SON OF BONK (SOB) IS GUARANTEED TO DO NOTHING MORE THAN TAKE UP SPACE ON YOU DISK. SOB IS AND WILL REMAIN THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF JAMES DAILEY. A LICENSE TO FREELY USE SOB IS GRANTED TO ALL NON-COMMERCIAL USERS. IF YOU RUN A SUBSCRIPTION BBS, OR RUN A BBS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR BUSINESS YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PAY A ONE TIME $100 LICENSE FEE. YOU MAY POST SOB FOR DOWNLOADING FROM YOUR BBS UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. YOU ARE NOT TO MODIFY THE ORIGINAL DISTRIBUTION FILE. 2. YOU ARE NOT TO REVERSE ENGINEER, MODIFY IN ANYWAY ANY FILE IN THE DISTRIBUTION ARCHIVE. 3. YOU ARE NOT TO SELL OR CHARGE A FEE FOR SOB. IF YOU RUN A SUBSCRIPTION BBS, SOB IS TO BE FREELY AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD OR NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL Son of BONK (SOB) is a PM clone of BONK originally authored by Tom Kashuba. SOB is currently not the mature product that BONK curently is. SOB will mature in phases. Phase 1: This phase will include only the outbound processing. While this phase is undergoing beta testing, I hope to implement the online help. I will also consider enhancements during this period. Phase 2: This phase will implement version 7 nodelist support. What you see of SOB has taken me 3 months to complete. This means that I have been extremly busy and have not been able to put the time into SOB that I have wanted. If I do not seem responsive to your questions, please be assured that I am not ignoring you. *** Quick Start *** When you load SOB for the first time, you will be prompted for configuration information. The only information that is required is your node number and the nodelist and outbound directories. The other information is for possible future enhancements. This information is stored in a file called SOB.INI located in directory that was current when SOB was loaded. If you delete this file, you will be presented with the configuration dialog the next time you load SOB. You may also change your configuration information by clicking on "Options" from the menu bar then select "Configuration". When loaded, SOB display the files in you outbound. Double clicking on any entry will cause a pop-up menu to be displayed with several actions you are allowed to perform. Clicking on "Misc" on the menu bar gives you other useful options. That's about if for a quick start. If you have any bug reports, please send them to me at 1:106/202, or post them in the Binkley echo. Special Thanks to: Vince Perriello - for giving us BINKLEY Term Tom Kashuba - for giving us the original BONK Bob Juge - SOB tester. Nick Ashton-Hart - SOB tester. FidoNet - a major contributor to global communciations.