Following is an example showing how to use the file "Getday.Exe" in conjunction with Automenu's Timed Execution to run a specific program on a specific day of the week. The example shows a piece of an MDF which invokes the program "Tv.Exe" at 15 minutes after midnight each Saturday. The file "GETDAY.EXE" is located in the Automenu Directory and when called by [00:15 below, returns the current day of week as numeric 0 - 6 where Sun = 0, Sat = 6. This "returned" number is treated as an "errorlevel" by the following lines. ............................................................ .The "error level" refers to the day, where Sun = 0, Sat = 6 ............................................................ [00:15 +getday.exe +if not errorlevel 6 goto end +TV.EXE +:end +cd \automenu +auto comm.mdf .............................................