BGFAX 1.0 ALPHA 06 WED 26 MAY 93 --------------------------------- POSSIBLE VERY GOOD NEWS --- THIS RELEASE SUPPORTS "REAR END" OPERATION. I'll list the minor changes first, then discuss "rear end" mode after. 1. A user requested I check for an actual "RING" response from the modem because some users don't have the RI (ring indicator) capability that most users do that BGFAX uses to determine when to send the answer string to the modem. Anyway, I hope this helps those few that don't have RI. 2. Since Fido mailers can't be rear ended into, I took the "q.,FidoNet" line out of the BGFAX.CNF file. Only one "crash" entry is now available, and that is for GT Power sysops, the "CQ,GT Crash call line". If you were running BGFAX alpha 5, just delete the "Q.,FidoNet" line. Now, here come the major changes. If you want to run BGFAX in frontend mode, you don't even have to read the following. However, if you want to run it in rear end mode, you gotta read through my pitiful docs some more. I'm typing this at near-midnight hours, so I'm probably going to type incoherently after a few minutes. First the bad news. I couldn't get Frontdoor to work on my system so that it would exit out with an errorlevel if it determined the incoming fax was a fax call. However, I hope you will be able to get Frontdoor, or Binkley, or whatever frontend system you use to do this. (If you can, drop me a note so I can try to duplicate it). So, in order to test the BGFAX "rear end", I had to write my own psuedo-front end. This psuedo-front end, BGFFF can be configured to exit with an errorlevel of 80 when it detects a string with "FAX" in it (such as "FAX", "CONNECT FAX", "CONNECT 9600/FAX", etc.) or when it encounters a "+FCON" string. You specify the choice. Why am I telling you this? Because, before you go start to play with Frontdoor, you might want to try to get the BGFAX rear end working with BGFFF first. If it works, then try playing with Frontdoor. BGFFF is very simple to use. It has three command line parameters. BGFFF 1 38400 /FAX or BGFFF 1 38400 /FCON The first parameter is the com port, the second is the DTE rate you want to lock it at. The third can be either "/FAX" or "/FCON". If you specify /FAX, BGFFF will exit with an errorlevel of 80 when it encounters the "FAX" string. Try this one first. (See the included FFF.BAT file). After that, change the FFF.BAT file so that you use /FCON in the two places where /FAX is specified. In /FCON mode, BGFFF will wait until it receives a +FCON from the port. Make a note of which methods work and don't work. If you're lucky, both methods will. You can get read of the FFF.BAT and BGFFF.EXE after these tests. If both pass, you have a pretty good chance of being able to use rear end mode of BGFAX in a Fido mailer. To run BGFAX is rear end mode, it requires three parameters as well. A BGFAX.CNF FILE IS NOT REQUIRED FOR REAR END OPERATION. Recall that no command line parameters are required to run BGFAX in front end mode. BGFAX 1 Z /FAX That means use COM1, ZyXEL Z-FAX format fax files, and the /FAX means that Frontdoor/Binkley/etc. was able to detect the "FAX" string from your modem properly. If you are using a ZyXEL modem, you will have to put an e-point after the COM port, like so: BGFAX 1! Z /FAX this would tell BGFAX *not* to shift DTE to 19200 after the +FCON message is received. (However, ZyXEL users can already use ZyXEL's RCVFAX program to do this, so it's not really necessary to use BGFAX unless you just want something to do for fun.) If your Fido frontend is unable to detect the "FAX"-like string, but will detect the +FCON message (by the way, some FaxModems do not even return a "FAX"-like string, only the "+FCON"), you will have to use the /FCON paramateer on BGFAX like so: BGFAX 1 Z /FCON If your Frontend and modem will allow you to use /FAX parameter on BGFAX, USE IT. AVOID HAVING TO USE THE /FCON PARAMETER. However, some people will have to use it. Remember, BGFFF is only for testing BGFAX's rear end capability on your modem. It is not needed after you use it for the initial testing. Again, if you actually get BGFAX working in rear end mode with something besides BGFFF, *please* let me know. Send me your batch files, config files from Frontdoor, etc., and let me know what kind of modem you use. Special note. I had this file ARJed up and all ready to go on the FTP when I tried a few last minute tests. Turned out, the rear end mode wasn't working too hot on my 2400 S/R faxmodem, so I changed a few routines around. What's quite interesting though is that my 2400 modem doesn't issue a "FAX" command, so it would be logical to think you would have to use the /FCON switch. Well, turns out that BGFAX works best with my 2400 S/R fax modem when used with the /FAX switch. WEIRD, HUH? Oh well, this might just be something you have to try, too. By the way, these BBS systems on the other continent should also carry BGFAX in the future as a downloadable file. The Owl's Nest (Dutch Supra Distr) Support BBS has 3 numbers; (31)-(0)2155-10921 (Also fidonet node 2:512/39) (31)-(0)2155-12571 Node 2 (31)-(0)2155-28096 Node 3 All three with Supra V.32bis BGFAX 1.0 ALPHA 05 SAT 22 MAY 93 --------------------------------- 1. Fixed some problems with faxes having single trashed lines. Seems I was writing 2049 bytes to the file when I only had 2048 bytes in my disk write buffer. Oops. 2. NOTE FOR ZYXEL USERS: You must change the DTE rate in the BGFAX.CNF file so that you have a e-point (bang, "!") after it. 1 38400! ATZ The e-point will make BGFAX *not* shift the DTE to 19200 when fax receiption begins. Seems ZyXEL conveniently forgot to do this. This is actually a better idea than what CCITT recommends doing (why, oh why did they want the DTE to be shifted to 19200) and that's why ZyXEL users have such an easy time with fax receiption. The other guys, like me, don't have ZyXEL's though, so don't add the "!" if you don't. 3. If one of the three modem initialization strings are less than two characters, the string will not be sent to the modem. (If the line just read "AT", it would not get sent). 4. If you don't want your users to have to hit to enter the BBS, ie., you want to it load automatically, change the line in the BGFAX.CNF file that says "Press to blah blah blah", so that it says "" as the first thing on the line. 5. Look at the included BGFAX.CNF file. A line has been added ... see: Please wait loading the bulletin board. /RELIABLE <-- new line 2400 We're sorry, but we do not accept calls below 2400. The new line can contain anything you want. What happens is when a data call is detected, if it is an error correcting modem (ie., it is something like CONNECT 2400/ARQ, /REL, or 2400/EC), it will set the environment variable called ARQ to whatever is on the line. So, in the case of "CONNECT 14400/ARQ", the following environment gets set: DCE=14400 ARQ=/RELIABLE 6. Another new environment variable is now set. The "EVT" variable will be set to the number of minutes (minus three) until the next event. This is set on both local logins and data calls. BGFAX 1.0 ALPHA 04 FRI 21 MAY 93 --------------------------------- BGFAX alpha 1 through 3 were non-public releases. This is a public release. Send all bug reports to ... (my name is B.J. Guillot) ... Internet: GT/Power: Net/Node 001/040 Voice: 713-893-9320 Data/Fax: 713-893-9124 I am a terrible doc writer. You'll believe me by the time you finish reading this, if you can make it that far. :) BGFAX is a program designed for BBS operators that have Class 2 compliant fax modems that support adaptive answering. The only modems that I've been able to test it on so far include the SupraFax 14.4, Practical Periperhals, and an el-cheapo Computer City generic 2400 data, 9600 S/R fax modem. It seems to work on all of these. DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for ANYTHING negative that happens to you or your computer system or your business, etc., etc., etc. The program does not require a FOSSIL driver as it has communications routines built into it. Yes, it supports the FIFO buffer of the 16550 UART chip. Here is how the program works: It is to be ran as a "frontend" system to your BBS. When it starts, it will initialize the modem and wait for the modem to ring. When it does ring, it will send the modem answer string to the modem. It the modem determines it is a data call, it will ask the user to press to log onto the system. It will also look for "CQ" or "q." and exit with a specific errorlevel if one of those strings is encountered. I am not sure as it the "q." determination is really meaningful, though. If your modem detects a fax call, BGFAX will attempt to take the fax. Please note that depending on the type of modem you have and the way it determines adaptive answering, human faxes (ie., non fax-modems) may not understand how to send a fax to you. This seems to be the case with my Uncle. He tried to send me a fax the other day on his fax machine, but he waits until he hears a fax tone on the other end before pressing his "START" button. So, my Supra never heard the CNG tones from his machine until after the Supra modem decided it was already a data call. I've heard that some modems will shift into FAX mode anytime a CNG tone is heard, but I just wanted to tell you this in case you had problems. (To solve the problem, I told my Uncle to hit the "START" key as soon as he heard the line start ringing instead of waiting for my modem to start sending tones). YOU NEED TO SET THE BGFAX ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE. It's easy, just say SET BGFAX=C:\BGFAX or some other directory in a batch file that runs before you run the batch file that runs BGFAX (ie., in your AUTOEXEC.BAT). All incoming faxes will be received in that directory. BGFAX.LOG will reside in that directory, and BGFAX.CNF must exist in that directory. BGFAX.CNF is the configuration file for BGFAX. Here is the file I use with my Supra FaxModem: ---------- 1 38400 ATZ ATH0M1%G1%E0N1\N3&K3+FCLASS=0+FCR=1 AT+FLID="TRANQUILITY_BASE" AT+FAA=1 A Please press the [Esc] key to load Tranquility Base. Loading the bulletin board. Please wait. 2400 Calls are not accepted below 2400 bps. Sorry. Z q.,FidoNet crash calls CQ,GT crash calls event=07:00 event=00:15 ---------- Line 1 is the com port number. Line 2 is the DTE rate you use for your BBS software. The next three lines are initialization string lines. My Supra seemed to like it with all commands compressed on one line, but I noticed the Practicial Peripherals was peculiarly picky about packed strings, so one fax command had to be one a seperate line. Anyway, if you don't need three lines for initialization, just put an "AT" on the line. You'll notice my second initialization string has a bunch of garbage in it, "H0M1%G1%E0N1\N3&K3". These are just commands I use when I want the modem to be able to answer calls. You can probably take all that out. The +F things are fax commands and should be left alone, except for the +FLID= command which sets your FAX ID. The line with "2400" by itself lets BGFAX know what the lowest DCE speed you allow on your BBS. Set it to "300" if you want all calls. The line with "Z" by itself means you want BGFAX to store fax files with the ZyXEL ZFAX header record. (So you can use the public domain ZFAX program, available by anonymous FTP to view incoming faxes). The only other valid entry for this line is a single "Q" which means you want BGFAX to store the incoming faxes with the Smith Micro Software's QuickLink II Fax format header, so you view faxes with QL II's "VIEWFAX.EXE" file which comes with quite a few fax modems (but not all). Please note that the QL II header record has a field for "scan lines" and I don't know what to put in it, so it's being fudged and this may create some side effects, but it seems that viewing the fax still works fine. Notice there are two "event" lines. You can have up to 20 of them. The first event is Event #0 and will cause BGFAX to exit with an errorlevel of 50 when the time is encounted for it. The second event is Event #1 and will exit with errorlevel 51, etc. You can have no events by taking out the event lines. So far, these "event=" lines are the only flexible lines in the config file that can be removed without causing BGFAX problems. Here's the batch file I use to run BGFAX: ---------- @echo off bgfax if errorlevel 255 bbs if errorlevel 101 gtmail if errorlevel 100 fidomail if errorlevel 90 goto faxrcvd if errorlevel 51 midmaint if errorlevel 50 maint if errorlevel 20 goto datacall if errorlevel 10 goto datacall goto end :faxrcvd echo fax received as [%fax%] echo you can put a printing batch here if you want bbs :datacall echo data call received dce=[%dce%] %gt% %key% /mn /f:%dce%:1 bbs :end ---------- Here's a rundown of the errorlevels: 255 ... bad connect, no carrier, bad fax, etc., rerun BBS.BAT 101 ... mailer software signature #2 100 ... mailer software signature #1 90 ... at least a one page fax received, option of going and doing something with the fax, filename stored in FAX environment varible maintained by BGFAX 69-50 ... Events #19 through Events #0 20 ... data call, actual DCE carrier rate set by DCE environment varible maintained by BGFAX 10 ... local logon, handle however your software requires ... terminated by user or something terrible happens :) If sometimes it appears BGFAX gets locked up during a fax receiption, pressing the key should quit BGFAX and leave a DEBUG line that has whatever was in the modem receive buffer at the time. ------- In the future, I hope to have an alpha out that will allow the use of another frontend that runs BGFAX when a fax is already ready to come in on the line. This version must be run as a frontend, though!