Dear Mr. Nels J. Anderson This is a Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name : COMICS.TIL Subject : some known and unknown cartoon characters copied by : Werner Ahls Description: I thought that it would be fun to make a set of tiles useing cartoon characters. I thought that it would be fun to make pictures of things i like, and that my friends might be interested in. Some of them are typical german or european characters. I hope you enjoy these more than as i enjoyed making them. Because it was hard work to copy all those pictures i decide to create a little tool that converts Microsoft Icons into Mah Jongg Tiles and vice versa. It works but not very comfortable. First you have to determine the sort of conversion and then you have to type in the names with extension. This simple tool is only able to convert single tiles. Please distribute it as public domain (inlusive the source) if you find it useful. thanx