PMCPU090.ZIP contains the following files: pmcpu.exe readme.txt file_id.diz PMCPU is a replacement for PULSE.EXE which on my system is inaccurate when the system is overloaded. It also has some added features. PMCPU is FreeWare. The pulldown menu has the following chioces: Change colours - Allows the foreground and background colours to be changed Change options - Allows the default options to be modified About - Shows the product information Exit - Exits the program The Change colours dialog box: To change the foreground colour click on the chosen colour with mouse button 1 (The left button on right-handed mice) To change the background colour click on the chosen colour with mous button 2 (The right button on right-handed mice) The Change options dialog box: The 'Average' check button allows the meter to show an avera of the last few samples. The number of samples averaged is given in the 'Average over' entry field. The 'Auto size' check button allows the meter to size it buffer according to the size of the client window. The 'Slow counting' check button allows the meter to take samples less often and hence reduces the CPU time used, but is inaccurate especially at low update periods. The 'Titlebar' check button allows the meter to be diplayed with or without a titlebar, this option will only be updated when the program is restarted. The About dialog box: This shows the product information and allows you to recalibrate the meter if the minimum is not at the bottom of the client window. This program was written by: Patrick Ian Mackinlay (email: If you have any suggestions, comments or bug reports please email the author. IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS: The author of this package does not transfer title of the Program to you. You obtain no rights other that those granted you under this license. Under this license, you may: 1. Use the program on one or more machines at a time. 2. Make copies of this program for use or back purposes with your Enterprise. You may NOT: 1. Distribute this program in any form except for that in which it is presented (i.e. the PMCPU090.ZIP package) 2. Reverse assemble or reverse compile the executable/object code of this program. We do not warrant that the Program is free from claims by a third party of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or any other intellectual property infringement. Under no circumstances are we liable for any of the following: 1. third-party claims against you for losses or damages; 2. loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or 3. economic consequential damages (including lost profits or savings) or incidental damages, even if we are informed of their possibility. We do not warrant uninterrupted or error free operation of the Program. We have no obligation to provide service, defect correction, or any maintenance for the Program. We have no obligation to supply any Program updates or enhancements to you even in such are or later become available. IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS: THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You may terminate this license at any time. We may terminate this license if you fail to comply with any of its terms. In either event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program. You are responsible for the payment of any taxes resulting from this license. You may not sell, transfer, assign, or subcontract any of your rights or obligations under this license. Any attempt to do so is void.