Feb. 9, 1993 UW2E22.EXE Readme file. UW2E22.EXE is a character editor for the Ultima Underworld II game from Origin. Since this is still an early release and I haven't even played the game with an edited character USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This version corrects corrupted file problem that occured with version 2.1 Much of the difficulty in writing this program came from breaking the encryption method employed in the player.dat file. My algorithm is reliable as far as I can tell. Please send your feedback to me through compuserv 71140,633 Terry Orr. HOW TO USE IT: Put the file UW2E21.EXE in the sub-directory where you have the PLAYER.DAT file you want to edit (NOT THE DATA SUBDIRECTORY BUT RATHER THE SAVE1 OR SAVE2 ETC). Run the program. That's it. Now run the game and your character should be as you edited it. Always make a backup of you player.dat prior to editing just for safety sake. I sugest that you keep the values down to a reasonable level since I don't know what the game does if it sees super high values. Let me know if you figure out the "unknown" bytes so I can update the editor.