|---M----a----x----#----T----a----g----L----i----n----e---| *** Watch this space! *** The pilot is always the first person at an aircraft accident. It's like deja vu all over again. Bacteria: The only culture some people have. For TAGLINE insert four quarters in slot |_______| Jamforx - The ability of cramming one more utensil in the dishwasher Expresshole- One who enters the Express line with more than 9 items. The two most common elements: hydrogen and stupidity. Puns are bad - but poetry is verse. "Incorrigible punster... Do not incorrige!" let length(Long_Walk) > length(Short_Pier) Money can't buy happiness, but it does quiet the nerves. Pick two: 1)Fast 2)Right 3)Cheap 4)Windows (counts as 2) Caffeine is not a drug, it's a vitamin!