Microworks Toolbox v1.2. Open Desktop for Windows. Copyright (c) 1992-93, Jeff Franks, (Microworks), Sydney, Australia. Compuserve 100026,1134. Release date: March 29, 1993. Welcome to Toolbox version 1.2. I'm very excited about this release because it's the best version yet. It's a whole new program, rewritten from the ground up. This version is so different it's more like an OS/2 desktop for Windows than a Windows desktop. Gone is the cumbersome old Workbench, Drivepak and Toolbox. They've been replaced by a slick new drag and drop icon-based interface that lets you drop files anywhere on the desktop. The new Drivepak lets you display as many desktop drive icons as you want and comes with an easy to use 'ini file setup' utility. The new Toolbox supports unlimited subgroups, icon selection from any file and drag and drop. to the desktop. The whole concept behind Toolbox is one of enhancement not replacement. You still need to use File Manager and I suggest you continue to use Program Manager. Of course if you want to you can use Toolbox to replace Program Manager entirely. There is some bad news for those who currently use Toolbox. Your ini files are not compatible with this version and you can't convert them. I'm sorry about that but it was unavoidable. I'm sure you'll understand once you start using version 1.2. Also during the installation make sure you install all the data files from TBox12.zip. You'll need them. Installing version 1.2 is easy. It comes with its own install utility. Just follow the instructions below an away you go! QUICK INSTALLATION Step 1. Copy Bwcc.dll into your Windows system directory (if its not already there). Install wont run without it.This is the latest file from Borland so check the date on yours and if it's earlier use this one! Step 2. Unzip TOOLBOX.ZIP into a Temporary directory or floppy disk. Step 3. Unzip one of the files IF640.zip, IF800.zip or IF1024.zip (eg for 640 by 480 (VGA) unzip IF640.zip) into the same directory as in step 2. Step 4. Run Install from the same directory as the program files and follow its instructions. Install will only take a few minutes of your time and it will back up any file it needs to change to a 'bak' file. If you find you don't like your new Toolbox just run Uninstall. Lastly, as you work your way through this new version spare a thought for its workmanship and consider registering your copy of the program. I hope you like this Toolbox version 1.2....Jeff.