------------------- PLANET CONNECT INFORMATION ----------------------- FROM 22,247 MILES IN OUTER SPACE A STATE OF THE ART WAY TO UPDATE YOUR B.B.S. Satellite delivery of all types of BBS information is now available for your BBS. A continuous 19,200 baud stream of up to date files via satellite. Both C and Ku band satellite feeds are now available anywhere in North America. Those expensive phone bills can be a thing of the past. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FIDONET CONFERENCES: BBS sysops are now able to receive daily updates of the entire Fidonet backbone. These are the same files that are currently being distributed via telephone lines. These conferences are on a national and international distribution basis. Planet Connect is now transmitting the raw, compressed, file format each day. BBS sysops will need to install a front-end mailer, such as D'Bridge, Binkley, and FrontDoor. The board will also need a mail tosser so that the mail packets can be tossed into and from the BBS message bases. This tosser will have to be compatible with the version of BBS software the sysop is using on his system. All messages entered by a BBS user will have to be forwarded to the Planet Connect BBS in Tennessee for redistribution back into FIDO-NET. A special signal is sent over the satellite to tell your data receiving computer when all of the Fido files have been sent. This will signal your computer to close the satellite receiving software and start the tossing of the mail into your BBS. The Fidonet files will be sent several times during the day with several repeats during the morning hours right after the daily update has been received by the Planet Connect uplink. This will give you several opportunities to receive the files without errors. Our experience with recent improvements in our uplink give us almost no errors from the satellite transmission. You will have to use an A.K.A. address of 1:3615/51 in your control file for your tosser to acknowledge the incoming packets. The packets and tic files are password protected and you will be given this password on purchase of our equipment. The password will have to be entered into your TIC.CFG and your control file for your tosser for each area and conference that you receive. Make sure that you have the latest FIDONET.NA and also FILEBONE.NA files available to check matching areas. All messages left by your users in the conferences that you receive from Planet Connect must be forwarded to address 1:3615/50 to be redistributed back into FIDO-NET. At the time being this applies only to systems that are tossing the fido-net conferences into their BBS. Due to the large amount of compressed mail bundles that will be sent over P.C. we will use a slight change to the extension used for each day of the week. We will have the normal extensions of .MO0 to .MO9 for the first 3 to 4 megs of bundles. After that the extension will include .MOA to .MOZ. Please make sure that your matrix packer and unpacker can recognize the new format. If it can't then you will have to create a batch file or program that will extract these new formats. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ RADAR, SATELLITE, AND WEATHER MAPS: PCX files of national weather that are updated every 2 hours. These VGA Color files show the national radar scans as produced by the national weather service with detail down to each county in the US. There are six regional maps that cover the entire country in excellent detail. Satellite views show the national cloud cover as seen by weather satellites at 22,247 miles in space. The weather maps show high and low temperatures, precipitation, and all other weather conditions around the country. The weather files will initially be sent out to all subscribers as pcx files, which can be listed on your board for downloading and viewing. At a future date a special weather door will be provided which will allow the BBS user to call in and only download the data that changes on the maps. This will reduce their on line time tremendously since only a small part of the pcx file will be downloaded. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TV Agent - A CHANNEL GUIDE OF NATIONAL TV NETWORKS: With the rapid increase of satellite and cable tv channels, finding out what to watch can be very difficult. With Planet Connect your BBS users have a constantly updated week of tv listings with more detail than any printed guide on the market. Since these listings are updated the day before the program airs, your BBS may be the only source your callers have for correct details on programs like sports playoffs and the morning talk shows. This program lets you mark your favorite channels or programs with an on screen guide. Each user of the guide can pick their own list of preferences. When the guide is called up on the computer screen, only the channels requested by that user will be listed to make the guide easy to view. Titles or program types the user is not interested in will not be shown. Each copy of TV Agent allows 99 users, so some users can be set up for special purposes like displaying only sports, only movies, etc. The listings include detailed information about the programs such as the actors, episodes, ratings and more. You can make these listings available to your end user callers. Each user will download a daily zip file that is about 120k which contains the satellite listings for each day. If you want to pick out only the channels that are available on your local cable systems you can reduce the size of that daily zip file, and substitute local channel identification for the satellite location. The end users will pay $24.95 annually to Planet Connect for a subscription to TV Agent, which is required to view the listings. There is no charge to the BBS for the listings. Due to the present royalty arrangement between Planet Connect and the data supplier, these listings can not be transferred to other BBSes for their re-distribution. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS: Planet Connect is sending the latest in Shareware programming. We are distributing from file sources such as SDN/Works! (Shareware Distribution Network), WINNET (Windows applications Network) and many more. These are sent over the satellite in the TICK format. All the BBS sysop needs is the program TICK, which is executed on the BBS end to toss the program into the correct directory, and add a description to the bbs files list. Most common BBS programs have their own version of TICK that will do the exact same thing. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ USENET NEWS GROUPS: On November 17, 1993 Planet Connect started sending Usenet news groups test files from the Internet. The full group of several thousand conferences will be available some time in December. This group of files is priced separately from the conferences nets such as Fido and Rime and will cost $30.00 per month for each BBS to receive this data. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Minimum Computer System requirements. DOS version 3.0 or higher 286/20 computer. 570k free memory (At DOS) 1 free comport (1 to 4) 1 printer port (A "LOCK" or "DONGLE" is supplied that hooks to the printer port. This is a must for the software to function.) The software is not multi-tasker aware at this time, nor do we support OS2 at this time. The software will function on a NETWORK base system as long as the workstation has its own hard drive installed and all incoming files are saved to this HD. Some systems do have it working in a multi-tasking and NETWORK environment but we do not promise that this will work. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ EQUIPMENT PRICE LIST FOR PLANET CONNECT (August, 1993) COMPLETE KU BAND SATELLITE DATA RECEPTION SYSTEM FOR PLANET CONNECT: 19,200 BAUD, 2 foot dish 1 Satellite dish system (2 foot) with either flat roof mount or pipe mount for ground mount. 1 Ku LNB and feed. 1 Planet Connect Data Receiver (19,200 Baud) Please specify the type of mount you would like. A) Non-penetrating mount that will sit on the ground or roof with concrete blocks for holding weight. B) Wall mount - can be attached to walls or wood fences. Price $495.00 Same as above but with a 3 foot dish - $569.00 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ COMPLETE C-BAND SATELLITE DATA RECEPTION SYSTEM FOR PLANET CONNECT: 19,200 BAUD, 7 1/2 FOOT DISH 1 Satellite dish system (7 1/2 foot) with pipe mount. 1 C-band feedhorn 1 C-band 30 degree lnb 1 Planet Connect Data Receiver (19,200 Baud) 1 Hand crank for dish positioning Price $649.00 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Individual equipment: KU-band data receiver (19,200 baud) $299.00 C-band data receiver (19,200 baud) $299.00 Accessories 100 feet of cable for C or Ku system - direct burial RG-6 $20.00 additional cable in 25 foot increments add $ 5.00 100 feet of cable for C band system with motor drive capability --------------------------------------------- $60.00 additional cable in 25 foot increments add $15.00 Installation Video tape and site check kit - $24.95 Include $30.00 shipping and handling on each system. $3.00 for the data-receiver if purchased separately. Include 8.5 % sales tax for shipments inside Tennessee. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Westonia Computer Systems of Canada is working with the Canadian BBS community to coordinate sales and information for Canada. US Sales for Planet Connect are handled by Planet Systems Inc. in Tennessee directly. To receive more information or to place an order please call one of the following: In United States: Planet Systems Inc. 1065 Cosby Hwy Newport TN 37821 (615) 623-4694 voice (615) 625-8831 fax ---------- In Canada: Westonia Computer Systems of Canada (416)241-4784 Canadian Price List Includes all duties, exchanges and shipping charges to Canada Data Receiver and Software C band 388.00 Can Ku band 388.00 Can Complete 3' Ku System (includes) 1 3' Antenna c/w Mounting Hardware 1 Feed Horn 100' Coaxial Cable 1 0.9 db Ku LNB 1 Ku Data Receiver $837.00 Canadian Please add 7% GST for all sales in Canada Please add 8% PST for all sales in Ontario Shipping Costs are extra from Toronto Complete 4' Ku System (includes) 1 4' Antenna c/w Mounting Hardware 1 Feed Horn 100' Coaxial Cable 1 0.9 db Ku LNB 1 Ku Data Receiver $887.00 Canadian Please add 7% GST for all sales in Canada Please add 8% PST for all sales in Ontario Shipping Costs are extra from Toronto Installation Video tape and site check kit $32.44 ---------- Subscription Prices for nets: All subscription prices are in US dollars Site Feed Hub Feed (Does not Refeed to other sites) (Feeds other sites) Month to Month 40.00 /month 50.00 /month Quarterly Contract 35.00 /month 45.00 /month One Year Contract 30.00 /month 40.00 /month There will also be advertiser supported data that will be transmitted free of charge to approved systems. Base services include: Fido NaNet RoseNet Intelec Planet Earth Microsoft EchoNet Rime ** Weather maps and Satellite pictures ** Electronic satellite tv-guide also Fido File Areas ** These services are made available to the receiving station for posting ONLY on the receiving station. These services must not be passed on to other systems. Services require registration and a yearly subscription fee by the receiving system's online users. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Planet Systems Inc. 1065 Cosby Hwy Newport TN 37821 (615) 623-4694 PLANET CONNECT / BBS ORDER FORM Name:_______________________________ BBS Name:_______________________________ Address:____________________________ City: _______________ State: ___________ Zip:____________ Phone (Voice):___________ (BBS):__________ (FAX):___________ BBS INFORMATION Number of years in operation:_____ Number of phone lines:_______________ :-) Software being used:______________________________________ Co-sysop's name:_______________________ Estimated users: _________ User fee charged:____________ Amount of Online storage (read,write): ________ Number of CD-ROMS:________ Nets you belong to with node numbers if appropriate:__________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Any other information you might feel is important about your BBS: ____________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PURCHASING INFORMATION Check one: Do you wish to purchase the equipment or lease it? Purchase: _____ Lease:_____ Which type of system: C-band:____ Ku-band:____ If purchasing Ku, what size dish do you want? _____ How much cable do you need? (In feet) ____________ If you already have a C or Ku system do you want to just purchase the data-receiver? YES:_____ Type of mount: Non-penetrating mount:____ Wall mount:____ Pole mount:____ Method of payment: Check_____ Visa____ Mastercard____ C.O.D.____ Card Number:______________________________ Expires: _________________ Bank:_____________________________________ Cardholder's name:_________________________ Special needs for system if any:_____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Method of monthly subscription fee. Please check one. Monthly: Non feeding Feeding $40.00 per month:_____ $50.00 per month:____ Quarterly (3 month contract) paid every 3 months: $35.00 per month:____ $45.00 per month:____ Yearly (12 month contract) paid every 3 months or by year: $30.00 per month:____ $40.00 per month:____ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LEASE PLAN A $200.00 refundable deposit is required with each lease. The lease program only applies to the Ku band system. Three months of the $18.50 equipment lease are required in advance as well as the first three months subscription fees. Fifty percent of the equipment lease payments can be applied to the purchase price if you wish to convert to a purchased system. Method of payment for monthly payments: Check:____ Visa:____ Mastercard:____ Please give 3 credit references: Name:____________________ Address:________________________ Phone #:___________ Name:____________________ Address:________________________ Phone #:___________ Name:____________________ Address:________________________ Phone #:___________ Social Security Number:_________________________ Do you know of any credit problems?:___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________