FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System, Ver. 1.22, 1993 Aug 10. (C)Copyright Frederick W. Kantor 1989-1993. All rights reserved. Summary: The FWKCS(TM) Contents_Signature System provides a powerful platform supporting contents_signature functions. Among other applications, FWKCS is used on giant bulletin boards for protecting against duplicate files and against accidentally uploaded commercial files. The FWKCS system has been shown, experimentally, to provide statistical resolution typically more than one thousand times as good as the best that is mathematically possible for the 32_bit CRC to do. In the current release, all functions are enabled, including the client/host configuration, to permit testing. (See "Notes", below.) And registration for personal use, or for a bulletin board of up to ten nodes, is only $20.00 (!) (plus any applicable taxes). The low prices, the automated installation procedures ranging from simple to complex, and the extensive on_line support provided by FWKCS on your computer, bring the FWKCS system within reach of almost anyone with a computer that can run DOS or a DOS session. The kernel for the FWKCS system is an 85,376_byte self_modifying re_entrant program written entirely in assembly language. It uses a 3,072_byte internal command line, supports 26 73_byte dynamically changeable "macros", can read multiple configuration files, and can operate on multiple processors so as to dynamically allocate work among hosts serving clients on a network. Many powerful internal functions are brought out for other uses, including the 520_key sorting function limited by the maximum file size which the operating system can handle (e.g., for DOS, slightly less than 4 Gigabytes). Important: FWKCS(TM) is provided on a test_before_you_decide basis. Your use of this software is at solely your own risk: please have proper backups of your files. New or changed in FWKCS(TM) Version 1.22: Changes in FWKCS.EXE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. All functions are now enabled in an unregistered copy of FWKCS.EXE, including all the functions which were previously reserved for only the registered version. 2. An unregistered copy of FWKCS.EXE now looks for REGISTER.FRM in the same directory in which FWKCS.EXE is located, even if FWKCS is called via PATH. In effect, REGISTER.FRM is used as a temporary key. A registered copy of FWKCS saves time, because it does not have to verify REGISTER.FRM. 3. Added 3 exit errorlevels: 94 - internal date tampered. 95 - incongruous system date, and FWKCS unregistered. 96 - REGISTER.FRM missing or defective, and FWKCS unregistered. 4. Added code to process a defective type of "zipfile, and option z5 to suppress such special treatment. Someone apparently released a supposed "zipfile" packager which fails to comply with Phil Katz's specification as to how disks are labeled in the zipfile central directory: the spurious labelling designates the disk containing the central directory as starting on disk 01, which would be the second disk of a disk_spanning zipfile, and labels the disk containing the start of a file as 00, which would be the first disk. The new default is to recognize that that 01 disk label is spurious, when such a "zipfile" is not part of a self_extracting package. Option z5 suppresses that special treatment; e.g., z5 can help block such misuse of the zipfile format. Option z5 is for use under Auxiliary Functions 3-6. Changes in FWKCSC.COM, FWKDG.COM, FWKHI.COM, FWKCSS.COM, and FWKCST.COM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Matched version numbers to FWKCS version number. New or Changed in .BAT and .BAS programs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Changed: testing, use, and support of registered status (many programs), re new treatment of registration, with all functions enabled in unregistered copies of FWKCS; these changes saved space in the complete package. 2. Revised the installation procedures to support automatic installation of an X_ADD.LST exclusion list. Changed in REGISTER.FRM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Revised in a way more favorable for the user, including reduced prices. 2. Listed both FWKCS and LOOKUP packages. This file, REGISTER.FRM, is used as an enabling "key" for unregistered copies of the FWKCS kernel, which is used in both the FWKCS and the LOOKUP packages. Notes: ~~~~~~ 1. All the functions which were previously reserved for the registered version, are now enabled in the unregistered copy. To run an unregistered copy of FWKCS, keep a copy of REGISTER.FRM in the same directory with FWKCS.EXE. 2. FWKCS(TM) is provided on a test_before_you_decide basis. Suggested test time is two weeks. If this software is used in a public, commercial, school, institutional, or governmental environment, then the test period is restricted to no more than 30 days. The program is not free -- if you do not register, you should discontinue using it. 3. The remote lookup functions are available in a relatively small kit, FWKLU122.ZIP, released 1993 Aug 10. If you run a BBS, you may wish to get the FWKLU122.ZIP kit for your users, especially if your BBS is a "feeder BBS" and many of your users are other BBS's. The kit comes with instructions, and contains a short bulletin, FWKLU122.BLT, suitable for posting.