Announcing Release 6.0 of Trade Wars Helper This latest version is TWHELP60.ZIP and can be downloaded from Monty's Place BBS on the first call by dialing (801) 944-8636 and logging on as "Just Fun" with a password of "Software". The file size is 215K and 14,400 bps capability is now available. Please just log on, download and log off. Trade Wars Helper is a players terminal program that maintains an online database of sectors with their port, warp to, and other information. Several commands are available to utilize this information in addition to automating most of the repetitive processes. The major new feature of this release is the graphics (EGA/VGA) mapping capability with mouse or keyboard interactive controls. A specific sector and its adjacent sectors to any level can be graphically displayed or the path between two sectors can be mapped. Controls include the ability to change levels, scale, contents, and separation to present the most useful layout. In addition to being able to click on any sector in the map, the sectors resulting from many of the other commands can be selected using the mouse. Also a new command has been added to automate the robbing of credits from a port. A Run Time Option has been added that specifies the experience points multiplier used to compute the credits to rob at each cycle. In addition, TW Helper keeps track of in its database, and informs you of, the last time you robbed a port and whether or not you've been busted at the port. Since an example database is provided in the zip file, you can take a look at the graphics feature without ever going online or initializing your own database! The command is /G (capitalized). Whether used online or offline this graphics mapping capability makes strategic planning both more effective and more enjoyable.