DESCRIPTION ----------- Intspy is a program wich monitors system interrupts made by another program. It is the ideal tool for reverse engineering a program. Intspy can for example show you all file access done by a program. Which calls are logged, and how they are logged is specified in the file intspy.ini. You can customize intspy by editing this ini file. The enclosed verion of intspy is limmited to interrupt 21h. The full version is available for US$ 50.-. The source code is available for US$ 200.-. EXAMPLES -------- The following command writes all int 21h calls made by to the console: intspy -21 con command The following command writes all int 21h calls made by to the file named logfile.log: intspy -21 logfile.log command The following command writes all open file cals made by the program edit to the file named logfile.log: intspy -open logfile.log edit HISTORY ------- 0.9 Beta release. 1.0 Initial release. HOW TO FIND THE VERSION NUMBER ------------------------------ Intspy /? gives the version number and help for intspy.exe. SHAREWARE NOTICE ________________ You are granted the right to try intspy for free during one month. If you continue to use the program you have to pay US$ 50.-. For this money you will receive the full version of intspy. Frits Wiarda De Wildkamp 28 8162 GJ Epe Holland e-mail