------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Happened Yesterday! - Version 'Q' (for Telegard v.2.5q) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seems like I never stop thinking of new ideas to 'play' with in Turbo C++ and Telegard. This program creates a screen output of what happened on the B.B.S. yesterday. I know that there are several out there in the world already...but this one is BETTER! You need to run this program from the directory which contains your ZLOG.DAT. All output is written to the local screen...so if you want to save it to a file, you must 'redirect' it. ex. ZLOG > BULLETIN.MSG. * * * You can enter ZLOG /?, ?, /h, h for help. * * * This program includes MCI color codes in the output. If you do not like the colors as they are set, download STRIPMCI.ZIP. A program I wrote to remove the MCI color codes from Telegard files (but it leaves the @#@7 (turn off pause and clear the screen at the top of the bulletin) and @9 (screen pause at the bottom). That's about it...plain and simple. If you like this utility you should also download WHT.ZIP - just about the same output...but it's for What's Happening Today! Available on The Tack Room B.B.S. (516) 579-9392, or FREQ it on MagNet 100:901/1.0. Once again...many thanx to RoadRunner for guideing me thru this! PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE...if you find this program useful (or any of our others...LastOn Thingie! - Telegard AutoValidation - StripMCI - User Profile - What's Happening Today/Yesterday - and the VERY SOON to be released Dicks Who Dropped Carrier Club) give us a call and tell us how we can improve on it...or just drop by to say hi, and that you like the utilities. I would like to know if I am the only SysOp using these programs! :) Once again, XXX's and OOO's The Equestrian God & RoadRunner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------