From: KKAHN@WYVERN.WYVERN.COM To: ALL Date: 09/10/93 Re: Prophecy newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: Newsgroup: talk.religion.misc Organization: CWGJAN1 "Conversations With God" are from my quiet times with the Lord. His "Words" guide, correct, encourage, instruct and reveal. Much of what I receive is prophetic. Recently, He told me to share my journal for the refreshing and edification of the Body of Christ. In doing so, I invite you to judge and comment on these journal entries. Write to Chris Christensen, 6465 College Park Sq. #302, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, Fax (804) 420-1949, or Message Prodigy "PHSS92A Chris". I Begin A New Work With the coming of the new year, I begin a new work in your life. Today marks a new chapter yet to be written for you. Many areas of your character have been tried in my firery furnace. Many battle wounds have been healed. For I am getting you ready. I am sending you forth soon. Watch my power move around you. See the choreography I use in my symphony written specifically for your life. You will move into those deep areas of relationship with me that you desire. You will be fully equipped for my call on your life. Even now you sense an excitement growing in your spirit. Spend more time in my presence and I will carry you to the high places of my Spirit. I desire fellowship with you. I take pleasure in your worship. I delight in using you to glorify my name. Surrender your weaknesses to me so I can be strongly manifested through those weak areas. Have I not called you as my sons? It is my responsibility to raise you in the way you should go. Stand back and watch me move. Know for certain that I AM is in control. Holy Spirit Wind Much like the wind in a rain storm scatters the rain drops and deposits them where it will, so will my Holy Spirit blow on my people and scatter them where I will. I am sending all who are willing out as my ambassadors of faith. I am tasking everyone with the original commission to go into the world and make disciples. But I am not calling you now to far and distant places. Rather I am sending you forth into your workplaces, and your neighborhoods. I am equipping you to reach the lost around you. I am setting an anointing on you to disciple your children, your children's children, and others that cross your path every day. I am testing your faithfulness to be examples. People you know are condemned by their sins. I am wooing them, but you must lead them. I am calling them to me, but you must point out the path. I am rescuing them from darkness, but you must light their way. I will ground them in my Word, but you must bottle feed them the milk of my Truth. Wherever you are, there is your mission field. Whomever crosses your path, there is your harvest. So put your hand to the plow and carve straight furrows for others to follow. Be faithful wherein I have placed you. Let your hands be about your Father's business. I will use a willing heart wherever it may be found. Many of you will soon be sent forth into new places. But for now let your labors be in accordance with the call I have placed on your life. So look around you for the harvest is abundant and awaiting your obedience. CWGJAN3 Focus On Me You are still not focused on me like I desire you to be. Not only do I want your faithfulness to seek me in the quiet time, but I also desire that you fellowship with me in the noisy times of your day. I desire total and continual fellowship with you. I want to be the absolute focus of your entire life. Do not treat your days like many treat their day of rest. They show up in church briefly once a week and ignore me the rest of the week. Do not meet with me in the early hours and turn away for the remainder of your day. Stay tuned in to what my Spirit has for you throughout the day. Move deeper into our relationship by developing a permanent hearing ear. For I have much to tell you. I would warn your nation of the coming judgement. I would call many to repentance. I would exhort and edify the body. I would bring the lost and dying to your door. I would do great and mighty things in your midst. But there is much you fail to hear every day, for lack of an abiding before my throne. Press in to me. Draw near with no hidden agenda. Do not focus on the answer you seek. Rather focus on our relationship. Worship me in your spirit. Lift up your heart to me. Let it swell with the wonder of my grace poured out in your life. And give thanks for the gifting and call I have placed upon you. CWGJAN4 Nothing Withheld Listen, now Son. Can you hear the winds of change blowing? Can you smell the fragrance of my Spirit as I begin to move across this land? Can you sense my presence as I indwell my body more magnificently? Can you see the changes in my people as they begin to draw closer to me? Can you see me reflected in their eyes as I grow stronger in their lives? For I am a mobile God. I am not standing still. Even though it may seem that I am somewhere away from you, I am always close at hand. For my cadence is causing a groundswell of my faithful ones as I pour out a spirit of unity among you. My army is gradually beginning to march to my beat. I am opening the eyes of those who have been kept in spiritual bondage by false shepherds, and am leading them to the quiet waters and to shepherds of my choosing. Can you sense the growing excitement among my faithful ones? Listen for my wind as it blows through the trees, and the boughs of the haughty and proud deceivers bow to the power of my Spirit. I am causing my power to be made manifest. There is a new anointing for worship that is flowing through my body. Not only for worship teams and musicians, but my children are learning to move in deeper places of worship. As you worship me, I will heal hurts, mend the broken hearts, set free those in bondage, and reveal more of my plans for you. So press in. Hear what I am saying to you. Listen to the prophets as I announce my plans. For nothing shall be withheld from those who seek to hear my voice and obey my words. You are my bride for all time. Make ready, for I return soon. CWGJAN5 A Wedding Is Planned Make ready for the day is soon coming when it will be too late. Do not be found immersed in worldly affairs. I desire attentive hearts. I am looking for a bride who is preparing for the wedding. One who is being fitted for her gown, who is excitedly inviting all those around her to her wedding. For the cooking fires are being stoked for the wedding feast. The menu is planned, and food is being gathered in preparation for the banquet. Make ready, my bride. Do not neglect to invite your friends and neighbors. How will they know about the wedding, if you do not invite them? There are enough invitations for all who would come. So make ready. CWGJAN6 I Will No Longer Strive With You My Spirit will no longer strive with those who profess to be my disciples, yet who go their own way. They are those who play games, day after day. They enjoy hearing of the way I am moving in the earth, and they desire to flow in my power but they seek to go their own road. They worship their televisions and their cars and their careers more than me. They do not seek to know me. They desire only the benefits of being counted among the family of God, yet are not willing to walk out that family commitment. They are neither hot or cold. I will no longer strive with you. I have sent warning after warning. Yet you choose to embrace a false sense of safety and immunity. My people are not immune from the coming judgements on the earth. Those who are abiding under my shadow will be safe. Those who are playing games will not be safe. No longer will I allow impurity of any kind in my church. No longer will my Spirit strive with you. Now is the time to stop the games. Seek me while I yet may be found. Throw out the impurity from your life-styles. Get rid of compromise. There are no shades of gray in my Kingdom. Do not be misled. I have not changed. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I require absolute commitment, absolute obedience, and absolute surrender of yourself to me. I will not share you with anyone else. No longer will I permit you to be unequally yoked to this world. Draw close and you will know a relationship with me you have never experienced. Draw close and I will draw you yet even closer. Yes I am a God of love. I am also a God of judgement. And my wrath is beginning to be felt in the earth. Set your paths straight. Repent from your complacency. Rescue the lost. Be bold and free with the gospel. Make disciples of all I send your way. Be consistent in your pursuit for excellence in our relationship. Purge the sin from your life. Repent...repent...repent! And turn to me with your whole heart. I will hide you in my shadow. You will be safe from my judgement poured out on the earth. Yet my judgement will also be used to further purify my bride. The same fire that will destroy my enemies will also further refine my bride. So make ready. Prepare your lives, for these things are soon to come. Do not be afraid. For I will also magnify my power and my glory in the earth. You will do great miracles, through which I will draw the lost unto me. I desire that all would be saved, yet even though many are called, few will be chosen. CWGJAN7 Make Ready My Children Son, I want you to tell Southern California that I am sending a warning very soon, a warning with a call to repent. I have stayed my hand for a season, but soon I will unleash judgement. Because my people have prayed, I will allow yet a little more time before I bring to pass the devastation that is rightfully theirs. My power and sovereignty will be felt the length and breath, and width and height of that entire state. Arkansas also will experience calamity because out of that state has arisen a spirit of Antichrist. These things are soon to be. If my people repent and pray, I will repent and heal. My church will arise in this time in great power. The young, the foolish and the weak among you will perform mighty miracles. So press in and know my time table. Press in to me and discern the season. Press in and know your God. I would not have you ignorant of these matters. I desire that you look heavenward and intercede for your brethren throughout the world. Pray for your unsaved loved ones also. Get rid of your man-made concepts and theologies. Turn full face toward your creator God. For I am calling you now to a fervency for me. Pursue a deep relationship with me. Praise, worship and enter into the flow of my Spirit power being poured out on the earth. Let my love flow through you in practical ways to those around you in need. Give to the widows and orphans. Care for those in need. Give of yourself, and pray for those not yet birthed into a saving relationship with Jesus. Weep before the porch and the altar. Now is the time. I call you forth now. Do not neglect so great a salvation by closing your arms and your heart to the needy and lost that are in your midst. Do not strive with them. Love those who will receive my love through you. Love your enemies and do good to them. For I require that with even your very last breath on this earth that you pray for and forgive those who despise and persecute, and would even kill you for my namesake. I love my bride. I draw near to my bride in anticipation of the soon to come wedding. But your garments are yet spotted. I am entering the final hour which will cause those spots to be made clean. Look to the skies for fire, and look to the earth for a shaking. Again I say to you, these things are soon to be. So prepare. Crawl on to your Father's protective lap. Draw near to my shadow, and abide safely in my arms. For I love you, I have called you out of darkness into my light. Bask in my light. Delight in my presence and you will never know the terror that is soon to pierce the hearts of mankind. Make ready, my children. Do Not Despise The Prophets Hear my words, my people. Tune your ears and listen to what I have to say to you. Hearken unto the voice of my prophets. Give ear to what I would reveal through them in these last days. For in one moment I will speak through my prophets, and in the next moment I will confirm my Word. This is how you will know they are from me. They will not seek glory for themselves. They will seek only to be used as vessels of honor unto me. Their words will pierce the very depths of your hearts and will expose the hidden and secret matters that still remain. My Word through them will echo in your spirits and lay bare those unsurrendered areas of your life. Although you will not want to embrace them, their words will bring my life, my health, and my truth into every situation. They will point the lost to Jesus, and reconcile brother to brother, sister to sister, husband to wife, and parents to children. I am bringing healing to my church for all who will receive. I am igniting worship in the assemblies to usher in my glorious power. Many will wonder what is happening. They will question their own concepts of who I am. But I will arise in your midst, embrace my bride, and the eyes of your understanding will be opened. Seek me now and know me. Receive the words of encouragement, and correction, and guidance, and reproof that I would speak through my prophets. I have always revealed my plans through my prophets. But you have gone your own ways, designed your own church programs, and have stifled their voice. I say to you that those churches not built on the solid rock of my son, Jesus, who have denied my power and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, will soon crumble. Their congregations will become as lost sheep wondering around aimlessly amid the rubble that will remain. In those days I will send my prophets to bring my truth, and light, and revelation to you. And you will ask yourselves in your hearts, "why have we not heard of these things before?" I say that in those days I will raise up the apostles, and prophets, and evangelists, and teachers, and shepherds after my own heart. They will have come through the testing fires and have been found faithful unto me. I will confirm their ministry in power with great signs and wonders. They will scarcely speak my word and in the same breath I will bring it to pass. Do not fear the words of those who I am raising up in your midst. But embrace them and the call I have on their life. Hear and consider their words. Test the prophets to see if they are from me. Be watchful that you are not misled. For very soon you will be swept up into a move of my Holy Spirit that will usher in the church's finest hour. Vision and Warning The Lord gave me a vision in which I was looking down on a large church congregation. All the people were praising and worshiping the Lord, and His Glory began to fall on the people. I saw fire raining down on them and each person was embracing the flames because it was the fire of the Holy Spirit. Then I was outside looking at the exterior of a large church. From out of the church doors came many people running and screaming. They were on fire like human torches and were fleeing that place, and the more they ran, the more they were consumed by the flames. The Lord would say to you that if you embrace the rain of my Holy Spirit fire and allow my fire to purge you, and refine you, and purify you, you will not be burned. But instead you will emerge clothed in the white garments of my bride, purified and holy unto me. I would say to you among the congregation who are continuing in your hidden sins, that my Spirit will strive with you no longer. I will expose your sins in the assemblies and you will be consumed by your own wickedness. Do not be deceived. Your sins are not hidden from my sight, neither are the hidden motives of your heart. No longer will you be permitted to continue sinning within the camp. For those places my worshippers are lifting holy hands to me is holy ground. You will no longer be permitted to gather there unclean without being consumed by my fire. Yet if you will fall on your faces before me, and repent of your wickedness, and put out the perversion from your lives, I will heal your hearts and forgive your sins. And you will be called holy unto me. I desire a people who are set aside unto my purposes. I will have a purified and holy bride. These things are soon to be. I will raise up my servants in your assemblies, and they will know of your secret sins. I will reveal your wickedness and show them your hardened hearts. Yet I will give you a way out. If you hear my words, and turn back to me, you will enter into the flow and partake of my latter day glory. Conversations With God April #3 Get Ready For The Harvest Sing a new song in your hearts. Lift up your voice and worship me, says the Lord. For I am pouring out in your assemblies an anointing of worship out of which will flow power. I am building you up as a holy army, conditioned and ready for battle, clothed in my armor, and empowered by my Spirit. You will trample the works of Lucifer because Jesus has won the victory over death. I will be lifted up in your midst. I will therefore draw the lost and backslidden sinners to me and will set them free. A great harvest will explode in your midst, so get ready to receive them. Turn your energies toward the harvest and away from your programs. Many of you are so caught up in your daily busy work that you are missing the harvest around you. You complain about the affairs of life, and refuse the pray. Turn your grumbling in to prayer and watch me turn around your situations. I will set you free from the encumbrances of life which weight you down and keep you ineffective as my witnesses. Guard your hearts, lay up eternal treasures, and bring the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world. I will empower you and give you boldness. I will give you words to speak. Listen for my voice and be quick to obey all that I say to you. I will yet make you fishers of men. The heart of man grows wicked and cold toward the creator God of the universe. There is only one true God, yet you desire false gods of convenience. Your hearts run quickly to embrace the latest doctrine that offers you an easy religion. But I say to you that the way is narrow. Few enter the roadway of commitment to me. Few hearts belong exclusively to me. Your lives are full of compromise. You still have not allowed me to rule on the throne of your hearts as Lord. Many know me as Savior, but few submit to me as Lord. I desire exclusive and sovereign rule over your heart. I have chosen you as my children. Do you not understand the true riches of your inheritance through my son, Jesus? Why am I still only your god of convenience? Oh that my children would arise in power and authority. When you live by my Spirit, you wield the very eternal and creative power with which I created the world. The same Spirit that separated the waters from the dry land, and the night from the day, lives within you. If you have seen and received my Son, then you have seen me. Why then do you settle for your powerless and absolutely false gods? Your hearts have turned from me and have become ensnared by the trappings of this life. Do not allow Satan to deceive you any longer. There is no God like me. I am from the beginning and will ever more reign through eternity. Turn and follow me once again. Be diligent to pursue your relationship with me. Surrender to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. For I will burn away the hay and stubble, and refine you as vessels of honor unto me. I will use you as an example to teach the younger ones how to appropriate their inheritance. I am equipping you to reach the lost and deceived with the good news of the gospel of my Son, Jesus. Tell everyone what He did for them. The enemy of your soul has accelerated his attack on the unsaved. Masses of ignorant people are dying in their sins every day. Go and tell them about Jesus. Possess the land, redeem the time. Do not delay the good news from reaching the ends of the earth. The time grows short. You have authority over the works of Satan. Appropriate your gifting and go in the name of Jesus. Rescue the lost, speak light to those in darkness, and truth to those who are deceived. I will confirm the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ with mighty signs and wonders. For I AM has declared these things. Hear me, and obey my words. Listen to the cries of the lost ones who are in hell. Listen to their cries as they experience the rewards of their god. For they chose to follow the evil one. And great is their reward. Great also is your reward if you endure to the end. For you can not comprehend the joys that await you at the end of this journey. Do not grow weary in well doing. Do not quit walking down the narrow path. I have many opportunities yet for you to experience as you continue to overcome this world. Do not despair. I have wells of living water placed ahead of you in key places so you can be refreshed. Draw water from my well as you thirst, and I will quench every desire that arises. I will fill every need and you will find rest for your soul. I am always faithful. I will never let you down. Even the ones I have placed around you will never meet your expectations. I will forever always exceed your greatest expectations. Man cannot meet your needs. For each one journeys their own path I have set before them. Only I can provide for you along the way as you learn to be an overcomer. So look to me. Do not take your eyes off me. Pursue those moments when you are in my presence and can be infilled afresh with my daily mercies. Only I can meet your deepest needs. Only I can satisfy your longing. Remember the prize is at the end of your journey. Your reward will be enjoyed in heaven forever. Yet I will reward you if you press in to me along the way. I will reward you with more of my character, more of my nature, more of my power, more of my Spirit, more of my peace, more of my joy, and more of my grace. I will equip you to pursue me to even greater depths. I am your reward. Conversations With God May #1 You are still holding on to the former things, and seeking to find a place for them in our relationship. Yet I declare to you that these very things impede my work in and through you. For so long you attempted to place me in a box and make me fit into your programs. As you have yielded to me and cast off some of the former things, you must continue to surrender all areas of your life to the Holy Spirit. You are growing in grace. Even so, where once you tried to fit me in your life, you are now attempting to fit those unsurrendered portions of your life into our relationship. Light overcomes darkness. I want all of you, not just the comfortable parts. I will bring my Holy Spirit into the darkest recesses of your being and cast out any darkness. My Holy Spirit fire will burn off the dross. Yield to me. Freely come before me and surrender yourselves and all that you have. I am seeking vessels of honor, and would use you mightily. But you still have one foot in the Kingdom, and the other in the world. Conversations With God May #2 I will soon begin to sift your assemblies as flour in a shaker. Even though I will shake you to sift you as through a screen, it will not be for individual purification as in the past. I am going to shake your programs, and your committees, and your construction plans, and all your good ideas. I will separate out all the worthless and man-made programs. What will remain will be my plan for your assembly. And it will bear little resemblance to that to which you are accustomed. Many of you comfortable in your ineffective and self-serving assemblies of religion will get caught in the screen and be sifted out. You will not survive the shaking because you refuse to be led by my Spirit. You choose instead to follow the dictations of your own desires. My true church will bear little resemblance to your traditional assemblies. I will remove the resources from you that keep you separated from each other. I did not intend for you to get comfortable behind closed doors in fancy buildings of glass and stone. Open your doors wide and cry out to the lost and needy to come in before I cast you into the streets with them and give your buildings to another more faithful than you. My shepherds will seek my face and know my heart. Many of you expend more effort seeking money to pay for your elaborate programs than you do worshipping me. I want your worship. I have ordained that you fellowship with me above your fellowship with each other. As I again shake the earth to raise up my standard, many of you will choose not to follow me. You will choose to fellowship with false and kindred members of your dead assemblies. I am about to raise up my true church from the religious muck. Then the world will see Jesus as Lord. In the past I have called my faithful ones out from the religious assemblies and into fellowship in new places. This time they will stand fast and the false programs and leaders will crumble around them. Those left standing will be my chosen remnant who will usher in the great harvest in power with signs and wonders. Turn to me today and repent of your own ways. Submit to me and obey my voice. And stand tall in the truth and light of the gospel. For I would use you mightily in these last days. Why do you continue to place yourself in peril? You walk out of step with the cadence of my army. You seek your times of refreshing in fleshly ways. You rest in yourselves from the weariness of your busy-work and are still tired at the end of your rest. When will you listen, when will you learn with your heart? I am your rest. Enter into the time of refreshing as I call you away unto me by my Spirit. I will open up before you the living waters. I will restore your energy and remove your weariness from you. Only I can bring the rest you need in these troublesome times. Yet you are continually weary and despairing of the pace of your life. I say unto you that you will burn out unless you come to me for your refreshing. Remove from you all activities and busy-work that I have not called you to do. Ask me to reveal the things that are draining your spirit and I will do it. I will order your life with my schedule. I will grant you times of refreshing and infilling anew of my Spirit. I will cause you to overflow with my life so you can be a source of refreshing to others. I will give you a peace and calmness that will speak to the hearts of the lost, and stir up within them a desire to have what you have. And you will bring them to the life-giver, and reconcile them to Jesus Christ. In so doing, you will stay refreshed. Look to the West, and the East, and the South, and the North. Light your lamps and seek me out while there is still time. For I come soon to claim my beloved bride. The cry is being issued forth for the final battle. The in-gathering of the end-time harvest has begun. Shine your armor and fine tune your weapons of warfare. Be prepared to march into territory unfamiliar to you. Make ready your personal affairs. Count your lives as lost for the Glory of your Captain, that you might be found to be faithful warriors. Even though the battle has been won, you must fight the propaganda of your defeated enemy. Do not hear and receive his lies, but rather embrace the orders of your Captain. There are many who have been taken and are now being held captive. Prepare to march into enemy strongholds and set them free. Even though your enemy is defeated, he is unwilling to let go of those he has captured and the territory he now occupies. He has no authority to occupy any place unless you allow him to stay. But I say to you that you have been equipped, and are commanded to set every captive free, and drive out your enemy from every stronghold. Spoil all of the enemy's work, and be relentless in your attack. I have given you authority over him. I would have you understand the battle plan. Your enemy delights in spreading fear among those he intends to ensnare. When you lift up your voices in praise, and shout forth the victory, you are forewarning your enemy that you are coming. When Satan and all his henchmen hear the victorious marching in for the spoil they experience utter terror. The very fear he intends for you, comes back upon them. They know that they are under the authority of the Captain and his warriors. And they make ready to surrender their captives to the Army of God. At times you will march forward as a squad. At other times you will plunder the enemy's camp in battalion strength. Most often you will walk into enemy territory, alone with your Captain, and together you have more than enough strength to overcome the enemy and free the captives. America is on a crash course with me, says the Lord. Your sons and your daughters have ignored the council of their parents. You have turned from me and sought after other things, both natural and unnatural. You lust after perishable things with which to satisfy unholy passions. You have left your first love, and have rejected the teaching of your fathers. You despise natural affection and mock me with your perverted life-styles. You turn your eyes away and thereby endorse murder of your innocents by your inactivity. You have rejected my council, and refuse to make my ways, your ways. Therefore, says the Lord, I will pour out my wrath on America. I will remove your strength, expose your sins to the world, and dry up your sources of wealth. You will be mocked by the rest of the world as an example of a nation that has turned its back on me. Yet I will establish a people among you who seek after mine own heart. They will be mightily blessed of me, and will go forth in great power as a testimony of me. For a day is coming soon when terror will overtake those who mock me with their perverted lips. Seek me now, and turn from your own way. Fall on your face before the God of your fathers and seek my forgiveness. And I will cleanse you from your wickedness and pour out on you grace sufficient for the coming days. Blow the trumpet and sound the alarm, my purging has begun. I am driving from your midst those with secret sins who refuse to repent and be changed. I am raising up my standard in your assemblies. No longer will I tolerate you fornicators, and adulterers, and sowers of discord. I forbid the lying tongue to speak, and am removing the false teachers, and prophets, and leaders from among you. I am revealing the hidden motives of your hearts in order that you might repent and be set free from the sins that so easily overtake you. I will open your eyes to the sin that is within your camp, and reveal all the secret matters of the heart. You who remain will be called Holy unto the Lord. You will be vessels of honor who will continually glorify the Father. Many of you believe that since I am quick to forgive the sins of a repentant heart, that I am a passive God. I would remind you that I hate sin, and am not passive in my judgement. I have warned you that I would judge your assemblies. I have sent my servants to call you to repentance. Yet you continue to remain passive and allow those who refuse to be persuaded toward righteousness to remain in your midst. My plans for your assembly will come to pass. I will have my way in your midst. You will march forth in victory and actively demonstrate my power, and reconcile sinners to me. But I will first purge those who secretly mock me with their sins. Look for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall for even now it is on the way. Turn and be cleansed today by the Blood of the Lamb. There is a calm before a storm during which the birds and land animals brace for the coming drama. They sense the approach of the storm and set about to make ready. Nature grows quiet with a noticeable silence. Then the winds and the clouds, and the thunder and lightening explode in a kaleidoscope of sights and sounds and destructive potential. When it has run its course, creation again grows quiet and calm. Yet there is a sense of newness that comes when the dust has been driven from the air, and nature has been refreshed by the rain. In much the same way I will move in the earth during the company days, says the Lord. While it is yet calm you must prepare for the coming hard times. Order your lives according to my individual plan for you, and purify your assemblies. Do not tolerate sin in your midst. The traditions of men no longer work in your churches. Programs that are not direct by me collapse almost as quickly as you begin them. The air is saturated with the pollution wrought by the cries of a humanistic world. Your people have turned their backs on the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. There is chaos and confusion everywhere. It is the calm before the storm. Make ready you who can discern the times, for soon I will unleash the fury of chastisement on a deserving world. You have become independent of your creator. I will change that. I will give you a choice to be reconciled to me. I will begin to cull the chosen from the called, for have I not said that many are called, but few are chosen? Those who remain will walk in might power as they gather in the end-time harvest for my Glory. Those houses not built on the rock of Jesus Christ will be destroyed. False doctrines and shepherds will be cast down as my Holy Spirit winds blow across the earth, and the false doctrines are revealed for all to see. Just as looters will come in amidst the destruction of a storm and attempt to steal anything of value, your enemy will attempt to capture the weak among you. You must stand guard as watchmen and protect the spiritual treasures which I have entrusted into your hands. Prepare for the storm while it yet approaches. Shore up the weak areas in your lives. Embrace my Spirit as I begin to cut away the unfruitful attitudes, and mind sets, and traditions that still hold you captive. After the storm, my bride will arise in glorious splendor from the rubble, in power and majesty. She will await the coming of her King and Lord, trembling with excitement at the near return of Jesus. Many will repent and embrace me with their whole being. The church will multiply, and the freshness of my Spirit will fill the air. But the line between my Kingdom and the forces of darkness will become even more pronounced. The freshness and calm after the storm will only be for a season, since the storm is merely as a gust of wind in a much larger storm which is still to come. Great will my power be manifest in the earth. I will use you, says the Lord. I am forming you in my image so when others look at you, they see me. I am purging your character, and purifying your motives so that you will properly respond to the needy and spiritually hungry people that I bring across your path. I have a plan for you of which you have only just begun to understand a small portion. You see in part for the moment, but as you walk out my will for you, I will reveal more of that plan. However, you often listen but seldom hear what I am saying to you by my Spirit. I would have you tune your hearing ear to my Spirit, for I have much to say concerning your life and my will for you. If you listen and do not hear, how can you do what I say? Until you hear what I am saying to you today, I will not reveal anything new to you tomorrow. You must hear and walk in obedience to what has already been revealed to you, before you will walk further down the road I have chosen for you. I desire that you walk in the fullness of the revelation knowledge you already have within you. If you are to walk with me, you must keep pace with my step. Many of you fall behind when the way becomes steep or rocky. Yet those times of struggle and turmoil are for a purpose. How then can you learn to be overcomers, if there is nothing for you to overcome? The road I have planned for you will not always be easy. But know that it will always be wide enough for the two of us to walk side by side. Many of you are waiting for my Spirit to fall on your assemblies and manifest great outpouring of power in your midst. You are marking time like a soldier in ranks, waiting for the order to be given to march into battle. Have you become dull of hearing? Do you not know yet that the order has been given? I already commissioned you as my servants to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus to all the world, bringing salvation to a hungry people. I have already told you to go forth and heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons in the name of Jesus. Unto you has been given authority to demonstrate my power in the earth. Yet you mark time, waiting for me to move separate from you. You look expectantly for an explosion of signs and wonders in your churches. If you have inclined your ear to hear my words, then understand this. I have chosen to work through my church, not apart from it. And who then is my church? My church is not made of stone and wood. My church is not a large, glass house that will become ground to dust when the earth trembles. You are my church. Individually you are my temple, corporately you are my body. Therefore, understand that I will first move in and through you individually before I will ignite your assemblies. You ask for revival...let it begin in you. You desire signs and wonders...believe my Word and allow my Spirit to work through you. You grieve for your nation...pray for your leaders. Your lives are in turmoil...set your houses in order. Allow my fire to purge your life and I will then cleanse your assemblies. Present yourselves as vessels of honor, and greatly will I multiply my church in the earth. You seek new revelation and understanding in these last days, yet you are not walking by faith in what has already been revealed to you. How then can you expect new revelation when you are not being obedient to do what I have already told you to do. You are still concerned with the cares of this world. Your daily security still rests with your jobs and your bank account. Am I not removing those false idols of security? I will continue to take away those things which have captivated your time and attention, until you again begin to look only to me. Those things you counted as secure or trustworthy today, will not longer be there for you tomorrow. Hear my words. I will have no other gods before me. Put all your faith in me. Mark time no longer. March forward in faith and see an explosion of power in your life. I am seeking trustworthy servants whose eyes are upon me, whose hearts seek after my heart, whose ears are inclined to my words, whose hands are surrendered for labor, and whose feet are firmly fixed on my path. Happy is such a one in whom I delight, and abundant blessings will they enjoy. Conversations With God June #3 I am stirring you up, says the Lord. I am causing your sleep to be restless and your spirit to grow uneasy. I am increasing your sensitivity to the sin around you. I am causing you to marvel at the perversions in your midst. Righteous anger has begun to arise on the inside of you, and you are beginning to know the heart of your God. How long must I wait for my children to rise up and expose those things which ought not to be? Where are those who would call sinners to repentance? Why have you shepherds become more interested in your program than in reconciling the lost unto me? Who then will demonstrate my saving grace? The harvest fields are white and ready, but there are not enough laborers. You are not yet ready to be disciplers, you who still need to be spoon-fed the basic doctrine of the good news of the gospel. I am stirring you up to make you dissatisfied with your level of commitment. I am placing within you a desire to go forth as servants and laborers for your King. I am giving you the desire to live every area of your life for my glory. For I will respond to every willing heart with great joy. I will use your desire to be fruitful for my Kingdom in mighty ways. I will carry you to the far corners of this world as ambassadors of righteousness. I will use your obedience and faithfulness to disciple the babes in Christ. And great will your reward be in heaven. Do not fear what you will say, or what you are to do. I will equip you for every task. I will meet your every need. I will open every door and subdue your enemies for sake of the gospel. Care not for the things of this world. Rather pursue godliness and servanthood. And I will watch over you as precious jewels. For this is the heritage of my servants. Take heart, little children. I will not leave you without a shepherd. Many of them have fallen into diverse temptations and have become ensnared. Many others are satisfying their own passion for money, and fame, and power. But I am raising up faithful bondservants who will disciple you. They will be strong leaders and not just encouragers who nudge you into following their exhortations. I am raising up those I have been preparing for a long time. They will lead by example, and you will have to race to keep pace with their level of obedience to my Spirit. Stand fast. Do not be carried away with the emotion of the hour, but wait on me. I am bringing food to your table rich in all the ingredients you will need to grow strong and steadfast in your faith. I will multiply your faith abundantly. I will raise up faithful leaders in your midst who will speak a word in season. They will challenge your complacency and your passiveness. They will challenge the watered down and compromised teaching that is trying to pervert my Word and cater to every wind of doctrine. You have been accused of being inflexible with respect to my Word, and I say to you that if a matter is not of me, it is of the devil. There are no middle of the road and neutral positions in my Kingdom. To no degree shall you serve the enemy. But press in to me and I will feed you living waters. I will show you the truth of a matter. Do not look to your leaders for answers, look to me. For they run to and fro, wringing their hands with lack of vision and understanding. They will change and grow or be replaced. I will cause many of them to turn and seek me with all their heart. I will restore them and equip them to fulfill their call. Others I will discard because they refuse to follow me. Do not become confused. I will provide you with strong and effective leadership. For I am the head of the church, and the father of the fatherless. You ask in your heart, when will I do this, and when will I do that? Where are the signs and wonders? How long will I withhold punishment of the wicked? You echo within yourself words of judgement against your enemies. You look for me to rescue you out of their hand. Yet you have contempt in your heart for your oppressors. You judge them as lost and unfit for the Kingdom. I called you to forgive, give, pray for, love and show compassion to your enemies. I did not call you to harden your heart against them, or to speak out against them. I have said that you are to judge the sin, and not the sinner. For where would you be now? Who would be judging you if I had not covered you with my righteousness? Would you not be lost if I had not saved you? I have already given you victory over your enemies. I have said for you to pray for them. In that way it is like pouring hot coals on their heads, that the fire of the Holy Spirit might purge the sin from their lives, and they might be saved. Your first, and best offensive move is prayer. If you truly desire to see me move in your midst, you must surrender your hardened and judgemental heart to me, so that it might be softened and returned to you filled with compassion for the lost. If you wish to see the harvest, you must not focus on the degeneracy of the sinner. Rather you must stand fast against the sin. Do not compromise on the matter of sin. Yet be liberal in your grace to the sinner. Is that not how I have treated you? Many of you leaders are attempting to walk on middle ground with respect to those in your midst who are in sin. I say again, tolerate no sin in your camp. Do not allow the unrepentant to occupy a place in your assemblies. I am not speaking about those who have cried out to me, who are not yet walking in full victory. I am speaking about those who refuse to hear my words of correction, and turn from their paths of destruction. Put them away from you. For what fellowship does light have with darkness? My bride will be pure and holy. The hidden motives of her heart will have been revealed and purged. She will eagerly anticipate the coming of the bridegroom. And the unrepentant of heart will not have a reserved seat at the wedding feast. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see me. Listen my son, can you hear my heartbeat? Do you have ears to hear my longing to see the bride and bridegroom united as one? Do you truly understanding my love for you? For I am not like the false gods who remain silent when sought out by their worshippers. No, my son, I seek you out for fellowship. I created you in my image. When I look at you, I see me for I have clothed you in my righteousness. You are to walk as a direct reflection of me in the earth. I have given you authority in the name of Jesus. I am revealing more of myself to you, so you can better understand who you are. I see you as complete and holy, so why do you see yourself as less than you are. Do you not know that until you see yourself as I see you, that you cannot fully walk in the measure and stature for which you were created. I have called you and ordained you. Therefore do not let your steps grow idle as though you are waiting for me to take the first step. You must step out in faith and embrace the plan being written on your heart. It is only by faith that you will appropriate all that I have laid aside for you. Do not remain idle waiting for me, but go forth and fulfill what I have already commissioned you to do. Now is your time and season. If you are interested in a "hard copy" of the CWG, I will need your mailing address. Chris is moving to Montana, so the next issue will be somewhat delayed until he and his family get settled out there. Praise God for His faithfulness. -- This Signature Under Construction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wyvern Technologies | Tidewater's Premier Online Information System | (804) 627-1828, login guest, password guest to register