ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Using Salt Air's PCBZM in Cam-Mail v1.30 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ I recently installed v1.30 of Cam-Mail and wanted to use Salt Air's new PCBZM replacement for DSZ. I had sitched to PCBZM as DSZ is really not very friendly when run under DESQview 386. If I was going to use Cam-Mail, I had to make PCBZM work as it did for everything else on my board. You may copy your PCBRZ.BAT and PCBSZ.BAT files to Cam-Mail's CAMRZ.BAT and PCBSZ.BAT files, but when run, PCBZM wants to see a PCBOARD.DAT file in the directory it was called from. In the bach files you will have to change to the directory for that node and then change back to the CAM-MAIL directory to return control back to Cam-Mail after the packet transfer. Like this: CAMRZ.BAT CAMSZ.BAT ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ @ECHO OFF @ECHO OFF cd %PCBDIR% cd %PCBDIR% ZMRECV.EXE %3 ZMSEND.EXE %3 cd cam-mail cd cam-mail After talking to the people at Cam DeBuck Software, I was told that Cam-Mail uses a tempory file created during a transfer to update the callers message pointers after the caller's packet transfer. To insure that your callers pointers are updated, you will need to make sure that the enviornment setting for DSZ.LOG is fully pathed out and not merely a filename. Make sure the following is in your BOARD.BAT file: SET DSZ=C:\PCB\N1\PCBDSZ.LOG ^^ And if you are running several nodes, make sure that this line is added to each BOARD.BAT for that node and that it reflects that node's directory (ie: N1, N2, or N3). ^^ ^^ ^^ One final note, I use different BOARD.BAT files to load the same node. Why is not important, just that I do. So I had to set this enviornment variable in my BB.BAT file DV386 used when I open the window to pull up that node, and then I had to modify BOARD.BAT which is what I use to pull up that node after a DOOR is finished running and control is returned to PCBoard. I would like to thank the people at Cam DeBuck Software for patiently helping me to get PCBZM to work on my board. I have merely documented what I learned so that another would not have to go through this and the long distance calls to get it running. Butch Dunn The No*Name BBS Wilmington, DE (302)477-1230 G