README.TXT ---------- To get things going, first create a subdirectory for the Salvation program files on your hard disk. We recommend the name, "SALVTION". You may create this subdirectory my typing "MKDIR \SALVTION" at the DOS prompt. Second, copy the file, "SALV.EXE" to the newly created subdirectory on your hard disk. You may copy this file by typing "COPY A:\SALV.EXE C:\SALVTION" at the DOS prompt. If the Salvation disk is in a drive other than A:, be sure to substitute the correct drive letter. Third, run the program, "SALV.EXE". You'll need to change the current subdirectory to the Salvation subdirectory first. You may do this by typing "CD \SALVTION" at the DOS prompt. Then, run the program "SALV.EXE" by typing "SALV" at the DOS prompt. All of the files necessary for Salvation will then automatically be extracted. Finally, read the file, "READ-1ST.WRI" for additional details on setting up Salvation. It's a Windows Write file that may be viewed from the Window Write accessory application. Thanks!