FMSCHK was written in order to check the structure of your FMS files and ensure that they are in proper format to be processed by DLMASTER. To run the program, simply enter the command: FMSCHK where is the name of the FMS file to check. If FMSCHK encounters any errors, it will display them as follows: ERROR in line #2 of master.dir: extraneous characters in line GIF2WP34.ZIP 21134 02-25-91o Convert GIF to WPG (WordPerfect 5.x) 008 ERROR in line #3 of master.dir: error in date format VRAM386A.ZIP 60966 02/26/91 386 memory manager like QEMM/386MAX. 011 If no errors are encountered, FMSCHK will display the message "file checks okay." where is the name of the FMS file being checked. FMSCHK will also return a DOS errorlevel of 0 if successful, or -1 if there was a problem. You must correct any errors that FMSCHK detects before running DLMASTER against the FMS file. Hopefully, this utility will save people hours of aggravation when trying to run DLMASTER for the first time. I might make note that FMSCHK prints to stdout, so you can redirect the output to a disk file if you wish, using DOS redirection. This capability, along with the fact that it returns an error level, makes FMSCHK suitable for batch processing, if desired. HISTORY: 1.10 8-15-93 Now properly parses lines that employ RBBS security symbol '=' at beginning of line. 1.04 6-29-92 Corrected bug that showed comment lines as errors. 1.03 5-04-92 Corrected bug where bad line length would go unnoticed in extended description lines. 1.02 8-30-91 Corrected bug that would not detect invalid characters for 2nd separator in date field (i.e. - "08-30/91" would show as okay). 1.01 8-3-91 Added success message, and ability to return an error code. 1.00 7-27-91 Initial release.