PopMan 1.1: No changes from 31/07/95 version, except for removal of expiry date. 31/07/95 Expiry Date Version (PM310795.ZIP): BUG FIXES: 1) Removed "Illegal function call" if no hotkey specified. NEW FEATURES/CHANGES 15/07/95 Expiry Date Version (PM150795.ZIP): NEW FEATURES/CHANGES 1) Feature: Ability to launch from an icon 2) Feature: Ability to right-, left- or center-align menu around cursor, or to assign it a particular xy location on the desktop (in pixel units) 3) If no launching method is indicated within the INI file, setup will automatically be invoked (rather than the old default of launching with both L & R mouse buttons), and a user must select one of the launching methods. 4) If PopMan is the shell, the "Exit PopMan" option is removed from the popup menu, since it is equivalent to "Exit Windows", which is still accessible. 5) "Reload Progman Groups" button in menu editor is not present unless ProgMan is the current shell. BUG FIXES: 1) Group-item scrambling when reloading ProgMan groups fixed (I thought I had that fixed _before_, but it should be now!) 2) When editing menus, selecting the menu currently being edited caused the changes to be lost, reverting to the last saved menu, without asking to save modifications. Now fixed; when selecting the group already being edited, nothing happens. 3) CTRL-key combination not working properly 4) Confirmation of saving "Edit Menu"(which is not a menu at all, but the initial title of the menu editor) removed. 5) When adding to "Group" menus (i.e., the ones that are individual groups generated from ProgMan groups, the "Add" button was disabled when the number of items in the Group equalled or exceeded 16 items. Now, there is (theoretically, at least) no limit on the number of items in each group (Note: The "Utilities", "Quick Menu" and actual _number_of_groups_ is still limited to 16). I haven't tried to test the limits of this feature, so I don't know how many submenus can be created before you run out of memory/the program crashes/something else bad happens. You may want to try and find out, but you do so at your own risk. I have not put any explicit error or warning messages about the number of items in a group (i.e., the submenu for a particular group), but VB may present you with one, either before or after you reach the limit. 6) "Out of Memory" error should not be encountered under the wallpaper changer. 7) "Please move or copy bitmap to Windows directory" error message eliminated. 15/06/95 Expiry Date Version (PM150695.ZIP): NEW FEATURES/CHANGES 1) Added "History List" (under "Run -- History" submenu) of previously used command lines; "Run..." option from previous versions now identical to "Run -- Browse" in current version. 2) Allowed editing of the "Group" submenu, rather than requiring the "Reload ProgMan Groups" button be used to create Group submenus. 3) Automatic sorting of menu items added. 4) Added hotkey and middle mouse button invocation options 5) Added ability to access PopMan menu items with right mouse button 6) Moved "Configure" menu down on the PopMan list. 7) Added ability to rapidly invoke the PopMan menu by disabling "'Safe' launch option". 8) Added option of having PopMan menu centered rather than aligning its left edge with mouse cursor position BUG FIXES: 1) Browse ("Run Program") dialog now allows for file masking by typing in a particular file mask, rather than having to choose from the drop-down list. This also applies to the "Modify Menu Item" and "Add Menu Item" dialogs, which are derivatives of the same dialog box. Also, labelled "Command Line" text box in those dialogs. 2) Some work done to reduce the memory "footprint" of PopMan, but features have also been added, so there is a net increase. 3) Probably some other things that I can't think of at the moment. 15/05/95 Expiry Date Version (Popmn11b.zip): NEW FEATURES/CHANGES 1) Added capability to load program manager groups into PopMan's menu, and to edit those groups for use under PopMan (this editing does not affect Program manager groups). 2) Now the term "PopMan Menu" generically refers to any of the following menus: a) "Quick": The menu that sits atop the popup menu and is the most easily accessible -- formerly called THE "PopMan Menu". b) "Utilities": The menu that sits above the "Run..." menu item. c) "Group": Those that are originally obtained by using the Program Manager groups. 3) "Configure -- PopMan Menu" changed to "Configure -- PopMan Menus..." and ability to configure "Quick", "Utilities" or "Group" menus added (i.e., no longer limited to just editing the "Quick" menu (formerly called THE "PopMan Menu" -- see above). 4) Dropped non-configurable "Utilities" menu items in favour of totally configurable "Utilities" menu. 5) Removed Control Panel and Windows Setup from "Configure" menu (you can add utilities/applets such as these to the "Utilities" menu, or to either of the other menus). 6) Added "task list" feature to invoke currently specified task manager. BUG FIXES: 1) Fixed problem with "finding" help file after directory has changed. 2) Fixed problem with file extension associations when launching programs -- in particular, when an extension was not exactly three characters long for a particular association. 3) Fixed situtation in which an invalid drive is selected. PopMan should no longer return an error message an exit, but instead revert to the last valid drive displayed.