehackeD. 3.BILL NEISIUS for DMGRAPH. 4.I would like to thank Mortis of the ny Dwango server, for the deusf addition. 5.OLIVIER MONTANUY for DEUSF, AND DEUTEX. 6.AND my Staff. Also this patch is totally independent and may not be changed or transferred without the rest of this zip. Authors may not use this as a base to build additional patches and or addons. The graphics may not be changed in any way any may only be distributed with this zip. This doom patch may be distributed by BBS, DISKETTE, OR CD. Have Fun! Done by James Rizzo and his staff. P.S. Leave me a message at Software Creations BBS, DAVE'S DWANGO BBS, CINCINATI MULTIPLAYER BBS, OR try to find me on the NY dwango server (I'm Known as D.S.R.)if you have any sugestions. One more thing, if you get a chance read the revison.txt also!