May 16, 1992 - Version 3.2 - Well there where no reported Bugs with Callers Ver 3.1, Version 3.2 just changes a few cosmetic things, The Date is now displayed 05/15 instead of 05-15 and the Seconds field has been removed in the Time field.. I would like to here your suggestions for future versions so send me a letter. Febuary 11, 1992 - Version 3.1 - Yeah! 3 releases in about a week. Murphy has been at it again, just when it all seems like its going smooth something seems to POP up.. If you where useing callers for the first time it may not of created the bulletin for you do to a small error in the assembly routine. It didnt affect everyone for some reason, but for the few that it did, Sorry.... Anyway this version fixes that bug. Im looking for Beta testers for Future releases. Send me a message describing your system if your interested.. Febuary 4, 1992 - Version 3.0a - OOOPS!, The Docs where not included with version 3.0's Archive file. Thats what happens when you stay up all night getting it ready for release ;) Also the sample CALLERS.CFG has changed. Other then that 3.0a is the same Code as 3.0 Febuary 2, 1992 - Version 3.0 - Major Rewrite, Now Supporting Better File Sharing and the use of assembly routines to help speed disk read/writes. Added sound Alert when Callers is loaded. And Callers displays A POP up Window when activated. Both the sound and window can be toggled on or off. You also will need to make a few changes to your Callers.CFG file so PLease read the Docs and Look at the Callers.CFG example inclosed in this Archive. Also those Upgrading from versions older then 2.5 will have to start useing the $$LOGON.BAT file inplace of the $$LOGOFF.BAT file. November 11, 1991 - Version 2.5 - The MAJOR differance in this version is that its recomemded that the Command line to bring up CALLERS be placed in the $$LOGON.BAT file instead of the $$LOGOFF.BAT file. It will work in either batch file But if you put it in the logoff.bat file the CALLERS Bulletin may not be updated if the user logged off within a door. This is not a BUG but a fact of life since many of the fields callers needs in the PCBOARD.SYS file are nullified after a user logs off from a door. Note: No Bugs have been reported since Release 2.1 :) September 27, 1991 - Version 2.1 - Fixes attempted logging of empty PCBOARD.SYS file that is created when a user logs off from a door or before entering Name and Password. Results of attempted Loging would result in a line with a 32 on it by itself. September 1, 1991 - Version 2.0 - Fixes Spelling of Copyright in bulletin Header. Add the feature to let Sysop Customizing Colors. Add's Clear Screen to Top of Header. If your Upgrading from Version 1.0 You need to modify your CALLERS.CFG file to the New format, Check out the example inclosed in the zip file.