UPMSG2.MRG - merge to display message file to uploaders RBBS-PC (c)1992 by Thomas Mack, Ken Goosens, Jon Martin, and Doug Azzarito QuickBASIC (c)1988 by Microsoft Corp. It seems that no matter how well you initially lay out the rules you want people to adhere to when uploading files to your BBS, it seems that many users need additional reminders to know whether or not you allow such things as X-rated files, get-rich schemes, and the like. After many hours spent deleting unwanted uploads, and sending reminder messages to users, I decided it might be beneficial if RBBS would just display a brief file summarizing the upload rules whenever a user requested to upload a file. I have therefore come up with this quick little merge to the RBBSSUB5.BAS file that others may find useful. The merge works by looking for a text file called "UPMSG.HLP", which must be located in the same directory as your other help files, as specified by RBBS 17.4 config parameter 64. It should be noted that screen pauses have been disabled, since I did not want RBBS to display the message: "* Ctrl-K(^K) / ^X aborts. ^S suspends ^Q resumes *" when displaying this little message file to the uploader. It also means that you should keep your upload message short, so that it does not scroll off the screen before getting to the "Upload what file(s)? " prompt. NEW!! - version 2 supports graphics files as well using standard RBBS format of adding a 'G' or 'C' to the filename, such as "UPMSGC.HLP". Enclosed in this .ZIP distribution, you should find the following files: UPMSG2.TXT - what you are reading UPMSG2.MRG - the merge file, in BLED format UPMSG2.BAT - the batch file to merge and compile UPMSG.HLP - sample text file to display - no graphics UPMSGG.HLP - " " " " " - IBM extended-ASCII graphics UPMSGC.HLP - " " " " " - ANSI color graphics Just make sure that you have the pertinent files, including RBBSSUB5.BAS, BLED.EXE, and your BASIC compiler (QB.EXE, BC.EXE. or BASCOM.EXE) in the same directory before running UPMSG2.BAT. You must also have whatever library your BASIC compiler needs (i.e. - BCOMxx.LIB for QuickBASIC). If you have any questions, I can be reached on my board regards, Bob Hampton S3-Tech BBS Burke, VA (703) 451-9509 300-9600bps (V.32)