Text Manager Copyright(c) 1993 Digital Software Shareware Evaluation Copy All Rights Reserved Text Manager Order Info... Orders are shipped IMMEDIATELY... To order Text Manager, print the file ORDER.FRM. Then fill out the info. and send it to the following address. Digital Software 13620 98th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA 98034 Make Check or money order payable to the author "Kerim Erden" Disks are VIRUS-SCANNED, Checked for Errors, shrink-wrapped, put in a Sturdy package, and then shipped. The price of Text Manager ($10.00), includes shipping. The Disk you recieve will be a HIGH-Quality brand-name disk with a plastic sleave and a Professional label. Disks containing Text Manager are sufficiently Virus scanned with various Virus Scanners to scan a total of OVER 4,000 different forms of Virus.