PC UPDATE... How many times have you gone into a computer store and looked at a game or a piece of software and said WOW I'm getting this. Then you get home and load the software and find out that it doesn't quite work the way that you saw it work in the computer store or it doesn't look quite the same as the back cover of the box. Well we all face this problem and at that point its to late to do anything about it. This month the hottest game or simulator around is Flight Simulator Version 5.0 from Microsoft Corp. The cover looks impressive and everything that I have read about it sounds great. Actual realistic views and flying right on your computer. But they never said that to be realistic I needed a 486DX 33 or above with a lot of memory and a SVGA Card. So I load the program at home on a 386SX computer and after about 15 mintues and answering a few questions I'm up and running. But the jerky screen and poor graphics let me down. Hmm. So I delete the program and install it on another computer I have access to. This one is a 486 DX 33 with all the goodies. WOW... True realistic flight just like they said. But I don't have this machine at home. Now I'm upset. What do I do? Buy a new computer? Maybe down the road. No, I decide to put the box away and use the program on the 486 when I have time. When it comes to software and writing down the bare requirement I feel that the hardware requirements should be set higher. Maybe if some computer users would speak up there would be more happier computer software buyers. Well maybe a letter to Microsoft or PC-Magazine will get the rules changed. EDITOR CLYDE ARNOLD BITS N' BYTES BBS would get together