Some of the statements in USING.TXT pertain to the entire Library of Wisdom, which fills 9 1.4 MByte disks, compressed. This Library will take about 27,00,000 bytes of space on your hard disk. For that reason, it is recommended that if you download the entire library, you only unzip those files that you will immediately use. The entire Library is works by early humanist/freethinker/ atheist writers and patriots, such as Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen, Robert Green Ingersoll, and others. All the works in this Library are no longer under copyright. You are free to copy them and distribute them to whomever, wherever you wish, and are encouraged to do so. The file CONTENTS.TXT has not been changed from the original, and to the extent possible, the files that are listed as being together within one exe file are still together in the ZIP file bearing the same name. All files listed in the CONTENTS.TXT file as having a .DOS extension have been renamed with a .TXT extension, but are otherwise unchanged. All files that are listed with a .EXE extension are now renamed with a .ZIP extension. Otherwise these files are unchanged from the originals, except this REAMDME.TXT file, CONTENTS.TXT, BROWSE.COM, USING.TXT and FILE_ID.DIZ have been added for your convenience, and/or to appease the FidoNet gods. This Library was obtained at the American Humanist Association convention in Scottsdale, Arizona on May 19-21, 1995, but the thoughts contained within are timeless. Marilyn Burge 1:105/40.666