ReadIt text file viewer Listed below are many of ReadIt's features. Those retained from earlier versions first and then features that are either modifications of the earlier ones or are new to the current version. Please note that we might not have listed all features. Also, changes made to improve certain features, or to correct errors, might not be listed. Those features followed by an s in parenthesis (S) may be especially useful to blind users of ReadIt. Features retained from earlier versions: - Allows you to read large files even if the entire file can not be loaded into memory. - Lets you specify file to be read from the DOS command line or from the file entry window. - Provides a file pick list that enables you to move through your hard drives directories and select a file to be read. - Has an automatic "smart" line wrap feature which breaks long lines so that all text is on the screen. There is no need to scroll the text left or right when reading a file containing very long lines. Lines are not broken in the middle of words. (S) - Lets you search file for specific text. - Remembers up to five (5) text strings that you enter from the find panel. You can scroll through this list to select a string to be searched for. - Remembers up to five (5) filenames and/or drive specifications entered in the filename entry panel. You can scroll through these to select a file to be read or a drive and or directory to display in the pick list. - Has a variable speed, continuous scroll mode for hands free reading of a text file. - Has switchable display modes (direct or bios). (S) - Displays a status panel to let you know where you are and what switches are set. The method for updating this panel can be set to Bios (except for line numbers) or direct. (S) - Enables you to execute DOS commands from the text display window (if enough memory is free). - Remembers up to five (5) DOS commands and lets you scroll back through them to pick one to execute. - Displays a 2-line help panel that shows some of the available commands. - Always displays error messages at the same place on the screen accompanied by an error tone. No silent error boxes that might pop up anywhere. (S) - Has help panels that can be pulled down from anywhere in the program. These help panels are full-screen width and always start at the top of the screen. (S) - Lets you set a "bookmark" in each file that you read. You can set a bookmark, go somewhere else in the file, and then return to the bookmark. - Lets you save a set bookmark when you leave a file and automatically takes you to the bookmark the next time you enter that file. Features new in version 2.0: - Now asks you if you wish to save bookmarks set in files instead of automatically saving them. - Lets you remove previously saved bookmarks from the bookmark file. - Switchable pick list display. Shows filenames and extensions only or full file info including size, date, time and attributes. - Lets you sort the pick list by filename, extension, size, date and time, or sort by extensions and within extension groups sort by filenames. - Provides minimal file management (lets you rename or delete files). - Enables you to make a highlighted directory the currently logged directory and exit to DOS. - Provides a "Go to line" command in text viewing along with a "Jump panel". These commands add versatility in moving around a file. - Provides "Block" commands which let you mark blocks to be written to disk. - Lets you change the size of the cursor from text viewing mode. This may make it easier for portable computer users to see the cursor on an LCD screen. Features new in version 2.5: - Sort picklist by file name and extension. - Turn off picklist sorting and display entries in the order they appear in the current directory. - File size, date, and time are displayed in picklist according to country specific information obtained from DOS. - You can exit ReadIt directly to DOS from either the picklist or from file viewing by pressing ALT-X (eXpress eXit). - Save the scrolling speed setting from text viewing. - Load previous or next file in picklist without leaving text viewing. - "Words Only" search option increases flexibility of text searching. - ReadIt now lets you search multiple files for specified search strings by simply specifying an additional search option. - RIC now lets you set start-up picklist settings for sort by (name, ext, etc.), sort order (ascending, descending), and picklist info (names and extensions, full info). Features new in version 2.6: - ReadIt can now handle text files which have lines that are longer than a screen width without using "smart-wrap". The view can be shifted left or right. This is especially useful for viewing files containing columnar data such as spreadsheets. Features new in version 2.7: - With the addition of the stand-alone utility CFDIR.EXE, ReadIt now supports viewing text files within compressed files. Works with ARC, LZH, ZIP, and ZOO formats. Now, when you select a file having oneof the extensions listed above, ReadIt will show you a list of the files within the selected compressed file. You can then use the picklist highlight bar to choose, and the ENTER key to select, one of these files for viewing. ReadIt takes care of the rest. Fixes in version 2.7.2: - Fixed problems with mark and find which occured when using Long-Lines mode. - Fixed cursor placement problem which occured when shifting the view in Long-Lines mode. - Made minor corrections in the Find routines. - Fixed problem with multiplefilesearch which caused ReadIt to ignore the first line of each file searched. Changes and additions to version 2.8: - View shifting in long lines mode now works in both slow and fast modes. - In long lines mode, character left or right now scroll the view rather than shifting it. Read READIT28.DOC for further explanation. - The /l switch no longer has to be the second paramater when you use it to turn long lines mode on from the DOS command line. - The block save feature now strips out any non-displayable characters so the saved block is as it appears in ReadIt. - The search command can now be invoked from the DOS command line. - Some display features can be controlled from the command line. - Other DOS command line switches have been added. - A few additional features can be set with RIC. - Can now load any type of file. Since ReadIt is still a text file viewer, the best result of this feature is that you can now use ReadIt to view those text files which may not contain the more or less standard line and file delimiters. - ReadIt and RIC now support two additional compressed file types--ARJ and PAK. Changes and additions to version 2.8B: - /S and /T two-way switches. Control whether the status line (/S) and/or the text window (/T) are displayed directly (fast). Immediately follow switch by either + (fast) or - (slow). IF switch is not followed by either, + (fast) is assumed. These switches override "factory" settings and RIC.EXE settings for the current ReadIt session. - /N single-throw switch. Freezes line number updating during use of automatic scrolling. Useful for those who use speech packages which constantly speak the line numbers when in automatic scrolling. The numbering freeze is only in effect during continuous scrolling. - /O double-throw switch (One line through BIOS). Affects the screen display during a text search and string is found. When "/O+" is specified, only the line containing the found string is sent through BIOS (slow). When "/O-" is specified, the entire text screen is sent through BIOS (slow). "/O-" has no effect when fast mode is set. This feature can also be set using RIC.EXE. The selection is "Found screen" in the display methods menu. - Because of numerous requests, the help screens (which are displayed by pressing F1) no longer follow the color of the text window but can instead be set by using RIC.EXE. - /WP single-throw switch. When this switch is specified as an option on the DOS command line, ReadIt will attempt to identify files created by Word Perfect, and ignore the file header information when it loads them. NOTE 1: ReadIt will not interpret, or filter out, any imbedded Word Perfect control codes. NOTE 2: This feature has gone through only minimal testing on a relatively small number of files created by Word Perfect version 5.0. DLJ Software makes no claims as to how well this feature will work for you. NOTE 3: Word Perfect is a registered trademark of the Word Perfect Corporation. Changes and additions to version 2.8D: - ReadIt 2.8D is the first version which can be stamped by registered users for "easy upgrading". Only registered users will be able to "stamp" the program. All newly registered users will receive their own stamp program. How do we decide what features to add or change? Simple! We take the democratic approach when deciding what to do with ReadIt. Those changes and features most wanted by our registered users are most likely to find there way into future versions. To ensure that you have a vote, take a few minutes to fill out the comment section of the registration form when you register your copy of ReadIt. Or, if you are already a registered user, drop us a note.