SPRATIO History of Revision Data Sheet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/05/93 - Initial release of version 1.00 01/06/93 - Fixed problem that Re-Wrote user's level into SFUSERS.DAT even though the level did not change. Outlook: Faster Execution!! Fixed problem that displayed and wrote into display file that when an UPGRADE or DEGRADE level was the same as the level being scanned, it would say ".... has been UPGRADED to level ###". Now checks to see if the scanning level is the same as the new level, if so it displays (to screen and file) ".... remains at level ###". Added OPTIONAL ENDER to SPRATIO (See Documentation) (Available in REGISTERED VERSION ONLY)! Added line to state what level we are scaning and for what ratio setting. Shifted the adjustment message over for better appearance. 01/07/93 - Fixed bug in OUTPUT DISPLAY FILE that placed too many carriage returns into the output file. Text is now AUTO-CENTERED according to length of each line, replacing the HARD MARGIN that used to be on the left side of the screen and display file. Added the USER LEVEL COMMAND LINE LISTING OPTION to allow the listing of ALL users in a specific level along with their upload count & download counts. 01/08/93 - Added a toggle option to the USER LEVEL COMMAND LINE LISTING OPTION allowing the user of SPRATIO to either enable or disable the listing of the users' upload and download counts. <***NOTE***> With the addition of these options, you are now REQUIRED to have a complete SPRATIO.CFG with each line having the correct text upon it (SEE DOCUMENTATION ABOUT THE FORMAT FOR SHAREWARE AND REGISTERED COPIES!). 01/08/93 - Thus I have decided to call this SPRATIO Version 1.10. 01/20/93 - What!! A Bug!! A simple one to fix as well. The program was not looking at the numbers past the decimal point when comparing the ratio of the user to the ratio entered on the command line. For Example: A user has 2 uploads & 3 downloads, this came to a ratio of 1.5, but the computer saw it as 1, now the ratio you entered was 1. This person would be validated as being in good standing. Not anymore! Thus a bug fix making version 1.10 into version 1.11.