/ craft, craftsman (techne; art, craft, occupation: / technites; builder, craftsman) / 18:22 c', of whatsoever c' he be / / created, creation (ktizo; create, creator, make: ktisis; building, creation) / 3:14 the beginning of the c' of God 4:11 pleasure they are and were c' / 4:11 for thou hast c' all things 10:6 who c' heaven, and the things / / creature, creatures (ktisma; created creature) / 5:13 And every c' which is in heaven 8:9 third part of the c' which were / / cried, cry, crying (krazo; to call aloud, cry out) / 6:10 they c' with a loud voice 14:15 c' with a loud voice to him / 7:2 and he c' with a loud voice 14:18 c' with a loud c' to him / 7:10 And c' with a loud voice 18:2 he c' mightily with a strong / 10:3 And c' with a loud voice 18:18 And c' when they saw the smoke / 10:3 when he had c', seven thunders 18:19 and c', weeping and wailing / 12:2 And she being with child c' 19:17 and he c' with a loud voice / 21:4 neither sorrow, nor c', neither / / crown, crowns (stepho; wreath, prize to victor, crown: diadema; crown) / 2:10 I will give thee a c' of life 12:1 her head a c' of twelve stars / 3:11 that no man take thy c' 12:3 and seven c' upon his heads / 4:4 on their heads a c' of gold 13:1 and upon his horns ten c' / 4:10 cast their c' before the throne 14:14 having on his head a golden c' / 6:2 and a c' was given unto him 19:12 and on his head were many c' / 9:7 heads were as it were c' like / / crucified (stauroo;impale, crucify) / 11:8 where our Lord was c' / / crystal (krustallizo, krustallos; clear as a crystal, crystal like) / 4:6 was a sea of glass like unto c' 22:1 of water of life, clear as c' / 21:11 like a jasper stone, clear as c' / / cubits (pechus; forearm length, length from elbow to middle finger tip) / 21:17 an hundred and forty four c' / / cup (poterion; a drinking container, cup) / 14:10 into the c' of his indignation 17:4 having a golden c' in her hand / 16:19 the c' of the wine of the 18:6 in the c' which she hath filled / / curse (katanathema; an imprecation, curse) / 22:3 there shall be no more c' / / darkened, darkness (skotizo, skotoo; obscured, covered, darkened) / 8:12 the third part of them was d' 16:10 and his kingdom was full of d' / 9:2 and the sun and the air was d' / / David (Dabid; loving) / 3:7 he that hath the key of D' 22:16 root and the offspring of D' / 5:5 Root of D', hath prevailed / / day, days (hemera; a period of time, age, dawn to dusk or 24 hours) / 1:10 in the Spirit on the Lord's d' 11:6 rain not in the d' of their / 2:10 shall have tribulation ten d' 11:9 dead bodies three d' and a half / 2:13 those d' wherein Antipas was 11:11 three d' and a half the Spirit / 4:8 they rest not d' and night 12:6 two hundred and threescore d' / 6:17 the great d' of his wrath 12:10 before our God d' and night / 7:15 him d' and night in his temple 14:11 they had no rest d' nor night / 8:12 d' shone not for a third part 16:14 that great d' of God Almighty / 9:6 those d' shall men seek death 18:8 her plagues come in one d' / 9:15 for an hour, and a d', and a 20:10 d' and night for ever and ever / 10:7 But in the d' of the voice 21:25 shall not be shut at all by d' / 11:3 two hundred and threescore d' / / dead (nekros; a corpse: ptoma; dead body, corpse) / 1:5 the first begotten of the d' 11:18 and the time of the d' / 1:17 I fell at his feet as d' 14:13 Blessed are the d' which die / 1:18 he that liveth, and was d' 16:3 as the blood of a d' man / 2:8 which was d', and is alive 20:5 rest of the d' lived not again / 3:1 that thou livest, and art d' 20:12 I saw the d', great and small / 11:8 d' bodies shall lie in the 20:12 and the d' were judged out of / 11:9 see their d' bodies three days 20:13 gave up the d' which were in it / 11:9 not suffer their d' bodies 20:13 and hell delivered up the d' / / death, deadly (thanatos; fatal, death bearing) / 1:8 the keys of hell and of d' 13:3 as it were wounded to d' / 2:10 be thou faithful unto d' 13:12 whose d' wound was healed. / 2:11 not be hurt of the second d' 18:8 d', and mourning, and famine / 2:23 will kill her children with d' 20:6 the second d' hath no power / 6:8 name that sat on him was D' 20:13 d' and hell delivered up the / 6:8 and with hunger, and with d' 20:14 d' and hell were cast into the / 9:6 men seek d', and shall not 20:14 This is the second d' / 9:6 and d' shall flee from them 21:4 be no more d', neither sorrow / 12:11 not their lives unto the d' 21:8 which is the second d' / 13:3 d' wound was healed / / deceive, deceived, deceiveth (planao; seduce wander, go astray, deceive) / 12:9 Satan, which d' the whole 20:3 he should d' the nations no / 13:14 d' them that dwell on the 20:8 out to d' the nations which / 18:23 sorceries were all nations d' 20:10 devil that d' them was cast / 19:10 with which he d' them that / / decked (chrusoo; to guild, to cover, to deck) / 17:4 d' with gold and precious 18:16 d' with gold and precious / / declared (euaggelizo; to announce, to preach, to declare) / 10:7 d' to his servants the prophets / / deeds (ergon; labour, work, doing, deed) / 2:6 hatest the d' of the Nicol- 16:11 and repented not of their d' / 2:22 except they repent of their d' / / defiled, defileth (moluno; to soil, to defile: koinoo; unclean, pollute) / 3:4 have not d' their garments 14:4 which were not d' with women / 21:27 enter into it any thing that d' / / delicacies (strenos; luxuries, delicacies) / 18:3 the abundance of her d' / / delivered (tikto; bring forth, be in travail ) / 12:2 in birth, and pained to be d' 12:4 woman which was ready to be d' / / delivered (didomi; to give, bring forth) / 20:13 and hell d' up the dead / / denied (arneomai; refuse, deny) / 2:13 hast not d' my faith 3:8 and hast not d' my name / / departed (apochorizo, aperchomia; to rend apart, pass away) / 6:14 the heaven d' as a scroll 18:14 and goodly are d' from thee / 18:14 lusted after are d' from thee / / depths (bathos; extent, deep) / 2:24 have not known the d' of Satan / / descending (katabaino; come down, descend) / 21:10 Jerusalem, d' out of heaven / / desire (epithumeo; covet, lust, desire) / 9:6 and shall d' to die, and death / / desolate (eremoo; lay waste, desolate) / 17:16 shall make her d' and naked 18:19 for in one hour is she made d' / / destroy, destroyed (diaphtheiro; corrupt, perish, destroy) / 8:9 third part of the ships were d' 11:18 d' them which d' the earth / / devil (diabolos; false accuser, slanderer) / 2:10 the d' shall cast some of you 12:12 the d' is come down unto you / 12:9 that old serpent, called the D' 20:2 old serpent, which is the D' / 20:10 the d' that deceived them was / / devils (daimon, daimonion; evil spirit) / 9:20 that they should not worship d' 18:2 is become the habitation of d' / 16:14 For they are the spirits of d' / / devour, devoured, devoureth (katesthio; to eat down, to consume) / 11:5 mouth, and d' their enemies 20:9 out of heaven, and d' them / 12:4 for to d' her child as soon as / / die, died (apothnesko; slain, dead, death) / 3:2 remain, that are ready to d' 9:6 find it; and shall desire to d' / 8:9 in the sea, and had life, d' 14:13 the dead which d' in the Lord / 8:11 many men d' of the waters 16:3 every living soul d' in the sea / / dipped (bapto; covered, submersed, dipped) / 19:13 with a vesture d' in blood / / divided (ginomai; cause to be ) / 16:19 the great city was d' into three / / doctrine (didache; hath been taught, doctrine) / 2:14 that hold the d' of Balaam 2:24 as many as have not this d' / 2:15 hold the d' of the Nicolaitans / / dogs (huon; hound, dog) / 22:15 For without are d', and sorcerers / / dominion (ginomai; to be done, to come to pass) / 1:6 to him be glory and d' for ever / / door (thura; opening, gate, door) / 3:8 set before the an open d' 3:20 hear my voice, and open the d' / 3:20 I stand at the d', and knock 4:1 a d' was opened in heaven / / double (diplous; two-fold, doubled) / 18:6 double unto her double accord- 18:6 she hath filled, fill to her d' / / down (katabaino, kataballo; to go down, to cast down, descend) / 1:13 with a garment d' to the foot 13:13 maketh fire come d' from heaven / 3:12 Jerusalem, which cometh d' out 18:1 saw another angel come d' from / 3:21 d' with my Father in his 18:21 great city Babylon be thrown d' / 4:10 four and twenty elders fall d' 19:4 and the four beasts fell d' / 5:8 elders fell d' before the Lamb 20:1 an angel come d' from heaven / 5:14 four and twenty elders fell d' 20:9 and fire came d' from God out / 10:1 angel come d' from heaven 21:2 Jerusalem, coming d' from God / 12:10 of our brethren is cast d' 22:8 fell d' to worship before the / 12:12 the devil is come d' unto you / / dragon (drakon; serpent, dragon) / 12:3 behold a great red d' 12:16 the flood which the d' cast out / 12:4 the d' stood before the woman 12:17 d' was wroth with the woman / 12:7 angels fought against the d' 13:2 and the d' gave him the power / 12:7 the d' fought and his angels 13:4 worshiped the d' which gave / 12:9 the great d' was cast out 13:11 a lamb, and he spake as a d' / 12:13 the d' saw that he was cast out 16:13 out of the mouth of the d' / 20:2 he laid hold on the d' / / drew (suro; drag, draw) / 12:4 d' the third part of the stars / / dried (xeraino; to ripe, wither, dry up) / 16:12 and the water thereof was d' up / / drink (poo, potizo; to imbibe, feed, drink) / 14:8 because she made all nations d' 16:6 hast given them blood to d' / 14:10 The same shall d' of the wine / / drunk, drunken (methuo; drink to intoxication) / 17:2 have been d' with the wine 17:6 d' with the blood of the saints / 18:3 all nations have d' of the wine / / dwell, dwellest, dwelleth (katoikeo, skenoo; to inhabit, reside, dwell) / 2:13 and where thou d', even where 13:6 and them that d' in heaven / 2:13 slain among you, where Satan d' 13:8 all that d' upon the earth / 3:10 try them that d' upon the earth 13:12 which d' therein to worship the / 6:10 blood on them that d' upon the 13:14 And deceiveth them that d' on / 7:15 the throne shall d' among them 13:14 to them that d' upon the earth / 11:10 they that d' upon the earth 14:6 to preach unto them that d' / 11:10 tormented them that d' upon 17:8 and they that d' on the earth / 12:12 heavens, and ye that d' in 21;3 and he will d' with them / / eagle (aetos; an eagle) / 4:7 beast was like a flying e' 12:14 given two wings of a great e' / / ear (ous; ear) / 2:7,11,17,29 3:6,13,22 He that hath an ear, let him hear / 13:9 If any man have an e' / / earth (ge; soil, land, ground, world, earth) / 1:5 prince of the kings of the e' 13:8 upon the e' shall worship / 1:7 kindreds of the e' shall wail 13:11 beast coming up out of the e' / 3:10 them that dwell upon the e' 13:12 the e' and them which dwell / 5:3 nor in e', neither under the e' 13:13 come down from heaven on the e' / 5:6 God sent forth unto all the e' 13:14 them that dwell upon the e' / 5:10 and we shall reign on e' 13:14 to them that dwell upon the e' / 5:13 and on the e' and under the e' 14:3 were redeemed from the e' / 6:4 to take peace from the e' 14:6 unto them that dwell on the e' / 6:8 over the fourth part of the e' 14:7 him that made heaven, and e' / 6:10 and we shall reign on the e' 14:15 the harvest of the e' is ripe / 6:13 of heaven fell unto the e' 14:16 thrust in his sickle on the e' / 6:15 kings of the e' and the great 14:16 and the e' was reaped / 7:1 on the four corners of the e' 14:18 clusters of the vine of the e' / 7:1 the four winds of the e' 14:19 thrust his sickle into the e' / 7:1 wind should not blow on the e' 14:19 gathered the vine of the e' / 7:2 it was given to heart the e' 16:1 the wrath of God upon the e' / 7:3 Saying, Hurt not the e' 16:2 poured out his vial upon the e' / 8:5 altar, and cast it into the e' 16:14 the e' and of the whole world / 8:7 they were cast upon the e' 16:18 since men were upon the e' / 8:13 to the inhabiters of the e' 17:2 whom the kings of the e' have / 9:1 fell from heaven unto the e' 17:2 the e' have been made drunk / 9:3 the smoke locusts upon the e' 17:5 and abominations of the e' / 9:3 scorpions of the e'have power 17:8 dwell upon the e' shall wonder / 9:4 not hurt the grass of the e' 17:18 over the kings of the e' / 10:2 and his left foot on the e' 18:1 the e' was lightened with his / 10:5 upon the sea and upon the e' 18:3 e' have committed fornication / 10:6 smite the e' with plagues 18:3 merchants of the e' are waxed / 10:8 upon the sea and upon the e' 18:9 kings of the e', who have / 11:4 before the God of the e' 18:11 merchants of the e' shall weep / 11:6 smite the e' with all plagues 18:23 were the great men of the e' / 11:10 they that dwell upon the e' 18:24 that were slain upon the e' / 11:10 them that dwell upon the e' 19:2 the e' with her fornication / 11:18 them that destroy the e' 19:19 beast, and the kings of the e' / 12:4 and did cast them to the e' 20:8 in the four quarters of the e' / 12:9 he was cast out into the e' 20:9 up on the breadth of the e' / 12:12 to the inhabiters of the e' 20:11 the e' and the heaven fled away / 12:13 that he was cast unto the e' 21:1 saw a new heaven and a new e' / 12:16 And the e' helped the woman 21:1 the first e' were passed away / 12:16 and the e' opened her mouth 21:24 kings of the e' do bring their / / earthquake (seismos; a commotion such as from a gale or earthquake) / 6:12 lo, there was a great e' 11:19 and an e', and great hail / 8:5 and lightnings, and an e' 16:18 and there was a great e' / 11:13 same hour was there a great e' 16:18 so mighty an e', and so great / 11:13 and in the e' was slain of men / / east (anatole; dayspring, rising, east) / 7:2 angel ascending form the e' 21:13 On the e' three gates / 16:12 way of the kings of the e' / / eat, eaten (phago; meat, to eat) / 2:7 I give to e' of the tree of 10:9 Take it, and e' it up; / 2:14 e' things sacrificed to idols 10:10 as soon as I had e' it / 2:17 I give to e' of the hidden 17:16 and shall e' her flesh / 2:20 e' things sacrificed to idols 19:18 ye may e' the flesh of kings / / Egypt (Aiguptos; the land of the nile) / 11:8 spiritually is called Sodom and E' / / eighth (ogdoos; eighth) / 17:11 and is not, even he is the e' 21:20 the e', beryl / / either (enteuthen; on both sides) / 22:2 and on e' side of the river / / elders (presbuteros; older, senior, elder) / 4:4 saw four and twenty e' sitting 5:14 four and twenty e' fell down / 4:10 four and twenty e' fall down 7:11 the e' and the four beasts / 5:5 one of the e' saith unto me 7:13 And one of the e' answered / 5:6 and in the midst of the e' 11:16 four and twenty e', which sat / 5:8 four and twenty e' fall down 14:3 the four beasts, and the e' / 5:11 and the beasts and the e' 19:4 And the four and twenty e' / / eleventh (hendekatos; eleventh) / 21:20 the e' a jacinth / / else (ei de me; otherwise) / 2:5 or e' I will come unto thee 2:16 Repent; or e' I will come unto / / emerald (smaragdos; a green gem) / 4:3 in sight like unto an e' 21:19 the fourth, an e' / / end (telos; finally, uttermost, the end) / 2:26 keepeth my works unto the e' 22:13 Omega, the beginning and the e' / 21:6 Omega, the beginning and the e' / / enemies (echthros; foe enemy) / 11:5 and devoureth their e' 1:12 and their e' beheld them / / enter, entered (eiserchomai; go in, come in, enter) / 11:11 spirit of life from God e' 21:27 shall in no wise e' into it / 15:8 was able to e' into the temple 22:14 e' in through the gates into / / Ephesus (Ephesos; "desired") / 1:11 unto E', and unto Smyrna 2:1 angel of the church of E' write / / equal (isos; like, similar, equal) / 21:16 breadth and the height of it are e' / / Euphrates (Euphrates; river to east of promised land) / 9:14 are bound in the great river E' 16:12 vial upon the great river E' / / ever and ever, evermore (aion; age, course, eternal, without end) / 1:6, 4:9, 4:10, 5:13, 5:14, 7:12, 10:6, 11:15, 14:11, 15:7, 19:3, / 20:10, 22:5, 1:18 I am alive for e' / / everlasting (aionios; eternal, without end) / 14:6 having the e' gospel to preach / / every (pas; all, any, whole, every : hekastos; each, any, every) / 1:7 e' eye shall see him 16:20 and e' island fled away / 2:23 I will give unto e' one of you 16:21 e' stone about the weight of / 5:8 having e' one of them harps 18:2 the hold of e' foul spirit / 5:9 out of e' kindred and tongue 18:2 of e' unclean and hateful bird / 5:13 And e' creature which is in 18:17 e' shipmaster, and all the / 6:11 were given unto e" one of 20:13 were judged e' man according to / 6:14 e' mountain and island were 21:21 e' several gate was of one / 6:15 e' bondman, and e' free man 22:2 yielded her fruit e' month / 14:6 e' nation, and kindred 22:12 give to e' man according as his / 16:3 e' living soul died in the sea 22:18 testified unto e' man that / / evil (kakos; harm, wicked, evil) / 2:2 not bear them which are e' / / exceeding (sphodra; greatly, very, exceeding) / 16:21 plague thereof was e' great / / except (ean me; but, except) / 2:5 of his place, e' thou repent 2:22 e' they repent of their deeds / / expired (teloe; make an end, finish, expire) / 20:7 when the thousand years are e' / / eye, eyes (ophthalmos; sight, eye) / 1:7 every e' shall see him 4:8 and they were full of e' within / 1:14 his e' were like unto a flame 5:6 seven e', which are the seven / 2:18 his e' like unto a flame 7:17 away all tears from their e' / 3:18 anoint thy e' with eyesalve 19:12 His e' were as a flame of fire / 4:6 there four beasts full of e' 21:4 away all tears from their e' / / face, faces (prosopen; front, presence, face) / 4:7 third beast had a f' as a man 10:1 his f' was as it was the sun / 6:16 hid us from the f' of him 11:16 upon their f', and worshipped / 7:11 before the throne of their f' 12:14 from the f' of the serpent / 9:7 their f' were as the f' of men 20:11 f' the earth and the heaven / 22:4 And they shall see his f' / / fainted (kamno; sicken, weary, faint) / 2:3 hast laboured, and hast not f' / / faith (pistis; belief, conviction, faith) / 2:13 and hast not denied my f' 13:10 and the f' of the saints / 2:19 charity, and service and f' 14:12 of God, and the f' of Jesus / / faithful (pistos; trustful, sure, true, faithful) / 1:5 Jesus Christ who is the f' 17:14 are called, and chosen, and f' / 2:10 be thou f' until death 19:11 upon him was called F' and true / 2:13 Antipas was my f' martyr 21:5 these words are f' and true / 3:14 the Amen, the f' and true 22:6 These sayings are f' and true / / fall, fallen (pipto; light on, fall) / 2:5 from whence thou art f' 14:8 Babylon is f', is f', that / 4:10 four and twenty elders f' down 17:10 five are f', and one is, and / 6:16 mountains and rocks, F' on us 18:2 Babylon the great is f', is f' / 9:1 I saw a star f' from heaven / / false (pseudoprophetes; pretend prophet, false prophet) / 16:13 of the mouth of the f' prophet 20:10 the beast and the f' prophet / 19:20 f' prophet that wrought miracles / / famine (limos; hunger, famine) / 18:8 death, and mourning, and f' / / fast (katecho; possess, keep, retain, hold fast) / 2:13 and thou holdest f' my name 3:3 and hold f', and repent / 2:25 hold f' till I come 3:11 hold that f' which thou hast / / father, father's (pater; male parent, father) / 1:6 priests unto God and his F' 3:5 confess his name before my F' / 2:27 even as I received of my F' 3:21 down with my F' in his throne / 14:1 having his F' name written in / / fault (amomos; without blame, faultless) / 14:5 are without f' before the throne / / fear, fearful (phobeo, phobos; afraid, fearful) / 1:17 saying unto me, f' not 14:7 F' God, and give glory to him / 2:10 F' none of these things which 15:4 Who shall not f' thee, O Lord / 11:11 great f' fell upon them 18:10,15 for the f' of her torment / 11:18 and them that f' thy name 19:5 f' him, both small and great / 21:8 the f', and unbelieving / / feed (poimaino; tend and feed: trepho; nourish, feed) / 7:17 of the throne shall f' them 12:6 that they should f' her there / / feet (pous; foot) / 1:15 And his f' are like unto fine 11:11 and they stood upon their f' / 1:17 I fell at his f' as dead 12:1 sun, and the moon under her f' / 2:18 his f' are like fine brass 13:2 and his f' were as the f' of a / 3:9 come and worship before thy f' 19:10 I fell at his f' to worship him / 10:1 and his f' as pillars of fire 22:8 before the f' of the angel / / fell (pipto; light on, fall) / 1:17 I f' at his f' as dead 11:13 the tenth part of the city f' / 5:8 elders f' down before the Lamb 11:16 f' upon their faces, and / 5:14 f' down and worshipped him 16:2 f' a noisome and grievous sore / 6:13 stars of heaven f' unto the 16:19 the cities of the nations f' / 7:11 f' before the throne on their 16:21 there f' upon men a great hail / 8:10 f' a great star from heaven 19:4 and the four beasts f' down / 8:10 f' upon the third part of the 19:10 I f' at his feet to worship / 11:11 fear f' upon them which saw 22:8 I f' down to worship before / / fellow servant, fellow servants (sundoulos; co-slave, fellow slave) / 6:11 their f' also and their 19:10, 22:9 do it not: I am thy f' / / few (oligos; brief, little, few) / 2:14 I have a f' things against thee 3:4 Thou hast a f' names even in / 2:20 I have a f' things against thee / / fierceness (thumos; wrath, indignation, fierceness) / 16:19 the wine of the f' of his wrath 19:15 the f' and wrath of Almighty / / fifth (pemptos; fifth) / 6:9 when he had opened the f' seal 16:10 f' angel poured out his vial / 9:1 And the f' angel sounded, and 21:20 The f', sardonyx / / fig (sukon; fig) / 6:13 even as a f tree casteth her / / figs (olunthos; unripe, out of season) / 6:13 f' tree casteth her untimely f' / / / fill, filled (kerannumi; pour out, fill) / 18:6 she hath f', f' to her double / / filled (gemizo; to fill full) / 8:5 f' it with the fire of the 15:8 the temple was f' with smoke / / filled (teleo; finish, make an end, fill up) / 15:1 is f' up the wrath of God / / filled (chortazo; satisfy, feed, fill) / 19:21 fowls were f' with their flesh / / filth (akathartes; impure, filth) / 17:4 full of the abominations and f' / / filthy (rhupoo; make dirty, filthy) / 22:11 he which is f', let him be f' / / find (heurisko; obtain, get, find) / 9:6 seek death, and shall not f'it 18:14 thou shall f' them no more / / fine / 1:15 his feet like unto f' brass 18:16 that was clothed in f' linen / 2:18 his feet are like f' brass 19:8 should be arrayed in f' linen / 18:12 and of pearls, and f' linen 19:8 f' linen is the righteousness / 18:13 and f' flour, and wheat 19:14 clothed in f' linen, white and / / finished (teleo; make an end, expire, finish) / 10:7 mystery of God should be f' 20:5 until the thousand years are f' / 11:7 shall have f' their testimony / / fire (pura; a fire) / 1:14 his eyes were as a flame of f' 14:10 tormented with f' and brimstone / 2:18 eyes like unto a flame of f' 14:18 which had power over f' / 3:18 buy of me gold tried in the f' 15:2 a sea of glass mingled with f' / 4:5 seven lamps of f' burning 16:8 unto him to scorch men with f' / 8:5 filled it with f' from the 17:16 her flesh, and burn her with f' / 8:7 hail and f' mingled with blood 18:8 shall be utterly burned with f' / 8:8 great mountain burning with f' 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of f' / 9:17 having breastplates of f' 19:20 of f' burning with brimstone / 9:17 out of mouths issued f' 20:9 and f' came down from God out / 9:18 killed, by the f', and by the 20:10 the lake of f' and brimstone / 10:1 and his feet as pillars of f' 20:14 were cast into the lake of f' / 11:5 f' proceedeth out of their 20:15 was cast into the lake of f' / 13:13 maketh f' come down from 21:8 burneth with f' and brimstone / / first (protos; before, beginning, best, first) / 1:5 the f' begotten of the dead 8:7 The f' angel sounded / 1:11 Alpha and Omega, the f' and 13:12 all the power of the f' beast / 1:17 I am the f' and the last 13:12 therein to worship the f' beast / 2:4 thou hast left thy f' love 16:2 f' went, and poured out his / 2:5 and do the f' works: or else 20:5 This is the f' resurrection / 2:8 saith the f' and the last 20:6 part in the f' resurrection / 2:19 the last to be more than the f' 21:1 the f' heaven and the f' earth / 4:1 and the f' voice that I heard 21:19 the f' foundation was jasper / 4:7 the f' beast was like a lion 22:13 the end, the f' and the last / / firstfruits (aparche; a beginning of sacrifice, firstfruits) / 14:4 the f' unto the God and to the / / five (pente; five) / 9:5 should be tormented f' months 17:10 f' are fallen, and one is, and / 9:10 power was to hurt men f' months / / flame (phlox; flame, fire) / 1:14 and his eyes were as a f' 19:12 His eyes were as a f' of fire / 2:18 his eyes like unto a f' of fire / / fled, flee (pheugo; run away, vanish, escape, flee) / 9:6 and death shall f' from them 16:20 And every island f' away / 12:6 woman f' into the wilderness 20:11 earth and the heaven f' away / / flesh (sarx; skin, external, flesh) / 17:16 and shall eat her f' 19:18 men, and the f' of horses / 19:18 f' of the kings, and the f' of 19:18 and the f' of all men / 19:18 and the f' of mighty men 19:21 fowls were filled with their f' / / flood (potamos, potamophoretos; river, stream, carried away by a stream) / 12:15 out of his mouth water as a f' 12:16 and swallowed up a f' / 12:15 to be carried away of the f' / / flour (semidalis; fine flour) / 18:13 fine f, and wheat / / fly, flying (petomai; fly) / 4:7 beast was like a f' eagle 14:6 another angel f' in the midst / 8:13 f' through the midst of heaven 19:17 to all the fowls that f' / 12:14 might f' into the wilderness / / follow, followed (akoloutheo; in the same way, to accompany, follow) / 6:8 Death, and Hell f' with him 14:9 And the third angel f' them / 8:7 there f' hail and fire mingled 14:13 and their works do f' them / 14:4 are they which f' the Lamb 19:14 which were in heaven f' him / 14:8 and there f' another angel / / foot (pous; foot) / 1:13 with a garment down to the f' 10:2 and his left f' on the earth / 10:2 he set his right f' upon the 11:2 city shall they tread under f' / / forehead, foreheads (metopon; face, forehead) / 7:3 servants of our God in their f' 14:9 and receive his mark in his f' / 9:4 not the seal of God in their f' 17:5 upon her f' was a name written / 13:16 right hand, or in their f' 20:4 received his mark upon their f' / 14:1 name written in their f' 22:4 his name shall be in their f' / / former (protos; beginning, first, former) / 21:4 the f' things are passed away / / fornication (porneia, porneuo; unlawful lust, fornication) / 2:14 unto idols, and to commit f' 17:2 drunk with the wine of her f' / 2:20 to commit f', and to eat things 17:4 and filthiness of her f' / 2:21 her space to repent of her f' 18:3 wine of the wrath of their f' / 9:21 nor of their f', nor of their 18:3 have committed f' with her / 14:8 wine of the wrath of their f' 18:9 who have committed f' and / 17:2 of the earth have committed f' 19:2 corrupt the earth with her f' / / forth (apostello; send out on a mission) / 5:6 seven spirits of God sent f' / / forth (exerchomai; proceed, away, forth) / 6:2 went f' conquering, and to / / forth (tikto; deliver, bring forth) / 12:5 she brought f' a man child 12:13 woman which brought f' the man / / forth (ekporeuomia; issue, proceed out of, come forth) / 16:14 go f' unto the kings of the earth / / forty (tessarakonta; forty) / 7:4 sealed an hundred and f' and 14:1 with him an hundred f' and four / 11:2 tread under foot f' and two 14:3 but the hundred f' and four / 13:5 him to continue f' and two 21:17 hundred and f' and four cubits / / fought (polemeo; battle, make war, fight) / 12:7 angels f' against the dragon 12:7 the dragon f' and his angels / / foul (akathartos; unclean, foul) / 18:2 hold of every f' spirit, and a / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /