Howard Harawitz -------------------------------------------- 1/9/94 Changes, fixes etc. in HTML Assistant version Alpha .25 New Features: 1) This version permits multiple documents (with tiled and cascaded windows, etc.) 2) A 'repeat command' feature has been added. To repeat the last command, click the right mouse button or press CTL-R. 3) An 'insert last URL' menu item and shortcut key is available (CTL-U) 4) A List box has been added to the URL text entry popup for URL Prefix selection 5) The program remembers the URLs you have entered and permits you to save them to disk. You can reselect a previously entered URL from a list box on the URL text entry popup. 6) Font selection has been added (in 'Edit' menu) 7) An option (which has NOT been tested much) for DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) with Cello is now available -- so Cello need not be unloaded and reloaded for each test. (Go to the 'Options' menu and select the DDE option. If you have trouble with DDE, just deselect it from the 'Options' menu again. The default is DDE NOT selected.) This one will probably need to be improved with age. Fixes: 1) The 'Header' command has been fixed. It includes the header number designation in the end tag (as it should, but didn't). 2) Commands no longer require that text be selected before they will work. 3) Clicking on the Image command button no longer deletes selected text. 4) A bug that caused list tags (
  1. ,
,etc.) to appear when the 'Styles' menu was selected has been fixed. 5) The 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons on the one line text entry popups now respond properly to the 'Enter' and 'Esc' keys 6) Some of the information messages that appear in the status bar at the bottom of the main screen have been revised in (what is hoped is) the interest of clarity. Coming soon: 1) Selectable Word wrap 2) An 'Undo' command 3) Features suggested by you the users -- please send your ideas. _______________________________________________________