Name |
Extracted |
Size |
Date |
Description |
Yes |
5899 |
8/26/1993 |
A program for converting the @MACRO codes in
FeatherNet BBS v4.2a's screens to the NEW
code names in FeatherNet BBS v5.0. This will
work for ASCII, ANSI, XCODE & RIP screens and
menus. By FeatherNet Software, Inc.
Yes |
84429 |
10/6/1993 |
Mail2Fax; Send out PcBoard messages via Fax.
Messages are directly read from the PCB
message base and powerful reply and
coversheet generation facilities. Supports US
and European telephone systems. Requires
PcBoard v15. Will work with many modems and
Fax software. Very good docs. Highly
configurable. This copy has a 30 day Demo
key, but will run without it.
Yes |
7362 |
8/16/1993 |
MailCall v1.05: FD to RemoteAcces
lastuser.bbs utility.
Yes |
4159 |
8/8/1993 |
Freq file list generator for Ezycom BBS.
MA_1L20.ZIP |
Yes |
12943 |
7/28/1993 |
MA-1L 2.0 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0. Oneliners
like none other, with source
Yes |
5703 |
7/25/1993 |
MA-BAT 2.0 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 Simplify
BLIND uploads to your Board
Yes |
19990 |
10/23/1993 |
MCPRO 3.0 Statistic maker for Wildcat 3.x
MFM_119C.ZIP |
Yes |
82895 |
6/3/1993 |
MFM is a file area manager designed to work
Yes |
19161 |
1/16/1994 |
TimGraph & DayGraph 2.41 for Maximus BBS
Yes |
18836 |
9/5/1993 |
MKSFMENU v1.5; Create Display File Menus For
SpitFire BBS! Supports ASCII, ANSI and RIP
ML8_100E.ZIP |
Yes |
188349 |
11/11/1993 |
Multi Line speedup for RoboBoard FX
Yes |
64980 |
7/31/1993 |
My Little Realm's DizzE v1.0; The DIZ editor
of your dreams. Create, load, print, and
save. Checks for the hyphen that BBS's
require in the first two lines. Checks for
too many lines (more than ten). Allows
blocking operations. Deletes DIZ files.
Prevents accidental overwrites. Prints your
pithy masterpiece in one of three positions:
normal, top center & dead center.
Yes |
24140 |
7/5/1993 |
MM Ques; List BBSs with WildCat! Create easy
to read BBS lists from a standard WildCat!
questionnaire. This archive includes a sample
questionnaire, sample bulletins and a
database editor for complete offline control.
Yes |
15807 |
8/25/1993 |
MM Uploads v1.51; Superior New File lists;
Create easy to read and colourful New File
Bulletins that also include a "Thank you"
note to all the uploaders contributing.
Yes |
83744 |
9/5/1993 |
MESSAGE/RATIO v1.2� Encourages your users to
become more active in your message bases, for
the "Posting" of messages!! Limits access to
areas of your choice by a specific Post/Ratio
Yes |
4962 |
6/10/1993 |
Modern Technology-Lottery v1.0 - [PPE] Allows
callers to Gamble for online time! *Source
Included* For PCBoard v15.0
Yes |
61028 |
8/2/1993 |
Modern Technology - BBSList (v1.0)/Std [PPE]
PCBoard v15.0+ PPE/Door which allows callers
to Create / Add / View / Sort and search by
keywords any sysop definable BBS List file/s
Uncrippled Shareware! >NO FEE< to Register!
Yes |
2776 |
7/8/1993 |
Modern Technology - Graf-Y and Graf-N - [PPE]
Replacement prompts for PCB 15.0 for the "Do
you want graphics (Enter)=no?" These prompts
look & act just like the originals BUT do NOT
allow callers to Skip the Welcome file. Handy
if you need to load a PPE at every login and
found the PCB WELCOME screens to be the best
place! !! NEW !! 2 versions included now, one
looks just like the PCB original, the other
defaults to (Enter)=yes?. *source included*
Yes |
102973 |
8/2/1993 |
Modern Technology - Matrix (v1.1) [/Standard]
[PPE] - Distributed as a Simulated DOS Login
Shell for PCBoard v15+. However the look and
feel of the Dos prompt can easily be modified
via . Sysops can assign System &
New User passwords allow; Paging the Sysops,
Post Public Msgs, Read Msgs, Comments Blts,
Check Password-Info, Full / Help & Info
files, VIP & Trashcan files PLUS much more!!!
100 percent adaptable! >NO FEE< to Register!
Yes |
10092 |
8/2/1993 |
Modern Technology Generic Text Scan (v1.1)
[PPE] / Door for PCBoard v15.0+ which allow
callers to Zippy scan/search sysop defined
TEXT files for matches. A popular use for
this PPE would be to search the DOWNLOAD.TXT
file, but you can use it for other purposes
Such as; Search BBS listings, Script Files
etc.. FREEWARE for All PCB Sysops! Enjoy-!
Yes |
15170 |
10/6/1993 |
A NEW and better split screen chat! Faster,
better looking, more features, more
configurable, and FREE! Release
Yes |
32930 |
9/7/1993 |
NetLOGO v1.1; Will insert a Text file into
your Zip's as a LOGO. NOT CRIPPLED in any
way, no extra's inserted into your ZIP file,
just the logo. Now With BBS and SET Support
Yes |
34053 |
9/29/1993 |
NEWFILES 2.1: Generates bulletins showing
uploaded files "nnn" days old. Supports
multiple nodes and conferences. For
Powerboard 1.25a
Yes |
49905 |
12/5/1993 |
NEWIES v1.4; SPITFIRE BBS Utility, Creates
NEWS Bulletins and SFNWSLTR.
Yes |
30094 |
11/27/1993 |
NewUserUp v1.00 - Change TimeLeft For NewUsers On 1st Call
Yes |
68539 |
10/6/1993 |
New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Multi-node)
NEWMSGS uses virtual memory techniques to do
a very fast update of the new message
counters for all your users. Freeware.
Yes |
40746 |
10/6/1993 |
New User Bulletin v1.7; This is a little
utility that will list the new users on your
system in an ANSI and ASCII bulletin. You may
configure the number of days to consider a
new user, minimum access levels to include,
and fully configure the colorization of your
bulletins. v1.7 allows you to specify 7 bit
characters to be used for the ASCII bulletin.
NU_16A.ZIP |
Yes |
16790 |
6/18/1993 |
NEWUSER.PPE v1.60a; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE]
program that can be used to replace the way
PCB registers new users. �Display's a (SysOp
definable) file for each PCBoard newuser
question. Will Auto detect PCBoard Supported
Allocations (PSAs). Load this PPE from your
"NEWUSER" display screen (Source Included)
OFU104.ZIP |
Yes |
42634 |
7/24/1993 |
Opus Filename Updater: Contains OFU.EXE (the
DOS ver) and OFUP.EXE (the OS/2 ver). OFU
allows you to automatically change filenames
within the Opus Files Database via a
command-line interface. This program should
be very handy for those that do automatic
virus scanning of newly uploaded files,
archive conversion, or when converting
archives to a different format.
Yes |
7690 |
7/20/1993 |
OnToday, today's callers list for RA Sysop
to use locally.
OV10.ZIP |
Yes |
85525 |
9/20/1993 |
PCB OverView v0.10; Now you can monitor
PCBoard nodes in detail from the comfort of
Windows! The lucid, colorful display shows
complete stats for each node. Calculates time
since last call. User defined query of caller
log and response messages. Node watchdog
detects lock-ups, sounds alarm. Bulletin
generators. User defined .wav file support.
Yes |
119871 |
8/15/1993 |
Computer Paper Display Conversion v2.0;
Convert text files to computer paper display
Support WIldcat 3.0 - 3.xx display codes.
Remove all or partial wildcat codes; Display
wildcat files (BBS/SCR/HLP/etc); Edit any
file using your favorite editor menu and
mouse driven ........and more
Yes |
56319 |
8/3/1993 |
PathTool v2.2; A powerful utility which
easily lets users modify PATH by using
straight forward commands. PathTool is
capable of generating a PATH longer than 121
bytes. It is more powerful than any existing
PATH modification utility! Non-PATH
environment variables can also be modified.
Modify the INCLUDE & LIB variables for your
compiler! Tested with many versions of DOS,
Windows, OS/2, 4DOS, and LANs.
Yes |
36343 |
7/19/1993 |
PBDIAG 1.00: Powerboard BBS ver 1.2 Complete
Diagnostics system. Provides analysis of
conference configuration, hardware/DOS/system
configuration, event, main setup, PCL syntax
check, vital EXE integrity, COMM port
analysis, IRQ/iobase and TSR conflicts, more.
Yes |
33512 |
9/15/1993 |
NEWFILES 1.0 : Generates a bulletin listing
files that have been uploaded in the last
"nnn" days. Powerboard 1.25a
Yes |
73582 |
9/13/1993 |
Swedish PCBTEXT file for PCB 15.0. With
matching help files and menus. From Sweden.
Yes |
43404 |
11/13/1993 |
PCB2Exd Ver 1.0 From JEM Software
This utility written for RoboBOARD FX
creates extended file descriptions from
PCBoard file lists. This utility is
FREE for all registered Robo SysOps.
Yes |
28081 |
10/11/1993 |
PCBATI6 v1.1: For PCBoard v14.5a and v15.0
systems which, in conjunction with USR HST
Modems, can monitor line noise, keep a
history of it, and inform your callers when
they experience line noise. Uses the HST's
ATI6 command to obtain and analyze session
statistics then, if excessive line noise is
detected, a message can be automatically
generated to inform the caller. V1.1 adds
compatibility with PCBoard/M.
Yes |
11727 |
10/17/1993 |
PCBDIR v1.1: A PCB utility to create custom
DIR files. Command line configurable using
PCB's DIR.LST file for it's information.
Yes |
21184 |
10/14/1993 |
ProDoor/PCBoard File Download Counter v1.0;
Analyze the PCBoard DOWNLOAD.TXT log file and
update your DIR listing files to include the
number of times each file has been
downloaded. Compatible with DOWNLOAD.TXT
files trimmed by TRIMDL14.ZIP.
Yes |
72455 |
8/14/1993 |
PCBmail 1.0�; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program for
Newuser Verfification. Uses standard �
PCBoard Userrecords. Saves the address in a
.DBF file for possible mailings. �User gets a
verficication number for a free definable
period. Fully configurable. Multi Language
(English & German Language files are
Yes |
94694 |
7/13/1993 |
PCLPACK 1.00: collection of control language
routines, additions & hints from Powerboard
BBS sysops, for Powerboard BBS v1.2+.
Yes |
143903 |
8/28/1993 |
PDFM 0.91b Beta; PCBoard Deluxe File Manager!
If you've ever wanted an alternative to
PCBFiler, here it is! PDFM is the solution
to your BBS file management problems.
Performs more functions than PCBFiler but
with a much more intuitive, easy-to-use, and
powerful user-interface. Eliminates the need
for numerous stand-alone utility programs.
Text-based windows, mouse support.
Yes |
26500 |
8/4/1993 |
PCBDIRPM v2.00a; Will create a Multi-Page
DIRx�MENU for any one of your conferences.
Very fast and simple to setup. Works
great�with CDROMs, or BBS's that have a lot
of files available for downloading.������
Yes |
100082 |
7/22/1993 |
Poster 2.5-Top Ten Message Posting Contest
for Wildcat! Poster keeps track of your
message activity on a monthly basis. During
the month, Poster creates two different
bulletins designed to get your users to post
(RIP bulletins are also available). At the
end of the month, your top message posters
are put in another bulletin and the contest
starts over.
Yes |
2713 |
8/14/1993 |
PPE MENU v1.00. PPEMNU is a PPE program to
allow Sysops the abiltiy to create special
menus for all the numerous PPE programs that
are being written for PCBoard v15.0. This
menu is displayed just like the Bulletin
menu that comes with PCBoard. Simple to
install. Shareware by Chuck Hogard.
PT_101.ZIP |
Yes |
23888 |
7/15/1993 |
PrevTen v1.0 Last Caller Utility for SpitFire
BBS Systems.
Yes |
6080 |
7/3/1993 |
@X0DQuote Master - Displays a
random quote for each user.
PCBoard 15.0 PPE file. Has the
option for users to enter a quote.
No Nag Messages, but still shareware.
Yes |
196392 |
8/12/1993 |
The Remote Access Filearea Tools v2.9; Use
with Remote Access V2.xx, replaces RAMGR
and the file-area bit of RACONFIG totally, it
features an area-editor, add, delete, move,
change your file-areas, edit all parameters
from FILES.RA, manage all your files in your
file-areas, adopt, delete, edit, add, import,
export, move or copy files, imports DIZ-files
from WITHIN archives, view archives.
Yes |
17006 |
10/10/1993 |
RAScan v2.00; An online/offline upload
processor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support for
files into the RA Files Data Base. Support
for up to 10 compression programs. Support
for your choice of scanning program. Support
for commenting of archives.
Yes |
8667 |
9/30/1993 |
RA BBS file updater
Yes |
26097 |
8/31/1993 |
ReadIdx is a utility will lookup the record
number of a user on a TriBBS version 4.x or
higher. It returns the record number. Free
with C++ source code.
Yes |
48093 |
7/6/1993 |
Ever had remote system operators have the
need to view script answer files? However,
you have only been able to use the sysop
command to view files, meaning you have
to know path locations. Now we have a easy
way to view these answer files.
Beta 093�, released July 15, 1993.
Yes |
40386 |
10/7/1993 |
Creates selective list of all your files.
Auto-compress, adds file_id.diz, nice format.
Archive creation now optional. Updates data.
Yes |
24566 |
10/14/1993 |
RGReport v1.00beta; Brand new, unique
Renegade utility. Will create detailed report
about your BBS. Very easy to configure!
Yes |
35800 |
8/22/1993 |
BBS screen file rotation utility Generic
enough to run with just about any BBS.
RS232.ZIP |
Yes |
45322 |
7/1/1993 |
RS232 v1.01; Enables you to debug most of
your RS-232 problems much faster than before.
With the program, you can actually see the
data transmitted in both directions on a real
time basis. The program also supports the
monitoring of all hardware lines for those
nasty hardware handshaking problems.
Yes |
3639 |
10/2/1993 |
Quotes from Rush Limbaugh in Thoughts.bbs
form. Most quotes are from his bestseller
The Way Things Ought to Be.
Yes |
18970 |
10/4/1993 |
RyNEWF v1.0; RyNEWF is a new file lister. It
is mainly meant to be used in first.bat for
users to scan for new files at log-on instead
of having to go to the file menu to scan for
them. RyNEWF using download.bbs to tell it
were the file directories are.