The Story The HUNT hears the indistinct screaming and crying. As they draw closer and nearer the sound, they were stopped by the large wide snake door locked with an Oscuro Key. "Don't worry all you people! Any of you guys seen a red key? That's the only key that'll get you out of here!" shouted Thi. "Tar, we gotta get these people outta here. Doug, phone HQ in Sector 35 Channel 10D. Tell them we'll be releasing the hostages in just a minute." "Ok. HQ, HQ. Come in, over." "This is Sergeant McArthur phoning in. This is a highly top-secret military channel. Please transfer to different channel." "HQ! This is the HUNT Team! Identification Code QX20479L, over." "The HUNT! Never expected you to come back. Please hold while I connect you to Admiral Gates..." "Ten-four," Doug replies. "Tar! I got the key! Let's get these people out of here!" shouts Lorelei. "Good work! Let's go!" "Doug, did you get HQ?" asks Ian. Sudden cheers from the hostages were heard. "Please don't rush. There are many traps in this building. Thi! Lead this people to the lobby. Then call 911 and get many ambulances out here-- Tell them to send 1,000 body bags. Rendezvous at the service entrance." "Douglas Wendt? The reject who didn't follow orders from Sergeant Lamarck? I thought you were captured! Where are your coordinates?" Gates asked. "Admiral, I have not time for your crap. Please inform me of all planes leading to Madrid, Spain. NOW!" "Jeez! You've changed, Doug. Whatever happened to the hostages? Hold on, let me get connected to LAX. .. . .... .. Ah, yes. Madrid, Spain. Only five flights, two already departed, the others delayed." "Oh, no. They left! Admiral, thank you. The hostages are on their way to the hospital. I gotta log off and tell Ian we have to go now." "Wait! Doug! Douglas! There are thousands of Oscuridos in LAX! DOUG!!" "Tar! We have to get to Spain! Has Lorelei arranged our transportation?" "Just about. Wait." ".... Yes. A private plane for a secret military flight. Get a new pair of hearing aids! Yes... ID Code QX20479L. Get it ready NOW! Yes.. From Sector 7G." "Calling HUNT members. Molecular transport in 45 seconds at floor 0 Back Entrance." "Doug, you get informed?" Ian asked. "Yes, Let's go, man. They left 30 minutes ago!" "Ok. Thi! Are you at rendezvous point?" "I'll leave without you if you don't get down here!" "Molecular transport in 25 seconds." "Watch out, Oscuridos!!" From The Author: This is the second episode from The Trip Back to Los Angeles. I must warn you people with 8/4MB RAM (WITH MEMORY MANAGERS). Some one or two levels have a setup that requires more than 8 or 4 MB. My cousin (He had 4MB) tested the whole 23 levels had two or three problems and had to re-boot OR re-setup for the game. My other helper had 8MB and STILL had problems. So, I would highly recommend to boot clean for those people who doesn't have that much memory. I tested the whole 25 levels and 2 have bugs. So I put them as warp-only levels. BUT, if you DO warp to the level, it is probably 99.99% of the time, you will get the posted error. The other 23 levels work fine, if booted clean. My dedications AGAIN to Wayne Sikes. AND Apogee Software. "Apogee Means Action"