BUFFERIO is a Turbo Pascal unit that intercepts normal untyped file I/O calls and buffers them for files of record length one. The program that I developed the unit for sped up by a factor of three when I used it. This is a preliminary beta release (number 0.90) of the unit; in it, only reads are buffered. To use the unit, put a USES clause for it into each program or unit that does I/O to files to be buffered. It is important to put the clause in all such modules; otherwise, the program will not work properly. The unit has been placed in the public domain, but I intend to provide at least minimal support to it. Please send bug reports, enhancement requests, and so on to me at CompuServe ID 71320,3635. I'm currently contemplating the following enhancements, in approximate order of their likelihoods: write buffering, adjustable-size buffers, EMS support, extended memory support, and support file files of larger record lengths. Feel free to implement any of these in the unit and redistribute it; I don't care how complicated version numbers and such get. Bruce Feist 9 January, 1990