README3D The sample FoxPro code files contained in 3DFOX.ZIP are designed for example use with GENSCRNX.PRG. The files contained in 3DFOX.ZIP are for use with FoxPro 2.5 for Windows, although GENSCRNX.PRG is compatible with all versions of FoxPro 2.x. INSTALLATION Read documentation on installation supplied with GENSCRNX before using the sample code. UP AND RUNNING After unzipping 3DFOX.ZIP, execute 3DDEMO.PRG from within FoxPro 2.5 for Windows: To execute 3DDEMO.PRG, enter: DO 3DDEMO To see an animated demo of example 3D beveled boxes using the 3DBOX.PRG procedure, execute 3DSHOW.PRG To execute 3DSHOW.PRG, enter: DO 3DSHOW Notes: The 3DBOX.PRG procedure may be used with any FoxPro for Windows application and does not require FoxPro's Screen Builder or GENSCRNX. See 3DBOX.PRG source code for documentation of available parameters. SETUP SNIPPET DIRECTIVE REFERENCE *:GET3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effects for all GET objects. This includes all GET, EDIT, CHECK BOX, LIST BOX, POPUP, and SPINNER objects. *:SAY3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effects for all SAY objects. *:PICTURE3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effects for all PICTURE objects. *:INSET3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D inset effect for all BOX and LINE objects. *:RAISED3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D raised effect for all BOX and LINE objects. *:BOX3D [] [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D beveled box effect using 3DBOX.PRG for all BOX objects. *:ALL3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effects for all above objects. If one of the above directives are included along with *:ALL3D, the specific directive will override the *:ALL3D directive. *:TEXT3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effects for all TEXT objects. COMMENT SNIPPET DIRECTIVE REFERENCE *:NO3D Disable 3D effect for object. Notes: The *:NO3D directive is only used to disable the 3D effect for an object when 3D effects are specified globally in the Setup snippet. *:3D [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D effect for object. For BOX and LINE objects, the 3D inset effect is defaulted. *:3D INSET [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D inset effect for BOX or LINE object. *:3D RAISED [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D raised effect for BOX or LINE object. *:3D BOX [] [] [COLOR ] Specify 3D beveled box effect for BOX object. specifies the bevel width. A positive number creates a raised box while a negative number creates an inset box. An optional parameter list can be specified for non-default 3DBOX parameters. Refer to 3DBOX.PRG source code (parameters 6 and on) for detailed information or see examples below. Notes: When specifying *:3D BOX, be sure to use the Screen Builder's Send to Back option for the box. The *:3D BOX directive causes GENSCRNX to replace the @ row1,col1 TO row2,col2 command with a DO 3DBOX WITH command. The 3DBOX procedure call needs to be executed before any @ SAY, @ GET, etc. that need to appear on top of the 3D box which can be achieved by using the Send to Back option. Examples: To specify the default 3D beveled box: *:3D BOX To specify a 3D box with a raised bevel of 6: *:3D BOX 6 To specify a 3D box with an inset bevel of 4, sun color white, and shade color of blue: *:3D BOX -4 COLOR B or *:3D BOX -4 COLOR RGB(0,0,255) or *:3D BOX -4,255,255,255,0,0,255 COMMON DIRECTIVE INFORMATION If is omitted, the default 3D effect is created for the object. If is specified, a shadow 3D effect is created for the object unless the object is a BOX and the *:3D BOX directive is used (refer to *:3D BOX above). The cast of the shadow is determined by the sign of . For example, if is 4, a shadow is cast 4 pixels down and to the right of the object. If is -6, a shadow is cast 6 pixels up and to the left of the object. If COLOR is omitted, the default 3D shadow color is used for the object. If is omitted, COLOR specifies the shade color of the chiseled box. If is specified, COLOR specifies the color of the shadow. Color can also be specified with a set of 3 RGB (Red Green Blue) color values separated by commas. The color values can range from 0 through 255. For example, the color blue can also be specified with RGB color RGB(0,0,255) Examples: To specify the default 3D effect: *:3D To specify a shadow cast 4 pixels down and to the right using the default shadow color: *:3D 4 To specify the default 3D effect with a blue shadow color: *:3D COLOR B To specify a shadow cast 6 pixels down and to the right with a dark gray shadow color: *:3D 6 COLOR RGB(128,128,128) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any cross-platform screens using 3D effects *must* be built in FoxPro for Windows for the WINDOWS code to be generated properly. The 3D driver program uses the FONTMETRIC() function to determine the row,col, and size information for the 3D objects which requires FoxPro for Windows. Generating cross-platform screens using 3D effects in a platform other than Windows will only effect the code generated for the Windows platform. Therefore, a cross-platform project can simply be re- built in FoxPro for Windows when development is complete. The 3D driver automatically adds a SET READBORDER OFF command at the end of the Setup snippet if a *:SET BORDERGETS directive does not already exist in the Setup snippet. Refer to GENSCRNX documentation for further information about the *:SET BORDERGETS directive. If a public variable called _3D is set to OFF, the 3D driver will be disabled and all 3D effects will be suppressed. _3D='OFF' is useful when prototyping a project and 3D effects are not needed for testing but the time it takes for a project to re-build needs to be as short as possible. The overhead time of using the 3D driver depends on the number and type of 3D effects generated for the screen. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Compressed file: 3DFOX.ZIP System: GenScrnX Author: Ken R. Levy Author: Bill Anderson (3DBOX.PRG, 3DSHOW.PRG) Company: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Copyright: None (Public Domain) All source code and documentation contained in 3DFOX.ZIP was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. and has been placed into the public domain. You may use, modify, copy, distribute, and demonstrate any source code, example programs, or documentation contained in 3DFOX.ZIP freely without copyright protection. You may not resell any source code, example programs, or documentation contained in 3DFOX.ZIP. All files contained in 3DFOX.ZIP are provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. In no event shall its authors, contributors, or distributors be liable for any damages. COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS/PROBLEMS/QUESTIONS Please use CompuServe's FoxForum (section 3rd Party Products) directed to: Ken Levy 76350,2610 -----------------------------------------------------------