BUILDER CONVERSION FUNCTIONS The Builder library conversion functions consist of three very simple, yet handy, functions. Hex2Dec() and Dec2Hex() are virtually self- explanatory, and you may look at their samples to see how they work. The use for Asc2Bin() isn't as obvious, but is the MOST useful function is this group. The Asc2Bin() function is priceless, and here is how I have evolved using it most effectively: 1) Add 1 field to OPTIONS.DBF for every different printer escape code your application will require. You may also put the data in the field at this time. 2) (Optional) Add a window to your program (under "Utilities") to edit the memory variables created in step 3, and save them to OPTIONS.DBF when changed. (very simple Builder window with a VERY simple conversion using the GetEdit() function) 3) Enter the command "@ PROW(),PCOL() SAY Asc2Bin(ALLTRIM(Options->Field))" as part of a printed report to send your escape code. This method allows your application to support any change in printer hardware and it makes debugging printer escape codes easier. Simple But Effective! ** End of File **