The Merchant: The character will start out at the Merchant's location. There is only one Merchant and he does not move, so remember when he is! Here is a brief explaination of the options available here: 0:Return to Aventuring: Allows the character to do normal tasks such as: moving to another room, drinking a potion, casting a spell or quiting and returning to the BBS. R:Repair Armor: Allows a character to bring his armor's ability to absorb damage back to it's full potential. T:Trade Treasure: This exchanges your 6 types of treasure for credits with the Merchant as well as giving you experience points. Q:Quit Playing and Return to BBS: Pretty well describes it. C:Change Levels: This option allows characters access to all levels of the maze. You may either assend, decend, or remain on the current maze level. P:Purchase Menu: This selection will move the character to an area where they may purchase items from the merchant. These include: 1:Weapon 2:Armor 3:Potions ATTENTION!: Prices increase as a character ad- vances. S:Selling Menu: This selection will move the character to an area where they may sell items to the merchant for credits. These selections include: 1:Weapon 2:Armor 3:Potions 4:Weapons captured from Monsters ATTENTION!: Characters do not get full price for used goods.