VID v2.0, the BBS Virus Information Door from Cairo Research Labs, is now available! With the release of 2.0, you are looking at a complete re-write from the original VID door. The original VID was designed to provide a quick online virus reference for BBS users, but has quickly evolved into quite a bit more! Thanks to a tremendous response from Sysops around the world, VID has provided BBS users with quick, accurate viral assessments while online on their favorite BBS system. Most of the changes in this release of VID pertain to the online user inter- face, as well as the internal virus database format. The interface has been completely revamped, and is much more intuitive than the interfaces presented in previous releases. What's New in This Release? * Just about everything. A complete re-write. * Total Virus Count up to nearly 1,500 viruses. * VID can now be run in two modes (VID Lite mode and VID+ mode) The difference between the two modes is that VID+ provides detail information on each virus, whereas with VID Lite, you just get the pertinent info. The VID+ module is simply a drop-in set of files for the VID engine. The VID+ module is rather large, thus the separation for those of you who are low on disk space. * Virus names are now "color-coded" for recognition purposes. * Implemented a periodic integrity check on the VID database files * Improved on multinode/multiuser support, adding support for the "TASK" environment variable. * Several large enhancements over the 1.10 menu interface/design. (See documentation for more information on the new interface). * Added dropfile support for WildCat! style DOOR.SYS and the new RemoteAccess 2.0+ style EXITINFO.BBS * Dropfiles are now automatically detected, rather than specified. * Tons of minor enhancements and modifications. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------