PopMan Icon Contest! -------------------- Closing date: ?? in August 1995? Because I am not a gifted icon "artist," I am soliciting entries for a "PopMan Icon Contest". First prize, for an icon that I end up using with PopMan (each entrant must guarantee that the icon is their original creation, and that the icon, if used, becomes the exclusive property of me, Carl Mellesmoen -- since I don't want legal troubles, and I don't want the icon showing up in someone else's program either) is a free PopMan registration, and credit in the PopMan documentation for creating the icon. I reserve the right to not declare a winner if I am not satisfied with any of the entries (or if I want to keep my own 'masterpiece' for some reason), and to subjectively judge which entry is the winner. All decisions by the judge (namely, me), are final. Now, to explain a bit about what I would like to see in the icon. The one that I have designed myself was meant to be a "SODA POP" can with arms, legs & a face (that's supposed to be a little "tab" on the top). A friend & beta tester of mine thought it was a FIRECRACKER (Pop!). Some of you may agree with his interpretation, or with mine, or your own, or may not know or really care. Anyhow, one possibility is to make the icon more resemble a CAN OF POP. Another possibility is to go the "FIRECRACKER" route, although I must warn you that that is not what I intended, nor is it my preference, so I will tend to favour 'pop can' designs. You are also welcome to come up with ANY ICON that you think fits in well with the concept of PopMan & what it does, how it looks, or as an alternative "play-on-words". In other words, it's wide open, and you are welcome to persuade me that your concept is the one to go with. This contest is open to ANYONE. If you have any impulse at all to take part in this contest, PLEASE do so! I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with! If I do not use your icon, you are free to do with it as you please. I will keep a copy of it for posterity's sake, but will not distribute it in any form without your permission (taking part in the contest implies that you grant permission to use the icon if it wins). And PLEASE don't send me a copy of an icon that is not your own original work. Send your entries to: cgm133@cs.usask.ca or aa254@sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca (or by "snail mail" to the address on the registration form)