YAFM V2.1a Copyright (C) H.Snip 1991-1993 1. Introduction 2. Features 3. Help on installation 4. Files in this package 5. Generated files 6. Distribution 7. Disclaimer 8. Future improvements 9. Known bugs 10. Background 11. Revision history 12. Registration 1. Introduction ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß YAFM is a shortcut for (Y)et (A)nother (F)ile (M)anager. YAFM is primarily intended as a quick and intuitive tool which allows you to perform all kinds of operations on files with as much flexibility as possible. YAFM is especially handy for the following activities: o) Viewing directories and files. o) Copying, Deleting and Renaming files o) Compressing and Uncompresing files. o) Executing commands based on the extension of a file. o) Edit or View files with different editors/wordprocessors or viewers based on file extensions. o) Performing commands on files that need access to parts of a file specification (driveletter, extension...). o) Quickly creating batch files to perform some job on a selected list of files. 2. Features ßßßßßßßßßßß o) Two panel file display. o) Built in file commands such as Copy, Delete and Rename. o) Built in command to delete a complete directory tree. o) Executing commands based on file extensions. o) Configurable colors. o) Configurable commands such as Edit and View. o) Extendible through macros which can be assigned to almost. any key. o) Support for all compression programs such as PKZIP and ARJ. o) Filtering filenames is possible (show only specified files). o) Incremental file search in long directory listing. o) Full access to all parts of the panel-directory names or the current file specification when executing commands. o) Uses NO memory when swapped to disk when executing programs or macro's. o) Main environment can be changed from within yafm. 3. Help on installation ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß The installation program "yafminst" can both be used to perform a first full installation or it can be used to re-install yafm. The installation starts up with a help screen explaining how to use the installation program. During installation the program files will be copied to the selected target directory when needed and the default macros will be generated. The installation program will prompt you for confirmation before files are overwritten. 4. Files in this package ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß The yafm package consists of the following files: o) setup.bat ==> A batch file to start the installation program o) yafminst.exe ==> The installation program o) yafmprog.exe ==> The program file o) pageview.exe ==> Program to view ascii text files o) yafmcfg.exe ==> Configuration program for yafm o) scrsave.exe ==> Screen saver program o) yafmhelp.txt ==> On line help documentation o) deltree.exe ==> Tool to delete directory tree o) readme.txt ==> This file o) manual.txt ==> Reference manual o) regform.txt ==> Registration form o) file_id.diz ==> file description These files, when archived, are distributed in a file named YAFMxxx.ZIP where xxx represents the version of the yafm program. The ZIP file is produced using ZIP version 2.04g. >>>>>> PLEASE BE SURE THAT THE -AV IS INTACT! <<<<<< The -AV stamp should be: Authentic files Verified! # XME071 MIX! 5. Generated files ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß During installation the target directory as specified by the user will be created with the directory MACROS below it. The MACROS directory will hold the yafm macro files that you define from YAFM. The installation program will create the default macros for you. When these macros are already present in this directory yafminst will prompt you before files are overwritten. Except for the default macros yafminst will als create the file "YAFM.BAT". This batch file should be used to start yafm. 6. Distribution ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß YAFM is a Shareware product. You are granted the right to distribute this software freely, provided you always distribute the executable programs along with all of the original documentation and you do not charge for the software. YAFM is copyrighted. The author reserves all rights to the software and these rights are protected by international copyright law. You may not alter any file included in this package, nor may you modify the package through the addition or omission of any file. The author spent a great deal of time writing this software. If you use this program on a regular base, you are required to register it with the author. See below for further information. When you are using this program without registering it please upload the program in it's original (compressed) form to as many BBS-es as you can. This will let you feel less guilty about using this program. 7. Disclaimer ßßßßßßßßßßßßß This software is distributed "AS IS" with no warranty whatsoever. Although every effort has been made to assure that the software performs properly, I cannot assure its fitness for a particular purpose, nor can I assume any responsibility for any damages caused by this software or by its use. Due to the distribution method employed, there is always a possibility that a program can be modified illegally without my knowledge. The best way to assure that your program is unmodified is to order a registered copy of this program directly from the author. If you do experience any problems with the software, or software using the same or similar name, please contact me at the address listed in the file regform.txt 8. Future improvements ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß YAFM is under constant development. Future improvements may be: o) Show list of macros in configuration screen o) Enhancements of macro facility o) Copy / Move a complete directory tree. o) 4dos support (show and handle file descriptions) o) Display of directory tree o) Backup manager facilities 9. Known bugs ßßßßßßßßßßßßß o) You have to terminate a path specification with a backslash '\' when you manually type a path as response to rename and copy prompts. o) CTRL-C can not be used as the name of a macro since it will abort the program. 10. Background ßßßßßßßßßßßßßß I started developing YAFM at a time that I was a frequent user of two other file managers: The Norton Commander and PFM. Because I frequently used both programs because of their particular advantages I decided to develop a tool of my own which combines the features I most often used of both programs. The first working version of this program, called DM (Disk Manager), was written in the 'C' language. After that the program was gradually rewritten in C++ and enhanced to the current version which is called YAFM (Yet Another File Manager). 11. Revision history ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Version 2.1a ------------ - Fixed bug in pageview concerning incorrect handling of TABS in combination with long lines. - The popup box reminder to register is displayed now really every time yafm is started or re-entered after being swapped. Version 2.1 ----------- - Swap and pause options added in macro definitions. - Yafm conditionally swaps to disk when executing macro's and DOS commands now. - Yafm.bat should now be used to start the program. - The pageview program has been rewritten and is used as the default file viewer now. - Pop-up boxes can be configured as normal or exploding. - ToggleEga command is assigned to F12 key now. - Yafm can handle 80*40 display mode now. - Yafm prompts for new directory specification now when saved directory could not be activated. - Floppy disk removal is detected in a better way now. - Reload operation is displayed in a different way - Rename and delete operations on marked files will no longer change the first character of the name on the display. This allows undelete operations on accidently removed files. - A popup box reminding you to register is displayed every time yafm is started or re-entered after being swapped. - Installation program changed Version 2.0A ------------ - Minor problems fixed. - ToggleEga command added. Version 2.0 ----------- - Macro facility completely changed and improved. There is no difference between macros and configurable commands anymore. Version 1.6d ------------ - Screen handling changed - Macro feature extended. Version 1.6c ------------ - Configuration changes are always detected now - Default option of 'N'ew command changed - Jokers supported in macro dialog boxes. Version 1.6b ------------ - Further improvements of macro facility. - Removed bug in AutoSearch. Version 1.6a ------------ - Macro definition command was improved. Version 1.6 ----------- - First 'offical' version that was placed on a BBS. Older versions -------------- - These versions of YAFM and DM were passed to friends and relatives for evaluation purposes. These versions should not be used since they may (and most probably will !) contain bugs. 12. Registration ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß To register YAFM, printout the file "regform.txt", complete it and follow the instructions mentioned in that file.