Upgrade instructions for users of 1.0: Nothing special to upgrade...just copy NOSNAIL.EXE over 1.0's NOSNAIL.EXE. Say...would NOW be a good time for a backup? 8-) Upgrade instructions for users of 0.57 to 1.0: WARNING: NoSnail's addressing method has changed DRAMATICALLY! Instead of using the subject field of messages to extract an address, NoSnail 1.0 will look at line one of the message text for the address. Line one of the message needs to have "To:" followed by a space and a valid FTN address such as: To: 1:380/15.0 Be sure to post this information to your users to make the transition as painless as possible and to modify your HELP files to make note of the change so that new users on your system don't have difficulties. NoSnail does not place line one of the message text (ie the one with the address on it) in the resulting netmail, and as you might have guessed the subject line is actually a subject now. 8-) Steps to follow to upgrade: 1. Backup your current setup! 2. Run older version of NoSnail to ensure that you do not strand any netmail on your system, or bounce back any netmail that was entered under the old addressing scheme. 3. Make the necessary changes to your NOSNAIL.CFG for the new version: a. If you wish to use the *.MSG support in this release then change the Flavor to MSG. (Flavor MSG) b. Due to potential problems with routing, the use of the INTL control line is now STRONGLY encouraged. (Intl) c. If you wish to use the *.MSG support, you can optionally have the Kill/Sent flag set on netmail written to the *.MSG directory. (KillSent) d. A new parameter of Netmail is required for operation - regardless of what mailer you are using. This is the directory where your netmail is placed in the *.MSG format. (Netmail C:\Binkley\Netmail) 4. Enter a few test messages and make sure everything holds water with this release and report any problems to me ASAP via netmail. BinkleyTerm Users: This release supports Binkley's .BSY flags and its point subdirectories! If NoSnail detects a .BSY flag while operating, it will write the message to your *.MSG directory (as defined by the Netmail parameter) instead of risking the possibility of causing you any problems. This support does NOT mean that NoSnail has any support for multitaskers, but does hint at what the future will hold for NoSnail users. If you have any points off your system, I recommend you look at Binkley's support for 4D points. Doing so requires you to step up to a Version7 format nodelist, which means you must change nodelist compilers. I can recommend both Qnode and XlaxNode as good ones - Qnode is free and XlaxNode is $15. If you are looking for a netmail packer to route your outbound netmail/echomail which supports Binkley's 4D points, Squish will fit the bill quite nicely. I have included an archive with my setup for you. Additionally, I have a copy of a MakeArc beta which is supposed to support Binkley's point subdirectories. If you want a copy, drop me a note and I will put a hold on it for you to try on for size. (MakeArc is written by Mark Kimes and comes to me directly from him.) D'Bridge/Frontdoor/Intermail Users: Nuke them kludges! Thanks for the feedback and support of NoSnail - I hope you find NoSnail's support of your software satisfactory. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve it by dropping me a note at 1:380/15. Additionally there are some security considerations for you now....refer to NOSNAIL.DOC for the scoop about FLAGS and their DANGER TO YOU! QWK Mail Door Users: NoSnail's address kludge is compatable with the OFFLINE QWK reader. What this means is that users of the OFFLINE reader can enter netmail more EASILY. Instead of needing to remember to place the "To:" line in there message, it prompts them for an address and adds this line for them automatically. I would LOVE to hear of other QWK readers (or Bluewave, etc) which handle this for our users! Also, if you door allows you to filter out high/low ASCII, I URGE you to throw that switch - especially if you are a D/Bridge/Frontdoor/Intermail user. Look to NOSNAIL.DOC on the blurb about FLAGS lines (Yuck!).