WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY Copyright 1992 TRADEWARE BOX 406 WHITE MARSH, VA 23183 This directory is being released as SHAREWARE:You may freely copy and distribute this directory as long as you do not alter it. IF YOU USE THIS DIRECTORY TO PLACE ADS PLEASE REGISTER! $15 to Tradeware Box 406 White Marsh Va 23183 SPECIAL!! EVERYONE ONE WHO REGISTERS WILL RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF ONE OF OUR NEW TRADE DIRECTORIES ON DISK! THESE HIGH QUALITY IMPORT /EXPORT DIRECTORIES CONTAIN THE EQUIVALENT OF 700+ PAGES OF COMPANIES,PRODUCTS REGULATIONS,MARKETING AND MORE! COUNTRIES NOW AVAILABLE: MEXICO,INDONESIA,MALAYSIA,EGYPT,COLOMBIA,BRAZIL,CHINA(PRC),AFRICA When registering for FREE directory please specify country and disk size desired (high density only). Additional countries are only $15 each. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. See the end of this file for more information. Warning:Random monitoring keys have been placed in this directory to defeat plagiarism.These keys do not affect the accuracy of the addresses and phone numbers. The Publisher is not liable for any expense incurred due to errors or typos in telephone numbers,addresses and rate information. Due to the volatility of the currency markets,the publisher recommends contacting each publication for current rates before attempting to place any advertising. PLACING AN OVERSEAS AD: 1. Select the publications that interest you. 2. Write the publication and request classified and display advertising rates and information.Enclose your proposed advertising copy and ask for a quote. Many publications will send a sample issue if you ask for it,although this will slow down the response time.To be sure of receiving a sample issue send an international money order for a few dollars to cover postage.Expect to wait 4 to 12 weeks for a reply depending on the country. 3. Do not pay for advertisments with a personal check!Most publications will accept international money orders. 4. If you desire a verification copy of the publication add enough to your payment to cover airmail delivery.Include your request with your placement order. ADVERTISING IDEAS U.S. importer seeks new products.Send info to Anytown USA 11111 U.S. exporter seeks agents abroad.Contact ABC Co. Anytown USA Use your imagination and bring the world to your mailbox. WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY ALGERIA AL-CHAAB / 1 place Maurice Audin/Algiers,Algeria General Interest Arabic Language Newspaper/Circulation 90,000 El Moudjahid / 20 ,Rue de la Liberte , Algiers , Algeria National Arabic & French Language Newspaper / Circulation 145,000 ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Herald / Azopardo 455/ 1107 Buenos Aires,Argentina Telephone: 34-8476 Classified Ad/ $6.00 U.S. per col centimeter Display Ad/ $18.00 U.S. per col cm/$3400.00 U.S. for full page National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 19,000 La Nacion / Bouchard 557/ 1106 Buenos Aires, Argentina Telephone:313-1003 / Fax: 313-3021 General Interest Spanish Language Newspaper/Circulation 300,000 Ambito Financiero / Carabelas 241 (1009) , Buenos Aires , Argentina Telephone: 331-5528 Has A Classifieds Section National Spanish Language Financial Newspaper / Circulation 70,000 La Capital / Sarmiento 763/ 2000 Rosario, Argentina General Interest Spanish Language Newspaper/Circulation 92,000 Classified Ad / US 75 cents per word AUSTRALIA The Advertiser / 121 King William Street/G.P.O. Box 339 Adelaide,South Australia 5001, Australia Telephone (08) 218-9218 General Interest English Language Newspaper/Circulation 220,000 Classified Line Rate: $2.50 U.S. (20 characters) Display Ad: $1800.00 U.S. for 1/4 page Sunday Mail / 41 Campbell St./ Bowen Hills/Brisbane,Queensland 4006, Australia Telephone (07) 52-6011/ Telex: 40110 General Interest English Language Newspaper/Circulation 320,000 The Australian Financial Review / Box 506, G.P.O.,Sydney,N.S.W. 2001, Australia/ Telephone: (02) 282-2855 Display Ad/ $A 22.05 per single column centimeter National Financial Newspaper/ Circulation 75,000 U.S. Sales Office/Marston Webb International,60 Madison Ave,Suite 1204 New York,NY 10010/ Telephone: (212) 684-6601 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY Asia Today / Box N7,Grosvenor Place Post Office,Sydney 2000, Australia Telephone: (61 2) 220-6770 / Fax: (61 2) 262-1938 Classified Ad/ Aust$30.00 per column centimeter Display Ad/Aust$375.00 for 1/6 page B/W English Language Monthly Business Magazine/ Circulation 6,000 Business Review Weekly / G.P.O. Box 55A , Melbourne 3001, Australia Telephone:(03)603-3888 / Fax: (03)670-4328 Display Ad / A$ 115.00 per col cm National Business News Weekly / Circulation 78,000 Daily News / 120 Roe. Street, P.O. Box 143, Northbridge,W.A. 6000, Australia / Telephone: (09) 427-1400 / Fax: 227-7176 Classified Ad / A$2.00 per line of 4 words or A$5.30 per col cm for classified Display Ad Rate / A$7.10 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Regional Daily Newspaper / Circulation 100,00 The Sydney Morning Herald / Box 506 G.P.O., Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia Classified Ad / A$6.00 per line of 25 characters Classified Display Ad / A$ 36.50 per col cm with a 8 cm minimum Daily Newspaper / Circulation 260,000 U.S. Advertising Office / 1500 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036 /Tel (212) 398-9494 / Accepts MC or Visa payments Australian Family Circle / 213 N. Miller St., North Sydney, NSW 2060 , Australia / Telephone:(02) 956-1000 / Fax: (02) 956-1020 Display Ad / A$1230.00 for 1/6 page B&W Monthly Women's Magazine / Circulation 392,000 AUSTRIA Salzburger Wirtschaft / Postfach 51 , A-5027 Salzburg , Austria Telephone: 71-57-10 Ad Rate / US$ 1.10 per col cm Weekly German Language Economics Newspaper for Entrepreneurs Circulation 25,000 Die Presse / Muthgasse 2 , A-1190 Vienna, Austria Telephone: 36-52-50 Display Ad Rate / US$ 3.00 per col centimeter National German Language Business Newspaper / Circulation 80,000 BAHAMAS The Tribune / P.O. Box N 3207, Nassau , Bahamas Telephone:(809) 322-1986 / Fax: 328-2398 National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 15,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY BAHAMAS Bahamian Review Magazine / P.O. Box N 1597 , Nassau, Bahamas Telephone: (809) 322-8922 Monthly English Language Magazine / Circulation 20,000 Nassau Guardian LTD / P.O. Box N 3011 , Nassau, Bahamas Telephone: (809) 323-5654 / Fax: 325-3379 Display Ad / US$ 6.15 per col inch National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 17,000 The Bahamas Financial Digest / P.O. Box n 4271, Nassau , Bahamas Telephone: (809) 322-1149 / Fax: 328-1922 Quarterly Economic Review Magazine / Circulation 13,00O BAHRAIN Gulf Daily News / P.O. BOX 224, Manama, Bahrain Telephone:231122 / Fax: 234175 Classified Ad / US$ 1.10 per word with a 10 word minimum Classified Display / Bahrain Dollar $3.50 per col cm with a 3 cm min. National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 11,000 SADA AL-USBOU / P.O. Box 549, Manama, Bahrain Telephone: 291234 Display Ad / US$300.00 for 1/3 page Weekly Arabic Language Newsmagazine / Circulation 28,000 BANGLADESH The Daily Life / 27 Sadarghat Rd. , Chittigong, Bangladesh Telephone / 325456 Ad Rate / US$ 8.00 per column inch Regional English Language Newspaper / Circulation 20,000 Bangladesh Observer / Observer House, 33 Toyenbee Circular Rd,Motijheel C/A , Dacca 2 , Bangladesh Classifed Ad / US$ 1.25 per line of 4 words Display Ad / US$ 12.00 per col inch Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation BELGIUM Entrepreneur / Geelseweg 47A , B-2410 Herentals , Belgium Ad Rate / US$ 1.40 per agate line / US$ 425.00 for full page Bimonthly French Language Magazine for Agricultural Entrepreneurs Circulation 4,200 L' Echo de la Bourse / 131, Rue de Birmingham , B-1070 Brussels,Belgium Telephone: 526-55-11 Ad Rate / US$ 1.26 per col millimeter / US$ 3876.00 or full page National French Language Business Newspaper WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY BELIZE The Reporter / P.O. Box 707 , Belize City , Belize Weekly English Language Newspaper / Circulation 6,000 Contact Paper for current ad rates BOTSWANA The Northern Advertiser / P.O. Box 1108, Francistown, Botswana Telephone: 212265 / Fax: 213769 Classified Ad / US 25 cents per word : Box & Bold Headline Add US$ 3.00 Display Ad / US$ 2.00 per 10 mm per column (4 col per page, 1 col = 45mm Local English Language Weekly Newspaper / Circulation 4,000 copies The Reporter / P.O. Box 20906 , Gaborone , Botswana Classified Ad / US$ 1.65 per line of 4 words with a 4 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 2.25 per col cm National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 BRAZIL Latin America Daily Post / Rua de Resende 65 , Rio de Janero, Brazil National English Language Newspaper Due to Brazil's hyperinflation contact publisher for latest ad rates O Estado de Sao Paulo / Avenida Engenheiro Caetano Alvares 55 , 02550 Sao Paulo , Brazil Ad Rate / US$ 65.00 per col inch Regional Portugese Language Newspaper / Circulation 275,000 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM The Borneo Bulletin / 74 Jalan Sungei,P.O. Box 69,Kuala Belait 6000, Brunei Darussalam / Telephone: 34344 / Fax: 34400 Classified Ad / US$ 0.30 cents per word with a 16 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 5.00 per col cm with 3 cm minimum Brunei's only English Language Newspaper / Circulation 23,000 weekly BERMUDA The Royal Gazette / P.O. Box 1025 , Hamilton 5 , Bermuda Telephone: (809) 295-5881 Ad Rate / US$ 9.24 per col inch Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 18,000 CAMEROON Cameroon Tribune / B.P. 23 , Yaounde , Cameroon Classified Ad / US$ 3.35 per line of 4 words Display Ad / US$ 7.00 per col centimeter Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 30,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY CAMEROON La Gazette / B.P. 5485 , Douala , Cameroon Ad Rate / US$ 5.00 per agate line Daily French Language Newspaper / Circulation 40,000 CANADA Calgary Herald / P.O. Box 2400, Station M , Calgary AB, Canada TZP 0W8 Telephone:(403) 235-7100 / Fax:(403) 235-7113 Classified Ad / $3.00 per line of 4 words Display Ad / $58.00 per col inch Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 140,000 The Edmonton Journal / 10006-101st Street, Edmonton AB, Canada T5J 2S6 Telephone: (403) 429-5100 / Fax: (403) 429-5500 Classified Ad / $4.00 per line of 5 words Display Ad / $70.98 per col inch Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 160,000 Journal of Commerce / P.O. Box 82230, North Burnaby, BC Canada V5C 6E7 Telephone: (604) 433-8164 / Fax: (604) 433-9459 Ad Rate / $2.45 general line rate Circulation 6,500 The Province / 2250 Granville St., Vancouver B.C., Canada V6H 3G2 Telephone: (604) 732-2222 / Fax: (604) 732-2720 Classified Ad / $4.38 per line of 4 words Display Ad / $71.00 per col inch / Circulation 190,000 Canadian Business / 70 the Esplanade 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada , M5E 1R2 / Telephone:(416) 364-4266 Monthly Business Magazine / Circulation 96,000 Write for current rates. Financial Times of Canada / 1231 Yonge St. Suite 300, Toronto, Ont. Canada M4T 2Z1 / Telephone: (416) 220-1133 Ad Rate / $5.85 general line rate Weekly Financial Newspaper / Circulation 46,000 Importweek / Canadian Importers Association, 210 Dundas St. W. Suite 700 Toronto, Ont. Canada M5G 2E8 / Telephone: (416) 595-5333 Display Ad / $350.00 for full page B&W Weekly Newspaper focusing on Import Business / Circulation 2,220 Small Business / 56 the Esplanade Suite 208, Toronto, Ont. Canada M5E 1A7 / Telephone: (416) 364 -4760 / Fax: (416) 362-4505 Monthly Business Magazine / Circulation 105,000 Write for current rates The Gazette / 250 St. Antoine St. W., Montreal PQ, Canada H2Y 3R7 Telephone: (514) 282-2750 / Fax: (514) 282-2322 Classified Ad / $5.30 per line of 4 words Daily Newspaper / Circulation 180,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY CHILE Estrategia / Casilla 16845 , Correo 9 , Santiago, Chile / Tel: 491526 Ad Rate / US$ 32.00 per col centimeter with a 3 cm minimum Weekly Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 40,000 La Prensa Austral / Casilla 9-C , Punta Arenas , Chile Ad Rate / US$ $4.00 per col centimeter Regional Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 La Tercera de la Hora / Vicuna Mackeena 1870, Casilla 9-D, Santiago, Chile / Telephone: 2287048 Contact for current rates National Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 325,000 COLOMBIA El Espectador / Avenida 68 #23-71 , Bogata , Colombia Telephone:2905555 / Fax: 2906060 Classified Ad / US$4.80 for 25 words for 1 day or US$10.80 for 1 week Classified Display Ad / US$ 42.00 per col inch National Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 200,000 U.S. Representative / Luis Alberto Cano, 10349 S.W. Court 145, Miami, Fl 33186 / Telephone:(305) 264-4516 / Fax: (305) 262-5144 COSTA RICA Tico Times / Apartado 4632, San Jose, Costa Rica / Telephone: 22-89-52 Classified Ad / 60 cents US per line of 20 characters Display Ad / US$ 20.00 per col inch Weekly English Language Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 La Nacion / Apdo. 10138, San Jose 1000 , Costa Rica Telephone: 35-12-11 Classified Ad / US$1.00 per line of 4 words Display Ad / US$350.00 for 1/3 page National Spanish Language Daily Newspaper / Circulation 90,000 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The Santo Domingo News/ P.O. Box 106, Zone 2(Feria),Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic/ Telephone: (809)532-1333 / Fax: (809)535-0788 Classifieds/ $3.00 U.S. per line of 20 characters Display Ad/ $8.50 U.S. per column inch/ $166.00 U.S. for 1/4 page Weekly English Language Newspaper/ Circulation 15,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY ECUADOR Visitazo / Aguirre 730 y Boyaca, Apartado Postal 1239, Guayaquil, Ecuador / Telephone: 326784 / Fax: 320499 Display Ad / 1/3 Page B&W US$252.00 Bi-weekly Spanish Language Newsmagazine / Circulation 80,000 Estadio / Address same as above Display Ad / US$93.00 for 1/3 page B&W Weekly Spanish Language Sports Magazine / Circulation 40,000 Hogar / Address same as above Display Ad / US$441.00 for 1/3 page B&W Monthy Spanish Language Woman,s Magazine / Circulation 34,000 El Comercio/ Calle Chile, Quito,Ecuador/ Telephone:011/593/2/260-020 Display Ad/ $12.00 U.S. per column centimeter Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 100,000 El Universo/Escobedo y 9 de Octubre/Guayaquil,Ecuador Telephone: 011/593/4/324-630 Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 200,000 EGYPT The Egyptian Gazette/24-26,Zakaria Ahmed Street,Cairo,Egypt Telephone: 744166 / Fax: 4827366 Classified Ad/ $3.00 U.S. per word with 10 word minimum Display Ad/$35.00 U.S. per column centimeter English Language Daily Newspaper/ Circulation 35,000 36% Government Tax to be added for all advertising Al Gomhouria/24-26,Zakaria Ahmed Street,Cairo, Egypt Classified Ad/ $15.00 U.S. per line of 5 words Display Ad/ $42.00 U.S. per column centimeter Arabic Language Daily Newspaper/ Circulation 850,000 Add 36% Government Tax El-Elm Magazine/24-26,Zakaria Ahmed Street,Cairo,Egypt Display Ad/$150.00 U.S. for 1/4 page B/W Monthly Science Oriented Magazine/ Circulation 25,000 Add 36% Government Tax Le Progres Egyptien/24-26 Zakaria Ahmed Street,Cairo, Egypt Classified Ad/ $3.00 U.S. per word Display Ad/ $35.00 U.S. per column centimeter French Language Daily Newspaper/ Circulation 22,000 Add 36% Government Tax FIJI Islands Business / 46 Gordon Street, P.O. Box 12718 , Suva, Fiji Ad Rate / US$ 585.00 for full page B & W Monthly English Language Business Magazine for South Pacific Region Circulation 7,900 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY FRANCE Le Monde / 5, Rue des Italiens , 75427 Paris 9 , France National French Language Newspaper / Circulation 390,000 France-Soir / 100 Rue Reaumur , 75070 Paris , France Telephone: (1) 42-21-20-00 Classified Rate / US$ 88.00 per col centimeter National French Language Newspaper / Circulation 325,000 GHANA Ghana Enterprise / Ghana Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 2325, Accra, Ghana / Telex: 2289 Comm GH / Cables: "COMMERCE" Display Ad / Full Page US$70.00 / 1/2 Page U.S.40.00 Quarterly English Language Business Journal GREECE The Athenian/ 4,Peta St.,Plaka,Athens 105 58,Greece/Telephone:32-22-802 Classified Ad/ 1,300 drachmas for a minimum of 15 words;15 drachmas each additional word plus 6% V.A. Tax Display Ad/ 1,500 drachmas per col cm/32,000 drachmas for 1/4 page Greece's English Language Monthly Magazine/ Circulation 8,000 Athens News / 23-25 Lekka Street, 105 62 Athens , Greece Telephone: 3224-253 Classified Ad / US$ 8.00 for 15 words 50 cents for each additional word Display Ad / US$ 8.00 per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 copies daily Add 26% taxes to above rates GUAM The Pacifican / P.O. Box BW, Agana, Guam 96910 Display Ad / US$ 9.00 per col centimeter English Language Newspaper / Circulation 17,000 GUYANA Daily Chronicle & Sunday Chronicle/Lama Avenue,Bel Air Park,Georgetowm Guyana / Telephone: 592-2-54475 / Fax: 529-2-60658 Classified Ad/ 10 cents U.S. per word with 15 word minimum/Sunday 20 cents per word with 15 word minimum Display Ad/$ 3.25 per column centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 40,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING DIRECTORY HONG KONG South China Morning Post / Morning Post Building,Tong Chong Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong / Telephone:5-652381 / Fax: 5-657272 Classified Ad / US$ 5.00 per line of 4 words with $25.00 minimum Display Ad / US$ 14.50 per col centimeter : min 3 cm x 1 col Box Number (inclusive of mailing) US$ 41.00 National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 100,000 Hong Kong Standard / 4th Floor,Sing Tao Building,1 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong / Telephone: 3-7982798/Fax: 3-7953027 Classified Ad/ HK $14.00 per line of 4 words:5 line min and 2 insertions Display Ad / HK $40.00 per col centimeter: min 3cm x 1 col National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 41,000 The Star / New Bldg 6th Floor, 635 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong Telephone: (5) 61051 Display Ad / US$ 8.00 per col centimeter Daily English and Chinese Language Newspaper Business PRC / 1604 Eastern Commercial Centre, 393-407 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong / Telephone: 5-734161 Classified Ad / Business Opportunities Section H.K.$ 15.00 per word with a 20 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 700.00 for 1/3 page B&W Bi-monthly English Language Business & Trade Publication focusing on the People's Republic of China / Worldwide Circulation 72,000 INDIA Export Gazette / The Amalgamated Press, Narang House,41 Ambalal Doshi Marg, Fort, Bombay -400 023, India / Telephone: 270268 Classified Ad / US$7.00 for a 35 word ad in bold type Display Ad / US$120.00 for 1/4 page Monthly English Language Import-Export Magazine / Circulation 100,000 Sample issue US$6.00 / The Hindu / 859-860,Anna Salai,Madras 600 002 , India Telephone:566567 / Fax: 91-44-561325 Classified Ad/ $1.00 U.S. per word with a 15 word minimum Classified Display/ $20.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Regular Display/ $25.00 U.S. per col. centimeter Box service with mail forwarding available National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 450,000 U.S. Office / Apartment No. 1531,The Irene,4701 Willard Avenue Chevy Chase,Maryland 20015 / Telephone (301) 654-9038 The Times of India / The Times of India Building, Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji Road , Bombay 400 001 ,India / Telephone: 262-0085 / Fax: 262-0144 Classified Ad / US$ 27.00 for the first 24 words & US$.80 for each additional word /Classified Display:US$ 35.00 per col cm:BoxAd Bold Type Display Ad / US$ 58.00 per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 7000,000 copies daily WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE INDIA The Tribune / Sector 29-C, Chandigarh 160020 ,Punjab, India / Tel: 28461 Classified Ad / US$ 0.50 cents per word with a 15 word minimum Classified Display / US$ 13.00 per col centimeter Display Ad / US$ 17.00 per col centimeter with 3 cm minimum English Language Newspaper / Circulation 172,000 Punjabi Tribune / Sector 29-C, Chandigarh 160020 , Punjab,India Classified Ad / US$ 1.00 per line of 4 words with a 4 line minimum Display Ad / US$ 6.00 per col centimeter with a 3 cm minimum Punjabi Language Newspaper / Circulation 44,000 Bombay Market / 505 Arun Chamber, Tarden Road, Bombay 400/034, India Classified Display Ad / US$ 5.00 per col centimeter Local English Language Business Magazine / Circulation 17,000 The Financial Express / P.O. Box 867, Bombay 400 021 ,India Classified Display / US$ 75.00 per col inch English Language Financial Newspaper / Circulation 22,000 Business India / Nirmal, 18th Floor , Nariman Point, Bombay 400 021, India / Telephone: 2024422 Display Ad / 9,500 Indian Rupees for 1/3 page(24.3 cm x 5.7cm) Bi-weekly English Language Business Magazine / Circulation 80,000 INDONESIA The Indonesia Times/ 31 C. JL. Biak, P.O. Box 224/JKT,Jakarta,Indonesia Telephone:348170 / Fax: (021) 375012 Classifieds/ $2.50 U.S. per 4 word line with 3 line minimum Display Ad/ $2.50 U.S. per column millimeter English Language Newspaper/ Circulation 41,000/ Jakarta Post/ Jalan Palmerah Selatan 15,P.O. Box 85 Palmerah,Jakarta, Indonesia / Telephone: 5483948 / Fax: (62)(21) 5492685 Classified Ad/ $2.00 U.S. per line of 43 characters Display Ad/ $17.00 U.S. per column centimeter / 2cm minimum Daily English Language Newspaper/ Circulation 25,000 Kompas / Palmerah Selatan 22-28 , P.O. Box 615 JAK,Jakarta, Indonesia Telephone: 6297809 / Telex: Kompas JKT 41216 Classified Ad / US$ 8.00 per line of 43 characters with a 2 line min. Display Ad / US$ 4.50 per col millimeter with a 20 mm minimum National Indonesian Language Newspaper / Circulation 600,000 copies IRELAND The Evening Press / Tara House, Tara Street,Dublin 2,Ireland Telephone: 713333 / Fax: 774148 Classified Ad/ 2.10 Irish Pounds per line of 4 words Display Ad/ 46.00 Irish Pounds per col. inch National Newspaper / Circulation 120,000 Add V.A.T. Tax of 25% to above rates WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE IRELAND The Irish Press / Tara House, Tara Street, Dublin 2 Ireland Telephone: 713333 / Fax: 774148 Classified Ad / 1.75 Irish Pounds per line of 4 words Display Ad/ 21.00 Irish Pounds per col. inch National Newspaper / Circulation 90,000 Add V.A.T. Tax of 25% to above rates The Cork Examiner / Academy Street, Cork, Ireland Telephone: 021-274455 / Fax: 275112 Classified Ad / US$ 1.00 per word with a 15 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 70.00 per column inch Regional Newspaper / Circulation 70,000 ISRAEL The Jerusalem Post/P.O. Box 81,Jerusalem 91000, Israel Telephone: 02-551616/Fax: 02-537527 North American Office/211 East 43rd St.,Suite 601,New York,NY 10017 Telephone:(212)599-3666 Classifieds/$1.90 U.S. per word/8 word minimum Display Ads/$40.00 U.S. per col. inch Daily English Languge Newspaper/Circulation 55,000 ITALY Largo Consumo / Via Bodoni 2 , 20155 Milan , Italy Ad Rate / US$ 97.00 per col. centimeter Monthly Italian Language Business & International Trade Magazine Circulation / 41,000 Made in Italy / Corso Vittorio Emanuele 15 , 20122 Milan , Italy English Language Trade Magazine Featuring Italian Made Products Write for Ad Rates / Subscription US$ 35.00 JAMAICA Daily Gleaner / 7 North Street, P.O. Box 40 , Kingston , Jamaica W.I. Telephone: 92-23400 Classified Ad / US$5.85 for 12 words and 20 cents for each additional word / Has a Business Opportunities Heading Display Ad Rate / US$16.00 per col inch / US$24.00 per col in. on Sun National Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 96,000 / Sun Daily Star / 7 North Street , P.O. Box 40, Kingston ,Jaimaica W.I. Telephone: 809 92 23400 Classified Ad / US$3.75 for 12 words and 20 cents for each additional word Display Ad / US$9.00 per col inch / US$16.00 per col in. on Sun National Daily English Language Evening Paper WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE JAPAN Asahi Evening News/3-2,Tsukiji 5-chome,Chuo-ku,Tokyo 104-11,Japan Telephone:(03)545-0131/ Fax: (03)545-0388 Classifieds/ $3.00 U.S. per word with 20 word minimum Display Ad/$45.00 U.S. per column centimeter National English Language Newspaper/ Circulation 35,000 The Daily Yomiuri/ 1-7-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 100-55 Telephone: (03)-246-0682 / Fax: (03)-216-8749 Classified Ad / 6,500 yen for 20 words 440 yen for each extra word Display Ad / 4,200 yen per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 52,000 (80% Japanese) The Japan Times / 5-4 ,Shibaura 4-chome,Minato-ku,Tokyo 108, Japan Telephone: (03)453-5552 / Fax: (03) 453-7085 Classified Ad / 14,000 yen for 20 words and 600 yen each additional word Display Ad / 6,000 yen per col centimeter with 5 cm minimum National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 72,000 JORDAN The Jordan Times / P.O. Box 6710, Amman, Jordan Telephone:667171 / Fax: 661242 Classified Ad/ $300.00 U.S. for 5 cm x 1 col for 1 month Display Ad/ $5.00 U.S. per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 12,000 Al-RAI /P.O. Box 6710, Amman, Jordan Telephone:667171 / Fax: 661242 Display Ad/ $6.00 per col centimeter National Arabic Language Newspaper / Circulation 75,000 Accepts Advertising in English KENYA Kenya Times/P.O. Box 30958,Nairobi,Kenya/Telephone:24251 Classifieds/$1.25 U.S. per line of 5 words/ Display U.S.$6.50 per col centimeter English Language Newspaper / Circulation 50,000 Daily Nation / Nation House, Tom Mboya Street, P.O. Box 49010,Nairobi, Kenya / Telephone: 337691 / Fax: 726957 Classified Ad/ U.S.$ 2.00 per line of 27 characters Display Ad/ U.S. $ 12.00 per col centimeter with a 2 cm. minimum True Love / P.O. Box 43372 , Nairobi, Kenya Free Personal Ads / Write Lonely Hearts Column National English Language Woman's Interest Magazine / Circulation 40,000 The Weekly Review / P.O. Box 42271, Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 27596-336560 Display Ad / Nigerian 208.00 per col cm with a 12 cm minimum Weekly English Language Business & News Magazine / Circulation 20,000 WORLWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE KENYA Kenya Export News / P.O. Box 30339, Nairobi, Kenya /Telephone: 25502 Classified Ad / Write for current rates Monthly English Language Export Trade Magazine / Circulation 10,000 KOREA The Korea Times / 14,Chunghak-dong,Chongno-ku,Seoul 110, Republic of Korea / Telephone: 734-6872 / Fax: 739-5928 Classified Ad / US$ 221.00 for 1 col x 3 cm inserted 11 times in a month Display Ad / US$ 22.00 per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 150,000 The Chosun Ilbo / 61, 1-ka Taepyongro Chungku, Seoul 100-756, Republic of Korea / Telephone: 731-8114 Classified Display Ad / 80,000 Korean Won per col. centimeter National Korean Language Newspaper / Circulation 2,000,000 LESOTHO Lesotho Today / P.O. Box 353 , Maseru , Lesotho Classified Ad / 30 lisente per word with a 6 word minimum Display Ad / 2 maloti per col centimeter / 108.00 maloti for 1/4 page National English Language Weekly Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 Lentsoe la Basotho / P.O. Box 353 , Maseru, Lesotho Classified Ad / 20 cents US per word with a 6 word minimum Display Ad / $US 1.00 per col centimeter National Sesotho Language Weekly Newspaper / Circulation 11,000 LIBERIA The Liberian Observer / 117 Broad Street, Crown Hill, P.O. Box 1858 Monrovia, Liberia / Telephone: 223545 Classified Ad/ U.S. 50 cents per word Display Ad/ U.S.$ 50.00 for 1/16 page : U.S.$ 125.00 for 1/8 page National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 30,000 MALAWI The Daily Times / Private Bag 39 , Ginnery Corner , Blantyre, Malawi Telephone: 671-566 / Telex: 4112 Ad Rate / US$ 2.55 per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 17,500 MALAYSIA Business Times / 31,Jalan Riong,59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Telephone: 03-2745444 / Fax: 03-2749434 Display Ad / US$ 2.50 per standard column centimeter National English Language Financial Paper/ Circulation 12,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE MALAYSIA Daily Express / 16 Jalan Pasar Baru, P.O. Box 10139, 88801 Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia / Telephone:088-52343 / Fax: 238611 Classified Ad / US 50 cents per word with a 20 word minimum/ US$ 3.50 per column centimeter for classified display Display Ad / US$ 2.50 per column centimeter Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 30,000 Overseas Chinese Daily News / 16 Jalan Pasar Baru, P.O. Box 10139, 88801 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malysia / Tel: 088-52343 / Fax: 238611 Classified Ad / US$ 3.50 per col centimeter Display Ad / US$ 2.00 per col centimeter Daily Chinese Language Newspaper The Malay Mail / Balai Berita, 31 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Classified Display Ad /US$11.00 per col centimeter English Language Newspaper MARSHALL ISLANDS The Marshall Islands Journal / P.O. Box 14 , Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960 Display Ad / US$ 3.50 per col inch / US$ 40.00 for 1/8 page Weekly Newspaper / Circulation 11,000 MAURITIUS Mauritius Times / 23 Bourbon Street, P.O. Box 202, Port Lewis, Mauritius Classified Rate / US$ 2.65 per col inch Weekly English Language Newspaper / Circulation 11,000 The New Nation / 31 Edith Cavell St., P.O. Box 7, Port Lewis, Mauritius Ad Rate / US$ 1.65 per col inch Daily English & French Language Newspaper MEXICO Segundamano (Secondhand) / Loma de Parque No.24, Lomas de Vista Hermosa, 05100 Mexico , D.F. , Mexico / Telephone: 570-80-88 FREE CLASSIFIED ADS / Has A Business Opportunities Section / 63 other classifications Display Ad / US$ 22.00 for a standard 2.5cm x 4.7 cm ad Regional Spanish Language FREE Classifieds Weekly Magazine Circulation 75,000 Financiero / V. Carranza No. 69-408 y 409 06000 ,Apartado Postal 7056, 06000 Mexico ,D.F., Mexico / Telephone:518-27-87 Classified Ad / US$ 1.25 per line of 5 words with a 4 line minimum Daily Financial Spanish Languafe Newspaper / Circulation 10,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE MEXICO Mexico City Daily Bulletin / Gomez Farias No.41 ,06470 Mexico,D.F., Mexico / Telephone: 546-50-30 Display Ad / US$ 400.00 for a full page Write for Classified Rates Daily (except Mon) English Language Newspaper / Circulation 12,000 Cuestion / Laguna de Mayran No. 410 Anahuac ,11320 Mexico , D.F. Mexico , Telephone: 250-40-55 Ad Rates / US$ 1.00 per agate line / US$ 1000.00 for a full page Regional Daily Newspaper / Circulation 60,000 The Mexico City News / Balderas 87 3er piso , Mexico ,D.F.,C.P. 06040, Mexico / Telephone: 521-85-50 Classified Ad / 50 cents US per word with a 10 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 4.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 40,000 El Monitor / Calle del Cerro No. 34 , Apartado Postal 200, 33800 Parral, Chihuahua , Mexico / Telephone: 209--79 Ad Rates / US$ 2.25 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Regional Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 20,000 Novedades / Av. Morelos No. 16-1er. Piso 06040 Mexico, D.F. , Mexico Telephone: 510-97-07 Classified Ad / 50 cents US per word with a 10 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 1.50 per agate line Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 250,000 El Sol De Mexico / Guillermo Prieto No. 7 , 06470 Mexico , D.F. Mexico Telephone: 566-15-11 Classified Ad / 40 cents US per word Display Ad / US$ 1.65 per agate line Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 90,000 Diario de Durango / Apartado Postal 184 ,Durango, Durango, Mexico Telephone: 150-10 Classified Ad / 30 cents US per word with a 10 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 1.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Daily Spanish Language Regional Newspaper / Circulation 22,000 El Occidental / Apartado Postal 1-699 , Guadalajara ,Jalisco, Mexico Classified Ad / US$ 1.85 per line of 4 words with a 3 line minimum Display Ad / US$ 2.25 per col centimeter with a 3 cm minimum Daily Spanish Language Regional Newspaper / Circulation 80,000 NEW ZEALAND The Otago Daily Times/P.O. Box 517, Dunedin,New Zealand Telephone:774-760/Fax:778-616 General Interest English Language Newspaper/Circulation 51,000 Classifieds/$3.00 N.Z. per line of 4 words/$7.00 N.Z. per col.centimeter Published Mon-Sat/44 pages per issue WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE NEW ZEALAND National Business Review / 5 Albert Street,P.O. Box 1734,Auckland 1, New Zealand / Telephone: (09)371-629 / Fax: (09)379-060 Classified Ad/ N.Z.$16.10 per col. centimeter Display Ad/ N.Z.$14.00 per col. centimeter New Zealands National Daily Business Paper / Circulation 15,000 Auckland Star / P.O. Box 1409, Auckland, New Zealand Telephone: 797-626 / Fax: (09) 366-0095 Classified Ad / NZ$ 2.35 per line of 4 words or NZ$ 10.70 per col cm Display Ad / NZ$ 10.70 per col cm Regional Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 96,000 NIGERIA Nigerian Standard / Private Mail Bag 2112, Jos , Nigeria /Tel: 073-55010 Classified Ad / 50 cents US per word : Classifieds on Thursday Only Display Ad / US$ 50.00 for a 1 col x 2 inch ad National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 85,000 The Daily Times / New Isheri Road , Private Mail Bag 21340, Ikela, Lagos Nigeria / Telephone: 900850 Classified Ad / Nigerian 20.00 per line of 5 words Display Ad / Nigerian 120.00 per column inch National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 150,000 International Advertising should be placed through the London office at 43-45, Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 9NR , England The Observer / 24 Airport Road, Private Mail Bag 1334, Benin City, Nigeria / Telephone: 200060-2 Classified Ad / Nigerian 10.00 per line of 5 words Display Ad / Nigerian 60.00 per col inch Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 120,000 NORWAY Dagens Naeringsliv / P.O. Box 1182 , N-0107 Oslo 1 , Norway Telephone: 41-36-90 National Daily Norwegian Language Business Newspaper Circulation 28,000 Stavenger Aftenblad / P.O. Box 229 , N-4001 Stavenger , Norway Ad Rate / US$ 9.45 per col centimeter Regional Norwegian Language Newspaper / Circulation 66,000 Aftenposten / P.O. Box 1178 , N-0107 Oslo 1, Norway National Norwegian Language Newspaper / Circulation 260,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE PAKISTAN Daily Business Recorder/Recorder House,531 Business Recorder Road, Karachi-0509, Pakistan/Telephone:710311 Display Ad Rates/$5.00 U.S. per standard column centimeter English Language Financial National Daily Newspaper/Circulation 33,000 Dawn/ Harron House,Dr.Ziauddin Ahmed Road,Karachi-1, Pakistan Telephone: (21) 529501 / Cable: Dawn Karachi Telex Classified Rates/ U.S.$7.00 for 20 word min/U.S.$0.30 each extra word Display Ad Rates/U.S.$14.00 per column centimeter National English Language Newspaper/Circulation 83,000 Economic Review/P.O.Box 7843,Al-Masiha,3rd Floor,Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi-030,Pakistan / Telephone:(21) 728434 Dispaly Ad Rates/U.S. $500.00 for full page/U.S. 275.00 for 1/2 page Pakistan's Monthly Journal of Economic Development/Circulation 50,000 English Language/60 pages per issue Trade Chronicle /Iftekar Chambers, Altaf Husain Road,P.O. Box 5257, Karachi 2, Pakistan / Telephone: 218129 Display Ad/U.S. $40.00 for 1/8th page/ U.S. $75.00 for 1/4 page Monthly English Language Commerce & Trade Magazine/ Circulation/ 5,000/ readership of 50,000 top businessmen and executives Trade & Industry / 14 Wharf Road , P.O. Box 4611, Karachi-2, Pakistan Telephone: (21) 201-828 Display Ad / US$ 300.00 for full page B & W Monthly English Language Business Magazine / 12,000 PERU El Comercio / Jiron Antonio Miro Quesada 304 , Lima, Peru Ad Rate / US$ 24.00 per col inch Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 195,000 PHILLIPINES People's Journal / The Journal Buliding,Railroad St. between 19th & 20th Streets,Port Area,Metro Manila,Phillipines Telephone: 48-75-11 Classified Ad/ $1.50 U.S. per line of 5 words/ $5.00 U.S. per col. cm. Display Ad/ $6.00 U.S. per col. centimeter/$1000.00 U.S. for full page English Language Daily Newspaper / Circulation 385,000 The Manila Bulletin / Muralla St. and Recoletas St., P.O. Box 769, Intramuros, Manila, Phillipines / Telephone: 47-15-51 Classified Ad/ US $ 4.25 per line of 5 words Display Ad/ US $ 17.00 per col centimeter English Langage Newspaper / Circulation 250,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE PORTUGAL Tal & Qual / Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca 60-4 D , 1200 Lisbon , Portugal Ad Rate / US$ 1.25 per agate line Weekly Portuguese Language Newspaper / Circulation 81,000 SAUDI ARABIA Arab News/Saudi Research & Marketing Company/ P.O. Box 4556,Arab News Building,Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21421/ Telephone: 669-1888 DIsplay Ad/ 75 Saudi Riyals per column centimeter(min. 1 col x 12 cm or 2 col x 6 cm) Daily English Language Newspaper/ Circulation 44,000 Advertising Representative/ AL Khaleejiah Advertising,P.O. Box 14699, Jeddah,Saudi Arabia 21434 Asharq Al-Awsat/P.O. Box 4556,Arab News Building,Jeddah,Saudi Arabia Display Ad/ 75 Saudi Riyals per column centimeter(min. 1 col x 12 cm or 2 col x 6 centimeters Daily Arabic Language Newspaper / Circulation 145,000 Advertising Representative/ AL Khaleejiah Advertising, P.O. Box 14699 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21434 Al Majalla/P.O. Box 4556, Arab News Building,Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Display Ad/ $1200 U.S. dollars for 1/3 page B&W Arabic Weekly News Magazine / Circulation 112,000 U.S. Ad Representative for the above/ Attache,Inc./1331 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Suite 920,Washington D.C. 20004/ Telephone (202)638-7183 SINGAPORE Business Times/Times House,390 KimSeng Road,Singapore 0923 Telephone: 7370011 / Fax: 733-5271 Display Ad/$10.50 Singapore Dollars per column centimeter/$1050.00 Singapore Dollars for 1/4 page English Language National Business Newspaper/Circulation 20,000 U.S. Representative/Dow Jones International Marketing Services, 420 Lexington Ave.,New York, NY 10170 SRI LANKA The Daily Mirror / Times of Ceylon, Times Building, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka Classified Display Ad / US$ 7.00 per col centimeter English Language Newspaper / Circulation 28,000 TAIWAN Economic Daily News / 555 Chung Hsaio East Road,Section 4,Taipei 10516, Taiwan / Telephone:(02)7681234 / Fax: 886-2-7569074 Classified Ad/ NT$105 per line for 2 col ad e.g.3.5dx4.0w(cm)NT$2,200 Minimum classified order of 3 insertions Display Ad/ NT$20,510 for half banner ad (7.3 cm x 18.4 cm) National Chinese Language Economic Newspaper/ Circulation 250,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE TAIWAN China Post / 8 Fushun Street , Taipei, Taiwan Telephone (02) 596-9971 / Fax: (02) 595-7962 Classified Ad / US$0.40 per word with a 15 word min & 30 word maximum Display Ad / US$ 17.00 per col inch National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 150,000 Free China Journal / 2 Tientsin Street ,P.O. Box 337, Taipei, Taiwan 10023, R.O.C. / Telephone (02) 371-8201 / Fax: (02) 381-0857 Display Ad / US$ 965.00 for 1/2 page B&W Semi-weekly English Language Newspaper / Circulation 60,000 Free China Review / 2 Tientsin Street, P.O. Box 337, Taipei, Taiwan 10023, Republic of China / Telephone: (02) 371-8201 Display Ad / US$ 770.00 for 1/2 page B&W National English Language Monthly News Magazine / Circulation 62,000 TANZANIA The Daily News / Tanzania Standard Newspapers LTD., P.O. Box 9033 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania / Telephone: 29881/4 Classified Ad / US$2.00 per line of 5 words with a 5 line minimum. Display Ad / US$8.00 per col centimeter National English Language Daily Newspaper / Circulation 60,000 THAILAND Bangkok Post/3rd Floor ,U Chuliang Bldg,968 Rama IV Road,Bangkok 10500 Thailand/ Telephone:233-8030-59 / Fax: 238-3510 Classified Ad/ $2.25 U.S. per line of 4 words with a 5 line minimum $30.00 U.S. per col inch for Classified Display Display Ad/ $25.00 per col. inch min of 2 col x 4 inches National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 42,000 U.S. Representative/Trade Media International,1328 Broadway,New York NY 10001 / Telephone: (212) 594-3841 Business Thailand / P.O. Box 1332, Bangkok Mail Center, Bangkok 10000, Thailand / Telephone: 235-6046 / Fax: 237-1517 Display Ad / US$ 625.00 for 1/2/ page black & white National English Language Monthly Business Magazine TURKEY Ticaret / Gazi Bulivan 18 P.K., Izmir, Turkey Telephone: 259350 / Fax: 140799 Display Ad / US$4.25 per col cm or US$ 40.00 for a 1 col x 9 col 1 col x 2 col box ad US$25.00 for 30 insertions Daily Turkish Language Financial Paper /Circulation 5700 Will run ads in English Export Turkey / Gazi Bulivan 18 P.K., Izmir, Turkey Telephone: 259350 / Fax: 140799 Display Ad / US$ 500.00 full page B&W Quarterly English Language Export Trade Magazine / Circulation 6,900 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Trinidad Express / 35 Independence Square, P.O. Box 1252, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago / Telephone: 623-1711 / Fax: (809) 627-1451 Classified Ad / TT $5.11 for the minimum of 2 lines of 5 words & TT $1.70 for each additional line of 5 words Display Ad / TT $9.90 per col centimeter(mon-sat) TT $13.32 per col cm on Sunday / 1 col = 3.5 cm width National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 57,000 Trinidad Guardian / P.O. Box 122, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago Telephone:(809)623-8871 Classified Display Ad / TT$ 11.25 per col. cm National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 55,000 UGANDA The New Vision / P.O. Box 9815, Kampala, Uganda / Telephone: 244193 Classified Ad / 30 cents US per word Display Ad / US$ 2.00 per col centimeter / US$ 111.00 for 1/4 page National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 20,000 copies UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Gulf News / P.O. Box 6519,Dubai, United Arab Emirates Telephone: 447100 / Fax: 449139 Classified Ad/ U.S.$2.00 for every 10 words: 25% discount for 4 bookings Display Ad/ U.S.$ 8.00 per col. centimeter: 25% discount for 4 bookings Regional English Language Newspaper / Circulation 52,000 The Khaleej Times / P.O. Box 11243, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Telephone: 582400 / Fax: 582238 Classified Ad / US$ 5.00 per line of 5 words / US$ 10.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum Display Ad / US$ 11.00 per col centimeter with a 10 cm minimum Regional English Language Newspaper / Circulation 46,444 UNITED KINGDOM The Times / 1 Pennington St. Wapping, London E1 9XN, England Telephone: (1) 481-4100 Classified Display Ad / L31.00 per col. cm National General Interest Newspaper / Circulation 450,000 Daily Express / 121-128 Fleet St., London EC4P 4JT, England Telephone: (1) 353-8000 Display Ad / L87.00 pr col cm National General Interest Newspaper / Circulation / 1,700,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE UNITED KINGDOM Belfast Telegraph/ 124-144 Royal Avenue,Belfast BT1 1EB,Northern Ireland Telephone:Belfast (0232) 321333 / Fax: 331332 Classifieds/1.70 English Pounds per line of 4 words Display Ad/ 10.20 English Pounds per column centimeter Evening Newspaper/Circulation 150,000 Croner's Reference Book for Exporters/Croner House,London Road,Kingston upon Thames,Surrey KT2 6SR, England/ Telephone: 01-547-3333 Classified/ 100 English Pounds for a 1 inch Strip (103mm x 26mm) Display Ad/ 200 English Pounds for a 1/4 page Annual Directory for Exporters Export Digest/Croner House,London Road,Kingston upon Thames,Surrey KT2 6SR, England/ Telephone: 01-547-3333 / Fax: 01-547-2637 Display Ad/ 160 English pounds for 1/4 page Monthly Export Magazine/ Circulation 18,000 Daily News/ 78/79 Francis Road,Edgbaston,Birmingham B16 8SP, England Telephone: 021-455-7877 / Fax: 021-455-9458 Classified Ad/ 3.00 English Pounds per line of 4 words/ 23.00 English Pounds per col centimeter Display Ad/ 22.30 English Pounds per col. centimeter/ 2749.00 English Pounds for 1/2 page Daily Newspaper / Circulation 280,000 Scottish Daily Record / Anderson Quay, Glasgow G3 8DA , Scotland Telephone: 041-248-7000 / Telex: 7782777 Classified Ad / 4.30 pounds per line of 4 words or 26 pounds per col cm Display Ad / 30 pounds per col centimeter National English Language Newspaper / Circulation 800,000 Good Housekeeping / National Magazine House, 72 Broadwick Street, London W1V 2BP / Telephone:01-439-5000 / Fax: 01-437-6886 Classified Display Ad / 158 pounds for 1/32 page 30mm x 47 mm National Women's Monthly Magazine / Circulation 350,000 The Moneymakers / Centaur Communications Ltd.,St. Giles House,50 Poland Street,London W1V 4AX, England /Telephone:01-437-5678 / Fax: 01-287-2913 Classified Business Digest / L350.00 for 1/9 page (83mm x 58mm) Display Ad / L578.00 for 1/4 page National Monthly Small Business Magazine / Circulation 38,000 Business / 234 King's Road , London SW3 5UA , England Telephone: 01-351-7351 / Fax: 01-351 2794 Display Ad / L 725.00 for 1/4 page Monthly Business Magazine / Circulation 48,000 The Sun / 1 Pennington St., Wapping, London E1 9BD, England Telephone: 01-481 9992 Classified Ad / L94.00 per col cm or L20.00 per line of 5 words National General Interest Newspaper / Circulation 4,000,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE UNITED KINGDOM Everyday Electronics / 6 Church Street,Winborne,Dorset BH21 1JH,England Display ad / L485.00 for a full page B&W Monthly Electronics Hobby Magazine / Circulation 28,000 Practical Computing / Quadrant House, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS, England Telephone:(1) 661-3500 Display Ad / L1800.00 for full page B&W Monthly Computer Magazine for Business Users / Circulation 37,000 Street Machine / Audit House, Field End Road, Ruslip, Middlesex HA4 9LT, England / Telephone:(1) 868-4499 Display Ad / L900.00 for full page B&W Monthly Automotive Magazine / Circulation 68,000 VENEZUELA Dominical / Torre de la Presa , Plaza de Panteon Nacional, Apartado 1192 Caracas , Venezuela / Telephone: 832399 Display Ad / US$ 42.25 per column inch Weekly Spanish Language General Interest Magazine El Mundo / Torre de la Presa , Plaza de Panteon Nacional , Apartado 1192 Caracas , Venezuela Classified Ad / US$ 3.65 per line of 4 words Display Ad / US$ 16.86 per column inch Daily Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 255,000 Alarma / Torre de la Presa,Panteon Plaza, Apartado 2976,Caracas, Venezuela Bi-weekly Spanish Language Newsmagazine / Circulation 65,000 Ultimas Noticias / Torre de la Presa, Plaza de Panteon Nacional, Apartado 1192, Caracas, Venezuela Telephone: (02) 832399 Classified Display Ad / US$16.00 per col inch National Spanish Language Newspaper / Circulation 250,000 ZAIRE L'ENTREPRENEUR / 10 Ave. des Aviateurs, B.P. 7247, Kinshasa, Zaire Telephone: 22.286 Display Ad / Z100,000 for 1/4 page B&W National French Language Business Magazine / 40-50 pages Salongo / B.P. 601, Kinshasa, Zaire National French Language Newspaper /Contact Paper for current advertising rates WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE ZAMBIA The Times of Zambia / P.O. Box 30394 , Lusaka , Zambia Telephone: (01) 217661 / Telex: 41860 Classifed Ad / US 40 cents per word with a 10 word minimum Display Ad / US$ 3.10 per col centimeter National Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 65,000 ZIMBABWE The Financial Gazette / P.O. Box 66070, Kopje,Harare,Zimbabwe Telephone: 7387222 / Telegram "modus" Display Ad / US$ 8.00 per single col. centimeter National English Language Business & Financial Newspaper / 22,000 copies The Chronicle / P.O. Box 585 , Bulawayo , Zimbabwe Ad Rate US$ 4.00 per col centimeter National Daily English Language Newspaper / Circulation 76,000 MULTINATIONAL Commercial News USA / Room 2106, US Dept of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Test Ad / US$ 200.00 Circulation 100,000 business and government executives in over 140 countries. Available from your local Dept. of Commerce U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service Office usually in your state capital. The Official Export Magazine of the Dept. of Commerce Export Courier / 36 Stonehills House, Stonehills, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL8 6NA , England Telephone: 0707 326688 / Fax: 0707 323447 Display Ad / Each Advertisor has a right hand page in full color backed by a descriptive page in B&W. L1250.00 includes 1000 reprints of ad Monthly Multilingual Export Promotion Magazine / Circulation / 7,500 to 10,000 importers worldwide Far Eastern Economic Review / G.P.O. Box 160, Hong Kong Telephone: 5-8328300 / Fax: 5-8346051 Classified Ad/ U.S. $21.00 per line of 4 words with 5 line minimum U.S.$177.00 for 3 cm x 1 col / U.S.$38.00 for Box No.(forwarding replies provided) Display Ad/ U.S.$1846.00 for 1/4 page B&W Asian Region English Language Financial Weekly/Circulation 80,000 African Business / P.O. Box 261,Carlton House,69 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5BN, England / Telephone: 01-404-4333 / Fax: 01-404-5336 Display Ad/ US$ 820.00 for 1/4 page English Language Business Monthly / Circulation 16,000 Africawide WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE MULTINATIONAL Middle East / P.O. Box 261, Carlton House,69 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5BN, England / Telephone: 01-404-4333 Display Ad/ US$ 1070.00 for 1/4 page English Language News Monthly / Circulation 18,000 Middle East U.S. Office/ IC publications,Room 1104,122 East 42nd Street,New York, NY 10168 / Telephone: (212) 867-5159 New African / P.O. Box 261 ,Carlton House,69 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5BN, England / Telephone: 01-404-4333 Display Ad/ US$ 1,145 for 1/4 page English Languge News Monthly Covering Africa / Circulation 37,000 U.S. Ad Representative/Pattis/3M,310 Madison Ave.,Suite 1104,New York NY 10017 / Tel:(212) 953-2121 International Herald Tribune / 850 Third Ave, New York,NY 10022 Telephone: (212) 752-3890 / Fax: (212) 755-8785 Classified Ad / US$ 15.80 per line of 4 words in Business Opportunities Section which is published on Wednesday / US$ 221.20 per col inch International English Language Newspaper / Circulation 190,000 The Wall Street Journal Europe /Hilton Tower,Boulevard de Waterloo 39-B 7A-B-1000 , Brussels, Belgium / Telephone: 32-2-513-9080 / Fax: 513-5473 Classified Ad / US$ 5.76 per line or US$ 32.26 per col cm for the Mart Display Ad / US$ 48.93 per col centimeter/ US$ 80.64 for 1 col x 1 inch European English Language Financial Newspaper / Circulation 50,000 The Asian Wall Street Journal / G.P.O. Box 9825 , Hong Kong Telephone: 5737121 / Fax: 8345291 Classified Ad / US$ 5.45 per agate line/ US$ 30.52 per col cm Display Ad / US$ 41.71 per col cm / US$76.30 for 1 col x 1 inch Asian English Language Financial Newspaper / Circulation 37,100 The Financial Times / 14 East 60th Street,New York,NY 10022 Telephone: (212) 752-4500 / Fax: (212) 319-0704 Classified Ad / US$ 92.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum or US$ 26.00 per line with a 3 line minimum Display Ad / US$ 83.00 per col cm with a 3 cm minimum International English Language Financial Newspaper / Circulation 298,000 Fortune International / Time Life Building, Rockefeller Centre,New York, NY 10020 / Telephone:(212) 522-1212 Mecanica Popular / 6355 N.W. 36th Street, Miami , Florida 33166 Telephone: (305) 871-6400 Latin American Spanish Language Men's Magazine / Circulation 135,000 Trade Channel / De Klencke 6 ,1083 HH Amsterdam , The Netherlands Telephone:(20) 447535 / Telex: 10188 Classified Ad / US$ 22.00 per line Display Ad / US$ 72.00 per col cm International Trade Magazine / Circulation 45,000 WORLDWIDE ADVERTISING GUIDE MULTINATIONAL Namaskaar / Media Transasia Limited, 14F, Orakarn Building, 26 Chidlom Road, Ploenchit, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Telephone:2519905-7 / Fax: 662-2535335 Display Ad / US$1320.00 for 1/3 page B&W Bi-monthly Inflight Magazine for Air India / Circulation Base 350,000 Showcase USA Magazine of American Export / 2512 Artesia Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 / Telephone:(213) 376-8788 Display Ad / US$3300.00 for ful page B&W Quarterly Magazine Featuring American Exports / Circulation 33,000 Caribbean Business / 1700 Fernandez Juncos, San Juan, Pureto Rico 00909 Telephone:(809) 728-3000 / Fax:(809) 728-7325 Display Ad / US$48.40 per col inch Monthly Regional Business Magazine / Circulation 50,000 Export/Exportador / 386 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 689-0120 Display Ad / US$4200.00 for full page B&W New Products Merchandising Magazine United States Trade Fair / P.O. Box 11680, Chicago, IL 60611-0680 Telephone:(312) 348-0665 Display Ad / US$4950.00 for full page B&W Monthly Export Import Trade Magazine / Circulation 330,000 Journal of Commerce / 110 Wall St. , New York NY 10050 Telephone: (212) 425-1616 / Fax: (212) 208-0206 Ad Rate / $5.53 general line rate International Business Newspaper / Circulation 25,000 Journal of Commerce Import Bulletin Supplement / Weekly/ $1.51 general line rate / circulation 2,500 Export Today / 733 15th Street N.W. Suite 1100, Washington DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 737-1060 / Fax: (202) 783-5966 Display Ad / US$1000.00 for full page ad B&W Bi-monthly Export Promotion Magazine / Circulation 5,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADE DIRECTORIES ON DISK! THANK YOU FOR INQUIRING ABOUT OUR NEW LINE OF TRADE DIRECTORIES ON DISK. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY WITH THESE HIGH QUALITY IMPORT/EXPORT TRADE DIRECTORIES THAT COME ON HIGH DENSITY FLOPPY DISK.EACH COUNTRY'S DIRECTORY CONTAINS THE EQUIVALENT OF 600+ PAGES OF IMPORTERS/EXPORTERS WITH CURRENT PHONE AND FAX,PRODUCTS,REGULATIONS,MARKETING AND MORE! THE DATA CAN BE IMPORTED INTO YOUR WORD PROCESSOR OR YOU CAN USE THE INCLUDED SEARCH AND VIEW UTILITY SAMPLE DATA TITLE : GPG Grupo Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
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