\lcThis program was orginially made for BBS Operators but was adapted to be used by Non-BBS Operators. Now you can have the same protection as the BBS Operator and no longer have to be concerned if the files you download are clean or not! This is the same program that is inserted into the book by Dana Blankenhorn called 'Bulletin Board Systems for Business', published by John Wiley & Sons. The release date for this book is Spring 1992. \wh UPCHKUR Download the file called UPCHKTD.ZIP. \gy * Scans for VIRUSES via program of your choice. * Checks Integrity of Compressed files in any format or depth. * Checks Self-Extracting files in the format by PKWare. Others to follow. * Checks Nested files in any format any depth. * Strips Comments from file (ANSI Bombs). * Compression Converter will convert files to your format of choice. * Adds YOUR comment to files in PKWare's ZIP format and Self-Extracted formats if desired. Comment length tested was up to 101 lines or 4.3K. * Checks for encrypted file if detected logs it and file is available. * Rejects unwanted file extensions . * Supports batch transfers! * Supports Comm Ports 1 through 4! * Generates a text file of all activity. * Displays the results for each file as it is being processed. * Supports up to 10 different CFG setups. A few other uses by others: D/L'ed files, Floppy Drive's, Boot up from Autoexec, to name a few. * Fast, Clean & Professionally done - works in the background. * SetUpChk - The setup program that gets your investment online. No clumsy setup or batch files used! * Selected as 1 of the 17 best BBS programs produced! The ONLY one in it's field! Included in the book authored by Dana Blankenhorn 'Bulletin Board Systems for Business' published by John Wiley & Sons, release date scheduled for Spring 1992.