InfoMiles History.Txt -- Revision history ====================================================================== v 1.3 (07/27/95) Fixed Fixed cost monthly free minutes did not reset for reports of more than one month. Enhanced AM/PM added to connections setup and implemented for logs using 12-hour time format. Months, weeks, days, average online time, and average monthly cost added to reports. Service and connection reports integrated. Supplied default cost configuration. Supplied more log file configurations. v 1.2 (07/08/95) Fixed Cost calculations in the service report reflected only one monthly charge and incremented when switching between service and connection reports. Cost types and Service costs did not update correctly when more than one were added at a time. Log file descriptions were limited to 32 characters. Program locked up with incorrect setup of dates. Program returned an error when a service report was viewed and certain values were 0. Enhanced Setup provisions to accomodate yet more log files. Supplied more log file configurations. Cost calculations rounded up to the next minute to agree with the phone company. Online help enhancements. Added Tutorial in the online help for setting up formats not supplied with the program. Font and Color support for the report window. Connection report for a particular service by double clicking on the service name. v 1.1 (06/23/95) Fixed Missing DLL files included. v 1.0 (06/21/95) Initial public release. END OF History.Txt ======================================================