77 files found in Library "Sound, Speaker & Music"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1SBOARD2.ZIP Yes 150040 4/3/1993 Transform Your Pc Into a Sight and Sound Machine. the Sound Board Entertains and Educates While the Entire Family Explores Their Musical and Artistic Talents. Place Dotes (Dots/Notes) to Make Any Picture or Song
50MIDIS.ZIP Yes 176984 8/20/1993 50 Different Midi Files. Most You Probablydon't Have
AC33MUSC.ZIP Yes 274593 4/19/1993 Accu Music System V3.3 - Allows You to Create Music on Your Computer. You Can: Use Graphics-based (Or Text-based) Editor to Enter Notes and View Them on the Screen; Transpose Music to Change Key Signatures
AMW10A.ZIP Yes 89203 4/13/1993 Amw - a Multimedia Workstation/Voice V1.0a Utility That Allows a User to Manipulate Sound Blaster Voice Files, Making Them Fast- Er, Slower, Louder and Quieter; W/Zoon on Voice Data - True Voice Editor Feature.
AUDIO_FM.ZIP Yes 38757 5/10/1993 Audio File Formats Faq V3.02 From the Internet
AXELGOES.ZIP Yes 100667 9/10/1993 Mod Music File Called Axel Goes Funkey
BB5M.ZIP Yes 37762 9/4/1993 J.S. Bach - Brandenberg Concerto Number 5sbpro Midi Format
BBUGSKIS.ZIP Yes 33907 9/1/1993 Au File. Bugs Bunny, After Kissing Amechanical Rabbit, Which Falls Apart: "That'sthe Trouble With Some Dames: Kiss 'Em Andthey Fly Apart.".
CDBOX300.ZIP Yes 274678 7/18/1993 Cd-box V3.00: All-in-one Vga & Mouse Multi-format Sound Player for Adlib & Sb Supports Cmf, Mid, Mod, Mus, Rol, Voc and Wav, With Pause & Repeat & Volume Control, Playing From Arc, Arj, Pak and Zip, Handling of Bank Files
CDGRAB13.ZIP Yes 37323 7/4/1993 Cdgrab V1.3 Utility for Cd-rom Drives. Interesting for All Cd-rom Users-invaluable for Audio or Multimedia Developers.
CDPLAY32.ZIP Yes 301493 9/22/1993 Cdplayer 3.2 Jupiter Software, for Dos or Windows
CHAOSS3M.ZIP Yes 131562 8/11/1993 Chaos.S3m Music File From Unreal.
CHORO.ZIP Yes 209596 9/22/1993 Module With Nice Chorus, Made by Frank Aalbers
CS0101.ZIP Yes 274551 7/30/1993 Sound Effects for Cyber Culture Magazinevolume 1, Issue 1.
DAFMSTPC.ZIP Yes 111907 9/1/1993 Au File. Daffy Duck, From "Daffy Doodles":"It's Colossal. It's Stupendous. It'smagnificant. This'll be My Masterpiece!".
DAFPARTY.ZIP Yes 31846 9/1/1993 Au File: Daffy Duck Carrying on About a Greatparty.
DAFSONG1.ZIP Yes 210656 9/1/1993 Au File. Daffy Duck, From "Daffy Doodles". Hesings a Song Explaining Why He Must Paintmoustaches on Everything.
DAFSONG2.ZIP Yes 79868 9/1/1993 Au File. Daffy Duck Song From "Daffy Doodles"About an Acrobat's Daughter.
DICE01.ZIP Yes 352575 8/12/1993 A Collection of 10 Voc Sound Files of Andrewdice Clay.
DMODP170.ZIP Yes 72432 10/4/1993 Module Player for Pt/Mmd0-2/Dss0 Modules.
DMP266.ZIP Yes 96760 9/25/1993 Dual Mod Player 2.66 the Best
GUSAIL96.ZIP Yes 103883 6/17/1993 Gravis Ultrasound Miles Drivers -these Are Beta (Version 0 96) Miles Drivers Which Allow the Gus to Have Excellent Sound Quality Under Games Which Use the Midpak/Digipak Drivers the Seventh Guest is an Example of a Game
GUSMIX.ZIP Yes 11026 4/26/1993 Gravis Ultra Sound Mixer Driver
HEYBUDDY.ZIP Yes 49500 8/20/1993 Voc of "Hey Buddy Buddy, Hey Buddy Buddy,etc.
HOT_SND.ZIP Yes 230921 9/17/1993 More Crazy .Snd Files.. Includes a Superbrecipe for a Hot Fudge Sauce. 06-08-91..09-18-93
INCUBE1.ZIP Yes 163873 7/25/1993 Talk to Your Pc, Give it Command With Your Voice. With a Microphone and Sound Card You Can Now Talk to Your Pc, As Well As Your Pc Can Talk to You. That's What Incube is All About.
JSBSON.ZIP Yes 21592 8/28/1993 J.S. Bach - Organ Trio Number 3. Sbpro Midi
JUDYBLUE.ZIP Yes 21206 9/9/1993 Midi Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (Crosby, Stills &nash) Check This One Out!
JUKER14.ZIP Yes 84473 9/13/1993 The Juker V1.4 - Versatile Midi Jukebox Forwindows From the Free Windows Softwarefoundation. With Very Advanced Features!
JUSTICE2.ZIP Yes 111916 8/7/1993 Mod: and Justice for All, Im Workin on Here!
KIRK2ENT.ZIP Yes 13933 9/1/1993 Au File: "Kirk to Enterprize".
KMC_222E.ZIP Yes 137255 6/16/1993 Kmc is a Program That Edits Screens for a Bbs. Primary it Was Meant for Maximus Bbs, But it is Also Usable for Other Purposes And/Or BBS Programs. Kmc is Meant As an Util to a BBS and Not an Ansi Drawing Program
LAVE2.ZIP Yes 81549 8/11/1993 Lave2.S3m Music File From Unreal
MADEMO1.ZIP Yes 395480 7/4/1993 Maestro Pro 1.0 - the Best Shareware Music Cataloging Program on the Market. the Program Keeps Track of Albums, Songs, Who Played What, and Prints Cassette Liners (J-cards). Full Documentation Included. Only $19.95 Regist
MANLYYES.ZIP Yes 94576 9/12/1993 Au File: Beavis and Butthead: Their Versionof the Irish Spring Soap Comm: "Manly Yes Butbeavis Likes it Too.".
MARVIN.ZIP Yes 76197 8/21/1993 Marvin the Paranoid Android Voc Files.
MDF31.ZIP Yes 27878 4/21/1993 Midi Data Filer Ver1, April
MEGEM100.ZIP Yes 111518 8/30/1993 Release Version 1.0 of Mega-em for Gusemulates Mt-32, and Scc-1. This is Not Beta,however Still Limited to 20 Min Demonstration
MIMCPY10.ZIP Yes 26567 6/8/1993 Mimi Copy V1.0: a Kind of Cd Player for Midi Manipulator; Yasunao Kuroda/Piyo.
MODSHL10.ZIP Yes 41125 4/3/1993 Modshell V10 Shell Program You Can Use to Play Your Favorite Mods With Your Favorite Mod Player;
MSDR20.ZIP Yes 534140 5/20/1993 Ver. 2.0 Driver for Turtle Beach Multisound
MUSC33.ZIP Yes 276262 4/19/1993 Accu Music System V3.3 - Allows You to Create Music on Your Computer. You Can: Use Graphics-based (Or Text-based) Editor to Enter Notes and View Them on the Screen; Transpose Music to Change Key Signatures
MVPROD.ZIP Yes 28038 8/7/1993 Pas 16 Os/2 Driver Update From Mediavision.This is Listed As Beta and the Instructionsare to Rename the Old Driver and Replace Withthis. From Mediavision Forum on Compuserve.
PBOX401.ZIP Yes 144912 8/28/1993 Create Thebox Sound (Bass and Voz) V4.01
PCSV10.ZIP Yes 58377 5/3/1993 Pcsound V1.0: Pgm Designed to Let You Get the Most Out of Your Pc's Internal Speaker; You Can Easily Create Songs or Complex Sound Effects; Ega+/Mouse Required; J. Hess/Custom Programming Unlimited.
PIRSOUND.ZIP Yes 27573 8/12/1993 Upgraded Sound Driver for Microprose'spirates! Gold, From Microprose's Bbs.
PLANY11.ZIP Yes 18271 5/15/1993 Play Any File Through Soundblaster - Version 1.1 May 1993. Plany Will Play Any Sound File Through the Soundblaster. Currently Supported Sound Types: Soundblaster .Voc Sun/Next/Dec .Au Windows .Wav Sounder/Soundtools
PLAY13.ZIP Yes 42160 9/28/1993 Play.Exe 1.0 for Voc Wav Cmf Midi Sound Files
PLAYER.ZIP Yes 27075 4/23/1993 Plays a Wav or Voc Formatted Sound File on a Sound Blaster or Sb Pro Audio Sound Card.
PLAYMATE.ZIP Yes 26323 8/2/1993 This is a Heavy Metal Mod Done by My Bandforensic Medicine. it is Called Playmatesand it Has a Catchy Rythym and Two Guitarsolos.
PMP231.ZIP Yes 117524 9/9/1993 Protected Mod Player 2.31 Great
POMP3.ZIP Yes 27992 8/21/1993 A Classical/Baroquemod File by a Buddingauthor.
READ30.ZIP Yes 164056 4/25/1993 Read it V3.0: Text Viewer for Speech Sys. Text File Viewer Desinged for Use by Both Sighted and Visually Impaired Persons.
RGHTNOW.ZIP Yes 306402 8/8/1993 669 Music File. Van Halen's Right Now!
ROMSONGS.ZIP Yes 260154 5/12/1993 More Songs for Audiorom.Zip
S3M_PL2.ZIP Yes 14601 8/27/1993 S3m Player V2b With Vu-meters, Fast Forward,rewind.
SAMS2.ZIP Yes 885261 8/29/1993 Over 100+ .Sam Instrument Files for Creatingand Editing .Mod Music Files on the Pc.
SB_CD_.ZIP Yes 82428 8/22/1993 Creative Technology Ltd - Sb_cd_nt.Zip Latest 3-in-1 Installation Disk for Creative's Cdrom (1.03), Sbpro2 & Sb16 (1.02) for Final Release Windows Nt 3.1. Support Creative Cr 521/523/563 Drives, Sound Blaster Pro2
SETMEFRE.ZIP Yes 82460 9/12/1993 Au File: Beavis and Butthead: "Set Me Free,baby.".
SE_XTC.ZIP Yes 117885 5/17/1993 Sonic Cstasyproductions P R E S E N T Snocturnal Ecstasy Composer: Nocturnalintruder Length: [02: 42] .669 Music Format
SFXWIN20.ZIP Yes 156017 10/14/1993 Creates Sound Effects Icons - Click to Play
SIND_KLF.ZIP Yes 172287 8/28/1993 Sindication (Tm) 4 Channel Amf Formatplay With Latest Dmp Mod Player
SMELLIKE.ZIP Yes 44858 9/12/1993 Au File: Beavis and Butthead: "Smells Liketeen Spirit.".
SNDBLST.ZIP Yes 105657 9/15/1993 Contains Fixes to Existing 2.1 Soundblaster Device Drivers.
SOCLEAR.ZIP Yes 51485 8/20/1993 Let the Bass Come Out So Clear" Invocformat. by 95 South. .Voc
SOMESAVE.ZIP Yes 17410 9/9/1993 Midi Someone Saved My Life Tonight.
SPANKMKY.ZIP Yes 57542 9/12/1993 Au File: Beavis & Butthead - Mud Wrestling"Spank Your Own Monkey.".
SYMPH.ZIP Yes 99474 8/11/1993 Symphony.S3m Music File From Unreal
SYSCH237.ZIP Yes 79990 5/4/1993 Syschk - System Checkout V2.37 10 Pages of Easy to Use, Clean Info on Your System; Includes Cpu, Bios I/O, Video, Memory, Network, and Lots More
TAKE_MY.ZIP Yes 94899 7/31/1993 Take My Breath Away by Berlin! Great
TEKFEVER.ZIP Yes 53794 8/21/1993 Techno Fever by the Whize Guy. Excellenttechno! This is a Must Download for Technoenthusiasts!
TIG.ZIP Yes 140536 8/11/1993 Tiger.S3m Music File From Unreal
TRAKSWAP.ZIP Yes 57953 6/21/1993 Prologic 303 Software Presents.. Track Swapper Version 1.00 (Extended Mod Editor Series A) Swap Your Modules' Tracks With Ease!.
TSI180.ZIP Yes 34762 8/15/1993 The Sound Interface V1.80 - the Ultimateinterface Menu for Voc,mod,cmf,rol,etc., &even Fli or Gl Files. Now Tsi Has an Ems/Diskswap to Give You Maximum Memory!
TUMODU25.ZIP Yes 34100 7/25/1993 Utilities to Identify Mod Formats
YEHATMOD.ZIP Yes 74896 8/11/1993 Yehat Theme Song From Star Control II in Mod
_MYMODS.ZIP Yes 1138937 9/5/1993 20 .Mod Music Files.