Fortress America "I pledge allegience to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation, under God, Indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice, for all." Preface October 7th, 1993. The United States of America, were no longer United. The Government in Washington, D.C., faltering under a devastated economy and deficit, was no match for the opposition parties. Represenatives from all states in the union rushed into the Congress, each with their own set of demands. The session of the 276th Congress, became the last. Congress, unable to comply with anyones desires or demands was helpless against the groups of Senators and Representatives who got togther and began individual separaist movements. Anarchy began to take the upper hand on the Floor, and then...disaster. Senator Paul Simon of Illinois, (who later became the first President of the Mid-Western Hegemony) stood and announced the official withdrawl of: Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. Others followed suit, the Western Alliance, the Southern Confederation, Texas, the Lone Star Republic, and alas the North remained alone. President Clinton, furious that the United States had collasped under his rulership, ordered Military Units to reclaim the U.S.. The Sixth Fleet under Admiral Chesterton, sided with the South, and returned to their homeport of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The Pacific Rim Fleets went under the Western Alliances alliegence. The Mid West got several grounps of Submarines and a lot of Cargo haulers, and the North recieved A majority of Fleets and other various ships. Sadly, the Lone Star Republic did not get ahold of any of the main battle groups, but it did get some of the Oil Tankers, and Platforms. Within ten hours of the seperation of the United States, war erupted in the West. Several crack S.E.A.L. Teams raided key military points controlled by Northern Sympathizers, and military units. NORAD was the prime target. Unable to breach the primary defences, the S.E.A.L. Team used Chemical Weapons to neutralize the resistence inside, then used explosives to open the doors. With NORAD compromised the Western Alliance, then shut down all Nuclear Weapons East of the Mississippi River, giving themselves utter control of all Nuclear Firepower in the Northern Hemisphere. The North retaliated by carpet bombing St.Louis and Kansas City with High Altitude B-1 Bombers. The Southern Confederation all but sealed itself off from the outside world, the Mid-Western Hegemony, upset that its air space had been violated by both sides launched a Major Offensive into both the North and the West. They in turn, responded. Within Twenty Four hours, total war reigned down upon the last remmants of the United States of America. A limited Nuclear strike was initiated by the West, obliterating Springfield, Illinois and Washington, D.C., but all other countries of the world and the N.U. Government looked down upon them and forced them to stop. Fighting a Civil War conventionally was one thing, fighting Nuclear, that was a whole new ball game. 1. 9:04a.m. Time always seemed to go so slow in 2nd hour Earth Science. Zack looked at the clock again. 9:05a.m.. How boring! The teacher sat there and explained to the students what was going on in the remmants of the Untied States, how the war would effect him, and his children, and mabye even his grand-children. Outside the town was nearly deserted, people had gone to visit relatives or left the country entirely. Zack looked at the clock again, 9:07a.m.. His Girlfriend was gone, her parents had packed up and headed for Canada. Sighing he put his head down to rest on the desk. 9:10a.m.. The Tornado alarm began to scream. "O.K. Everyone, may I have your attention. The Tornado alarm is signaling us to go into the hallways and wait until the sky is clear again," The Teacher began. "After the bombing, we will return to normal classrooms." Zack shuffeled out into the hallway along with the rest of the class, where they all kneeled, head first, towards the lockers. The Siren stopped a moment later, and all was quiet, save for a few murmurs of prayers, blessings, and goodbyes. At first there was a slight humming noise about the hall, as if things were vibrating, until he realized that it was because of High-Altitude Bombers that things were buzzing. He began to listen for the sound of whistling, to let him know he was about to die. Then he heard the explosions. Almost beyond earshot he could hear the mammoth eruptions of bomb detonations, and their roars of power. Far away, Zack thought, mabye Bolingbrook Oil Fields, or Argonne National Labratories. After a moment of wonder, the all clear was given, and students were shuffled back into the classrooms. Zack looked at the time again, 9:15a.m.. Everyone but the teachers and faculity went back into the rooms, the elders went into the small gym to discuss the problems and would be back in a moment or 2. Everyone was doodling or drawing on paper, and desks. No one was paying attention when gunfire erupted from some unknown location. Screams could be heard down the hall, but those were likely from some Froshman Girls who never heard them before, or the opposite, heard them too much. The classroom announcement speakers came to life. "May I have your attention everyone...May I have your attention everyone. Will all students please report to the Large Gym, I repeat, ALL students report to the Large Gym. Thank you." Zack looked at the speaker funny, that wasn't a teachers voice, it was a students. Shrugging off the puzzlement, Zack walked out of the classroom and down the hall towards the Large Gym. Over Three Thousand Two hundred Students crowded into the Gym, but there was more than enough room for them. They began to sit as they had learned to, Seniors and Juniors on one side, Sophmores and Froshmen on the other. Zack sat with the Froshmen. He friends Marc Jovic and Phil Bowem sat next to him. In the center of the Gym, he noticed the Homecoming King, Chris Howard standing, with the Varsity Football team guarding him. Some of the other "Higher classed people", (more popular), were standing down on the floor as well. Chris held a mircophone in his hand and had a smile on his lips. The students who were sitting on the bleachers were throwing paper at one another, talking up a storm, or shoving other students around. It was almost as if nothing had even happened. "Testing...." The Microphone let out a screech of protest but quickly silented. "May I have your attention?" Chris looked at all the students, what a group, he told himself. The Students didn't look like they were intrested in listening to him. "May I have your attention." "Hey Fuck you!" The voice came from the bleachers. Chris looked for the person who shouted that insult. "C'mon down and I'll kick your Ass." Chris replied, seeing if the unknown offender had the balls to show his face. From the ranks of the Burnouts, a group of Teenagers who liked Rock 'n' Roll, Cars, and Cigarettes, came a rather tall lanky fellow. His hair was down past his shoulders and covered most of his face. His clothes looked like they were bought at half-price, and he had a cigarette in his mouth. "You got a problem?" Chris asked the other Teenager as he kick students out of his way. "Yeah, Fucker, I got a problem!" He shouted, as he reached the floor and started towards the man with the microphone. The Football team moved to block his way, but Chris shook his head, he would handle this himself. "What'cha gonna do 'bout it, bitch." Chris covered the microphone, and looked at the burnout who was almost to where he was standing. "Fuck you, bitch, I'll beat your ass. Fuckin' prick!" The burnout almost ran towards him, but something made him stop in his tracks. It wasn't because of any charismatic charm, or even the Football team, it was a small glint of metal chris had in his hand. As that glint became a larger object, he almost broke and panicked. Chris had a gun. "Oh yeah, fucker. Right. Shoot me, chicken shit. In front of all these people, your a pussy." The burnouts words came out as his mind tried not to panic. The man was holding a .44 Magnum, with laser sight. Bang! The Burnouts face vanished in a fine red mist that showered onto the Gym floor. His lifeless body, wasn't even aware that it lost something, and was still standing for a good twenty seconds, before it fell to the ground with a wet smacking sound. Students screamed, at once half of the people in the Gym, stood and almost made a break for the door. "QUIET!" Chris roared into the Microphone. "Everyone shut up!" The students stopped and looked at him. For the first time, all attention was on Chris Howard, the Homecoming King. "Thats better." he said to the students. Within two minutes the students were all back in their seats, and all quiet, except for a few in the little burnout section who grieved for the loss of one of their own. "I know you all know who I am. My name is Chris Howard. I am a Senior here, and because all the Staff and Faculity is no longer here, I am announcing my leadership to you all." Zack and his friends exchanged looks and almost burst out laughing. Leader? Oh Please. "We are all facing a crisis. Everything has changed. Some of my friends have just gotten back from the Venture shopping mall. They told me its being looted as we speak. Now I don't wanna stand here and tell you everythings going to be alright. 'cause it ain't. Not unless we make it alright. I have figured out a way that will make things a lot easier for all of us, but we must work togther. The Teachers aren't here anymore, they all left. The Faculity ain't here either, they're all chicken shits. We are the only ones here now. And now this building is ours. As I speak, I have a few people looking for sheet metal, bricks, mortar, anything so we can board up the entire first floor. We can all convert the classrooms to house us, put bunk beds and cots in 'em." Chris drew in a deep breath, he knew that they were all thinking about the idea, and most of them liked it. "We can convert our cars in the parking lot into armored vehicles, and such. We are going to need work forces to make things for us. We'll need the Nerds..err..Computer Geeks..err..the people who are good with computers to rig up security systems. We'll need the Burnouts to fix up the cars, and manufacture weapons from the Shop Department." "Why do we gotta fix the fuckin' cars?" Came a voice from the ranks of the burnouts. Chris looked over there and honestly smiled, "Because none of the rest of us have done that before. Do I look like I took Metalworks 3 or Davea Automotive? I took English 4 Honors, and Football. I couldn't fix a tire, but I can survive getting tackled by 20 men." The voice was silent, apparently, he had gotten the message. That message could be taken a couple of ways. A smart person could decypher that as being told they were needed, or an even smarter person could interpet that as that is the only thing they were good for in the new order. "Anyone who took Home Economics, can help by sewing us more clothes, blankets, and make the dinners we'll all have. People on the Speech team, Acting Guild, Thesbians. You people can help with the morale situation, by making shows, plays and shit for the rest of us to watch. Its what you people like to do, right? Drafters, Designers, you guys can supervise what were trying to do right now, which is Seal up the first floor. And anyone else, who can or wants to help can be apart of the fighting units were going to create. In order to keep what we make here, were going to need to learn how to defend it, and ourselves. We all need to work togther to make this happen." Chris took a deep breath and let out a sigh or relief. He was not expecting what he got, a round of applause. He bowed low, and then walked over to the Football team, where he talked to them for a few minutes, then he hopped back over to the microphone. "I want a Represenative of each of your "groups" to come down here so we can figure out what to do. A more structured form of governing we'll make later." Zack and his friends stood up, with the rest of the people and they shuffled out the door, with Chris telling them to go to certin places, Jocks, and anyone who was in sports to goto the Small Gym. Actors/Thesbians, goto the Auditorium. Drafters to the Drafting wing, Burnouts to the Shoppe. Suprisingly none of the bunrouts would budge, until Chris gave them the o.k. on letting them smoke where they damn well pleased. In a matter of hours they were ready to work. Chris had sent over 100 people out to local area stores to get suppiles, hammers, guns, etc... Zack and Marc sat at the far side of their classroom. They had been waiting for their Represenative to return, patiently. "Do you think this will work," Marc asked Zack as he doodled on the desk. "I dunnno. It might. He did have an intresting idea, and as long as we've got everyone working towards a common goal, I think it might." Zack looked out the window, and watched as 5 people put a huge metal sheet over one of the Library windows. Suddenly, Chris and the Represenative walked into the room, and everyone quieted down. "We need 5 volunteers for Recon Duty. Also, if there are any people in here that know how to work the Radio in the Station, we need to know," Chris said without looking at the Rep.. Zack stood up and looked at the two in charge. "I will go on Recon duty." Chris smiled and nodded his head approvingly, and the other person wrote something down on his clipboard. With a nod of approval Chris left and the Represenative spoke; "I want all of you to know that as of this day, Chris Howard is the Leader of this establishment. I want it to be known that there are new rules in effect. First off I want it clear that if I catch anyone fighting openly with one another, or if I hear about it, I will eject you into the outside. Second," -he paused to catch his breath-" if two people have a problem, they can settle it in the ring. The Small Gym is now for disputes and settlements. If people have a problem they can take it here. Third, currency will be issued to anyone who is working for the New Student Government. There are rumors abound that some people are going to convert the Counclers office area into a market establishment. I like that. Currency will be distributed in the form of coinage. The people who work in the Shop will be making these coins. Also, anyone who has volunteered for service will no longer be under my command, but they must report to the Large Gym at 11:30a.m., no tardies please." Zack raised his hand. "How long before they seal up the first floor?" The Rep. smiled and answered loud so the others could hear, "The First floor wil be finished as soon as we get more people to help out in the cause. Right now we are getting situated and we need all the help we can get." After a few minutes of chatting amongst themselves, the students stopped to listen to the Represenative issue who was to go where, those who were not listed, had the option to join the "Defence Force", all others would be used as manual labor. Zack looked up at the clock. 11:29a.m., time to go to the Gym. The Halls were bustling with people scrambling to their places of importance. Each person now had a purpose, and each person now had a goal. To make Downers Grove South High School a power to be rekoned with. Zack watched as people ran down the halls, with papers, for recycling, or equipment to set up a lab somewhere, or even make a report. It made him feel almost at home. He began to think about what must be going on outside the building. While he had been watching the outside through the window, he noticed there had not been a single car that had driven by. Zack reached the Main Gym, looking through the doors he noticed almost a thousand others standing in perfect formational rows. For an instant he thought he was in the military. "YOU!" Zack looked at the man who was pointing at him. Nodding, the man beckoned Zack into the Gym. "Welcome, Private Froshmen Zack Pelka. Welcome to the New Order." He looked at all the others, expecting people to laugh at him because he was a Froshman, but none did. "All of you are here for a reason. That reason is because you don't have to do manual labor, you don't need to do that. You are above that. You have a higher purpose. That purpose Ladies and Gentleman is to become an Elite Fighting Force, to defend this establishment against transgressors, those who would rob us of our riches. Those who would steal from what we made." The man, a Senior, lit a cigarette and stood before all of them, he was dressed in Military Fatigues. "You are no longer children. I don't care if your 13 or 18, you are all adults now. All of you are now in charge of defending this school to the death. Your sacrifices will not be in vain. You people are going to learn how to defend yourselves and others. And we will teach you." Zack looked around at the others, all stood in order. Men and Women. It was appearant that Chris did not care who was defending the building, as long as there was someone. "PELKA!" Shaking off the daydream quickly, he looked straight ahead, into the eyes of his superior. "Yessir?" "This is not for your enjoyment! Down and give me 100 pushups, now!" "I can't do that many," Zack pleaded. Smiling, the man walked towards the back of the rows and began hollering at another student. For an moment, Zack thought he would get away without having to do that many pushups. Then the "Drill Instructer" returned, with another. Six foot Six and three hundred pounds of Senior named Gearld Archer. "This is Corperal Archer. He is going to take you outside and watch you do one hundred and fifty pushups. If you don't, he is going to kick your ass 'till you can." Zack didn't even get to whimper a protest, the large Senior grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off to the outside hallway to do pushups. Afterwards, there were no more interuptions from anyone. The session at the gym lasted for almost ten hours. The students, exhausted and out of breath were let go for the day to rest and recooperate in order to meet at 4:00a.m. Much had changed in those few hours. The doorway exiting to the outside by the gym was no longer there. A large black thing was blocking them in. It looked as if dirt, rocks, and earth were pushed up to the door. People were still running around frantically, but at a more reasonable pace. The lights were all on, and the announcer on the speaker system was informing everyone that "Group C" was the next group allowed to go to dinner. Zack wondered what group he was in. Then he kicked himself for remembering that because he was an "Enlisted Man" he could eat whenever he pleased. Smirking, he admitted to himself that rank did indeed have its privledges. "Alright, you all remember what Platoon your in correct?" The Drill Instructer said as he lead out the people into the hallway. "Your quarters are all on the Second and First floors. Civilians get Third Floor because they are not the ones who will be called to fight first, assuming we are invaded. Alpha Platoon will get room 110, Bravo Platoon 115," The Platoons were all listed, Zacks platoon, Omnicron, was located in room 215, in the history wing, overlooking the Main entrance. Each of them was issued an M-16 Automatic, something an earlier raiding party had uncovered in the Local Police Department, now abandoned. Room 215 was utterly converted. There were no desks, no books. Just beds. A name on each one, told who got what. A warterbed, not yet filled was for the commander of each platoon. the rest were bunk beds, lining the walls and in the middle of the room in prefect order. "Who and how the hell did these get in here," asked one student. "Looks like the raiding parties have been a lot more successful than we thought. Remember we were in that gym the entire day." The others shook their heads and began to hop onto their beds. They were very soft, and inviting. Zack looked at his "Commanding Officer", a fellow named Ron Carosuo. "Excuse me, sir." Ron lifted his head off of his pillow and looked at Zack, "What can I do for you, Private?" Staring at the empty waterbed Zack chuckled and looked at his C.O.. "I think we should set an example to the other platoons, and get two of our platoon and have them stationed outside the door as guards. That way, we will look more formal and we will wake up a lot quicker should there be any problems." Ron looked at Zack and smiled. he liked that idea. Too bad it would have to wait. "Not tonight, they are all tired, and need rest. That is, unless you want to go stand guard, Private." Zack went back to his bunk, slapped the bayonet into place, and saluted his C.O., then proceeded to walk into the hallway and placed guard in front of the doorway to their room. 3:59a.m. All the lights were off. All was quiet in the hallways, except the people who were on the 12:00 to 12:00 shift. None of the other platoons had figured out why Zack was standing at attention at the door of his Room. Then it happened. The Tornado alarm roared to life. The effected rooms were alive in seconds, entire platoons jumping to attention and racing out the doors into the hallways. Dressed in sneakers, underwear, robes, the Platoons all stood at attention in the hallway. The Drill Instructer looked at them. "90 Seconds," He paused for effect. "It took you lice 90 seconds to get out of those rooms. The next time this happens, I want you out of there in 30 seconds, do I make myself clear?" Everyone stood straight, their eyes darting about, lookin at the D.I.. "Since when did you get this fucking idea, that we was all yours to do whatever you wanted with?" All eyes turned to a member of the Rho Platoon, a burnout who wanted to join the New Order. The D.I. looked at him and started towards him, his grace casual. "You think you can do better, punk?" The burnout looked at him puzzled, "You and I have been friends for years, we were in the same Math classes n' everything. Where'd ya learn this shit from?" "Whether or not we are or were friends is in the past. I am trying to get you people ready to defend this great new nation of ours. And that means you shit-for-brains." The D.I. looked up at his old frined, knowing that he hated him for making him look a fool. "Fuck you. This ain't fun anymore, I want out. I ain't takin' orders from no fuckup like that." The burnout looked around and shook his head. "You can intimidate these chumps, but you ain't doin' it to me. I'm outta here." "Sergent, if that man takes step out of rank," The D.I. pointed, waving his finger. "then shoot him, is that clear?" The teenager snapped to attention and turned off the saftey. The burnout, didn't care, he grabbed his gun and began to walk to the door. A loud piercing bang echoed through the hallway, and the burnout went down on one knee. "Fuck you." The voice was barely audible, rasps of pain could be heard louder. "Sergent, you may fire at will." A succession of shots rang out, three in all. Small whisps of smoke puffed from the wounds. The burnout crawled a few feet and died, his face revealing one of shock. The other platoons, whether they felt anything or not, they did not show. "Anymore of you Chuckleheads want to try and desert outta my Army, you just go ahead and try. I have strict orders from the King." the Drill Instructer looked at them intently. "And lets you and me get something straight. Just because I am 17, doesn't mean your any better then me. So if you think that I can't run you people through hell and back, I'll skip the runnin' part and just send you to hell instead. Dismissed." he paused, waiting for everyone to break rank. "And I want everyone in there uniforms down in the Large Gym, in 5 minutes." Everyone saluted as he walked over to the corpse, and looked at it, getting two unfortunate private to help him with the duty of hurling him off the roof. For the next Twelve hours, the platoons did exercises, lifted weights, shot their weapons, practiced hand-to-hand, and did more exercises. By 4:00 in the evening, the troops were exhausted. "Alright, you guys got until 6:00a.m. before first assignment are handed out. The Bizzare is now open, and might I say its intresting. But before you go there, you'll need some cash. Line up for payroll." The New Order military recruits lined up in their ranks and waited from their names to be called, then it was, party time. "Sanderson!" "Here, Sir!" "Morissitte!" "Here!" "Pelka!" Zack to a step forward and walked forward to recieve pay. About twenty minutes went buy before they were done handing out a small bag of coins. The coins were an intresting lot, they had the seal of the school on one side, and a grotesque imitation of the King of South High on the other. Each one of the Ten said it was worth one credit. "Lets go see what we can buy with this!" The platoon Commanding Officer said, rushing off towards the Bizzare. The Bizzare. The Councilers Offices were no longer in place. From each door, sprung some type of business. In one door someone was bartering Miller Genuine Draft, in another, Guns. All in all there was over four hundred people in this one little area of the school. Zack managed to wiggle into the Bizzare, its lights almost inchanting, there was someone playing a violin in the corner, there were others smoking marajuana. The room was filled with shouts and hollers, typical of an open market. At one point, Zack, swore he heard a duck quacking. Quickly moving through the market, he came across a small almost unattended booth, entering into what used to be the bathroom. But this student charged, even for that. "Would you like to buy a map," the student asked, looking at the brand new uniform that Zack had been given today. Its black on black mystified most, and terrified others. He looked like he was on the SWAT team. "Maps? What kind of maps," Zack asked, poking into the barrel which housed them all. "Why maps of our kingdom, Sire." The kid replyed. Sir? Zack thought, he knew that the other teenagers in the school respected the kids who enlisted, but sir? Zack shifted his weight and looked more sternly at the peddler. "How much are you asking for a map of the school?" The Peddler looked to either side of himself before talking, "I am asking 6 coinage, mighty sire." Zack almost burst out laughing, "mighty sire indeed!". This was almost too weird, had so much changed in one day that these people practically cowered in his presence? They had guns, shit, some of them had better guns than he had. So why were they scared of him? "Six! For six I could almost get a Beer! don't waste my time with your inane drabble," Zack looked at the peddler, who was visibly shaken. "I beg forgivness, Lord, but I have two other students to take care of." A belly full of laughter erupted from Zack, this kid talked like he was from the Dark Ages. It was almost worth paying the 6 coins to him. "No deal, make it four coinage, then we'll talk." The peddler looked at him in shock, "Four coins? What am I to do with that pittance? Five coinage, and we'll talk." "Five? Deal," Zack tossed him half the bag, and the peddler looked into his barrel. Without any hesitation, he pulled out a folded map of the entire school, it revealed air ducts, crawlspaces, and much much more. Zack threw the peddler a smile and he walked out of the Bizzare, with his new weapon against boredom. BAM! Zack fell to the ground rubbing his nose, his map falling gently to his side. Looking up, he watched what he thought was the most beautiful girl, falling to the ground. "Oh! I am sorry!" he cried as he helped her up. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" She smiled pleasently at him, and brushed off her skirt. "No bones broken....Private Pelka." He blushed at the constant use of his last name, then looked back at her. Her long, inviting brown hair, full lips, and mezmerizing eyes, just calling his name. He was in love. She looked at him intently for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder and entered the Bizzare. Zack turned only to see everyone kneel and bow! Shaking the thoughts reeling through his mind, he picked up his map and proceeded down the corridor to the staris, when again he bumbed into something. A large fellow, wearing a football helmet, and shoulder pads looked at him through the visor. "I know it was an accident, but don't ever touch her again. She belongs to the King, and the King don't like anyone touching whats his. Now beat it." Zack looked at this mass of teenager. There was no way all of that could be natural, he thought for a moment, but another roar from the hulk made him snap out of his thought process and run for the stairs. 5:05p.m. Regional Communication Site (Radio Studio) "Echo Echo Foxtrot, I say again what are your coordinates," the deejay asked, enjoying his importance. A static blast came out of the reciever and then a hail of voices, followed by something that sounded like gunfire. "Homebase, this is Double Echo Foxtrot, we are engaged with multiple bogies at this time, I say again multiple bogies at this time," the voice was smooth while the fighting still could be heard. "Are coordinates are West 75, and South Lemont. 4 Corners, repeat, 4 Corners." The deejay didn't even need to look at the map to know where this platoon was. "What is the enemy?" "The Enemy-""-appears to be a scout-""-ing party, they're w-wearing U.S. military-""-combat gear. I think its the real military." A hail of static poured from the reciever. The Deejay flipped the interal speaker system online. "Attention all personel, Code Red, repeat Code Red." The "Hot Phone" rang seconds after the announcement, it was the King. "Yes sir, our forces are engaged with unknown enemy at this time. Yes....No, sir.....understood....Very Good." "Echo Echo Foxtrot, do you copy," the Deejay asked, hoping for an answer. "Homebase, we hear you. Go ahead." "What is the enemy ballistic capability," the radio man looked at the map and put a small red "X" by the location of the fighting. Sadly, he admitted, he would be putting a lot more "X's" on that board, before he was done. "The Bogie's have about 20 or so infantry, they got a morter, and some kinda large vehicle behind the old Venture store." "Tell me about the vehicle, Echo." "Large, not a Tank, but some kinda troop carrier I think. Wait, is coming this way!" The deejay had not even noticed that King Chris and his entourage of guards had entered, he was writing it all down, looked over his shoulder and handed it to the King. Afterall he'd know what to do. "Echo, can you identify what it is," the Deejay asked again. There was static from the radio. An unusual silence fell upon the group of people in the radio room. Without warning, the reciever blared to life. "Holy shit, Homebase, that thing may not be a tank, but its got a pair of gatling guns mounted on the top, and they're manned. I repeat they are manned." "Echo, how're you doing?" "Homebase, we have a Code 1: Nova70, a Chevy75, and we lost the FireFord78. There are only 15 of us left, we lost 5." Chris looked at the Deejay and the map, "Code 1? What is a Code Chevy75?" The Deejay looked at him and smiled, "It means, sir, that they lost the Ford Firebird, but they still have the 70 Nova and the Chevy 75. Those cars you wanted modified, sir, they went with this raiding group." Chris looked thoughtfully at the map and them smiled, "Good work, tell him to return to base, and take care to avoid that moster with guns. Imperial Order." The Radio Jockey had no problem with that. He quickly put on the headset and began to give the instructions, not bothering to watch his regal execllency leave. 5:30p.m. Zack stood at attention outside his door. Now that Marc Jovic had enlisted, and would be in his platoon, he rested a bit easier. The other Platoons had no followed suit, and were placing guards at the doors in shifts of three. Everyone knew that most platoons would be heading out tommorrow, and that only a skeleton crew would remain. Sighing, Zack thought back to his encounter with the "Kings property", what a joke, he thought, people can't be considered property. Not ever. 4:45a.m. The halls of South were quiet at this time, no couriers running around, or Military staff chattering about their exploits of the town around them. Just total tranquility, Zack began to think that Death might be something like this, were it not for the pain that usually came before it. He had heard about the Delta Platoon running into an armored vehicle last night, and of the loss of 13 people. Thirteen, he thought, I wonder what they were thinking about before they bought it. Tornado alarms blurted out at the startled platoons, all of whom jumped to thier feet. Zack, half awake, didn't even realize they were sounding off, until the doors of his homeroom opened. "Lets go Zack," his C.O., Ron, said without a hint of depression in his voice. "Lots of things to do today." With a nod Zack shuffled along behind him. The 20 Teenagers walked down towadrs the entrance to the school, each equipped with a weapon, backpack, flashlight, and survival knife. The larger students carried the larger weapons, while students like Zack ended up with the standard issue or something small and powerful. Each one of the people in the platoon, stood at attention and began to put on thier combat helmets. Somewhere they had found a stockpile of army issue kevlar helmets, and now they were being put to use. "Morning men," came a jokeful cheery voice. From a doorway came the King of South High, and his entourage of Football Bodyguards. "I shall be accompanying you this fine day. I hope none of you mind." The teenagers looked at one another, each saying nothing, but Zack could almost see the reactions of their faces. They didn't like him going with. "You are giving this platoon a true honor, sire." The C.O. said, waving at the people by the doors. There was a hiss and loud screeching noise from the doors. Somehow some of the kids managed to get a pair of bank vault doors, and hook them up into the front of the school. Over two feet thick, they could withstand a direct cannon shot, or even gatling guns. "Fall out!" The C.O. Bellowed. At once the platoon began to march, with the King and Football team right behind. The sky was still black, with little innocent stars twinkling like tiny eyes winking at everyone from above. Off North West, the City of chicago was aglow, but not from lights. Everyone, including the King shifted uneasily, as they began to march north, towards Point K. On the map, Ponit K. was the old Downers Grove Library, and general area, including train tracks. Zack motioned to the others, and switched off the saftey on his gun. Quietly he shivered, not because of the tempature, but because he knew, he might very well kill someone this day. In the distance, they could hear sporatic gunfire, knowing that they were, in fact, at war. 6:10a.m. The platoons reached the destiniation. An eerie glow seemed to awash the eastern sky. There would be daybreak soon. The King walked towards the library and peered inseide the tinted glass. "No one in there," he proclaimed, pointing towards the door. "Open it and go in, once you have surmised the enitre establishment, inform me, and the rest of us will follow." Ron pointed his gun and sprayed the doors with automatic fire. Like one hundred firecrackers, the guns hammer pounded the back of each bullit, until there were no more. The glass surrounding the doors, hung, shattered, almost like the memories of the kids who watched. Zack and another went to the doors, and kicked the remaining glass away, pointing their guns inside, ready to obliterate the smallest movement. Zack put his hand on the otherside of the door and turned the lock, with a reassuring "Click". Sweat beaded his head, his heart was racing, he could practically hear it beating in his ears. For an instant, he wondered about going mad. The door opened. No boobytraps. Sighing, Zack walked in. A small snap, made him almost jump out of his pants, the other door vaporized in a redish fireball, along with the student who opened it. A deafning roar and then a thunderclap followed. Zack was hurled through the corridor, and through the large glass picture window. Shouts came screaming into his ears, as the others ran about to secure the place, Zack awoke to seeing several of his platoon buddies looking at him. Picking himself up, he could feel all the shardes of glass falling off his back. Luckily for him, he thought, he was wearing a protective vest. his hands were peppered with tiny fragments, but they were easily taken care of. The doorway were the other student had tried to open the door was completly gone, as well as a large hunk of the ground, and surrounding brickwork. Then it hit him. A massive headache, pounded into his skull. Without the adrennlin flowing through his system, he felt weak, and the pain stomped down on his head like someones boot. He could almost hear the flow of blood going through his brain. Another student walked over to him, and handed him a cigarette. "here, take a few drags of this, it will stop the pounding." Zack looked at the other kid with a funny expression. He admitted to himself, that he'd have to have been in a lot of pain to have it be visibly noticable. "Dammit! I want every inch of this place checked, and I want it done now! Do I make myself clear?" The King's voice rang through the room. Zack listened and almost found himself laughing at him. For some strange reason, a lot of things seemed awfully funny at this moment. He took another drag. "Pelka, you alright?" Zack looked over his shoulder to see the King looking at him, his face was covered with soot. "Jus' fine s-sir, howz 'bout yershelf?" The King looked at him strangely, and the other student holding Zack up, whispered something in his ear. Instead of flushing, the King actually began to laugh. "Very good idea, private, make sure that you tell the few doctors back at base to prescrible, uhh, marajuana to anyone with a slight case of shell shock," The King, turned around, make a few hand gestures, and left, leaving the entire platoon laughing. Zack walked ahead of everyone else, still high on the "Cigarettes" effects. For some reason, Zack could see everything. he walked up the stairs to the second level. After a through search, Zack returned to the rest of the platoon, with his information. "Nuttin' upstairs, sir." Zack was about to add another silly comment, when everyone suddenly stood still. A motor. The platoon rushed outside, as they listened intently, each one of them hoping to hear it go away into the distance. The sound grew steadily louder. "Alright listen up, I want five people by that church over there, I want two people into the Walgreens, you Ten stay here, and the rest of us will head fifty meters up the road towards the train tracks to find out what it is." The C.O. and the King exchanged looks of respect for the plan and everyone moved with a purpose. The sound gradually got louder, it seemed to indicate more than one vehicle. Slow, and moving with purpose. Zack shifted uncomfortably. The King on one side, and some Football fella on the other. Suddenly there was an audible gasp from the ranks of the Football bodyguards. One of them had some I.R. nitegoggles, and had seen what was coming. "Tanks!" someone shouted. From behind the rows of apartments, and trees, came a loud thundering boom. Something whistled through the air and landed in the church. The stained glass windows flashed brilliantly, then a loud ear shattering explosion, followed by the shattering of glass. Everyone ducked as the shell hit the church, the King looked behind him and bellowed at the top of his voice, "RETURN FIRE!" Zack looked at him akwardly. Return fire? He almost laughed at him, what good were conventional bullits against three quarter inch titanium plates? An eruption of gunfire could now be heard. Three Tanks emerged from the Apartment area, all carrying the Flag of America. The tanks were slow moving, and each seemed to be pacing the other, as if they were waiting for something. "Corpral, get that fat guy with the rocket launcher up here," the C.O. yelled. It was hard to be heard, with so many guns going off. The Tanks stopped, as if they were trying to figure were all the bullits were coming from. One of the tanks, turned its turret to let the man on the top use the 40mm machine gun. Zack fired a clip at the tank, and watched as the bullits hopelessly bounced off the impenitrable armor. The crews by the church were being annihilated by the Tank crews cannons. Each shell blew hunks out of the walls of the church. Then Zack saw it. A Huge, lumbering machine gun leveling off towards himself, and the King. Almost without thinking, Zack grabbed the startled King a whipped him across the ground. Before Chris could utter or shout insults, the deafning roar of the gun went off. Searing pain shot up Zacks leg, so intense his brain could barely register it. Zack's immediete thoughts were that his leg had been blown off, and to stop the bleeding, but looking down at his leg, he noticed he had only taken three solid shots right up above his kneecap. The King looked at Zack as he stood there, unable to almost comprehend that he was standing in the middle of a firefight. A football uniformed soldier ran over to Zack, and tackled him, just as several tracers whizzed throught the air that Zacks head had occupied momentairly before. And then it hit him. Zack let out a wail of pain as the brain finally registered what had happened to him. The tearing sensation of his flesh, made him grab at air in search of something to hold onto. Unconscienceness would have been a blessing, but everytime a bullet whizzed past him, his eyes shot open. He could feel his life ebbing from his leg. Then he heard the voices. ...Zack! Zack! Hang on, man! 'Bus is on the way, come on, stay with us.... ..Shit!.. ..He might have taken it in the artery... ...Shut up, Stoopid! If it had hit his artery, he'd been dead minutes ago. ...Just lost a lot of muscle. ...He'll be lucky to walk again... ...Fuck! Someone stop that bleeding.. More gun shots erupted from the tank nest. ...GODAMMIT you Assholes, get some heavy firepower up here!.. ...I'm hit, Medic!.. The voices, the cries of terror, the unknown, sent chills deep into Zacks soul. He heard the gunshots echo in the back of his mind. As the "Medic" (a friend he'd known in his Chemistry class) stuffed a bottle of Jack Daniels down his throat, he felt the pain slowly drain from him, the fighting seemed so distant now. He felt so tired. The last voices in his head were of his platoon sergent, and the King. "Yup, thats right, Sarge, he's a Goddamn hero. A hero." Zack slowly left the world and entered a deep dreary slumber. October 15th, 1997 2:47p.m. Zack awoke to the feeling of pain in his leg, or what was left of it. A "Nurse" sat next to his cot, reading a book on Medical knowledge. "Wha-What happened," Zack said, lolling his head, trying to shake off the cloudiness in his head. "Where am I?" The nurse looked at him, and pressed a button, signaling people elsewhere. Within five minutes, a group of people entered the room. Chris was among them. "Glad to see your finally joining the land of the living." One of the men said. "Feeling alright," Chris asked, sincerly looking worried. "I thought you'd never come out of your coma." "Did we win," Zack tilted his head, so he could see the others more clearly. "Did we get rid of those tanks?" "No, not yet. We had to pull back. They dusted half of our guys. And if it wern't for you, I wouldn't be here either." Zack smiled. His thoughts swirling through his head. "So what-", Zack sleared his throat, "what do you want?" Chris looked at him and smiled. Without any hesitation, he motioned to one of the guards in the back of the room to come forward. He was carrying a small box. Smiling, Chris put the box at the side of Zacks bed. "Here you go, Lieutenant." Zack shifted in the hospital cot, and looked at the Box. It was plainly a dark brown briefcase, (probably stolen from a leather designer shop, Zack guessed) it was polished and refined, something he could envision people on Wall Street carrying. On top of the box was a small medal, and Lieutenants bars. "I don't deserve these," Zack said, still trying to shake the lightheadedness off. "I was just doing my job." "You did it so well, that we are giving you these." Chris took a final look at Zack and nodded his head in approval. "One other thing," He added stopping at the door, "When your up and about, report to me directly. I have a special assignment for you." Zack nodded, and rolled over, carefull as not to move his right leg too much. October 21st, 1997 3:45p.m. The flare above the treetops vanished. It was the third in a row along the northern border. A small platoon of Marines had been spotted only 5 hours earlier, and an entire battalion had been farther behind. The platoon was only a scouting party, but that was bad enough. Zack moved up to the trench that had been dug a week earlier, his leg (held up on metal rivits and brace), squeaked lightly, indicating they needed to be oiled again. His platoon had been put on the front lines, in an attempt to remove the invaders. Another flash. Another flare. To be continued............................................ Watch for Part 2 of FORTRESS AMERICA: Return of the Panzers. Another fine Text from: The Committee >T<>C< The Masquerade BBS 708-963-4551 WHQ