History file for the Ultimate File Download Counter: NOTE: "*" next to version # indicates a major public release! Date Version # Description -------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------- 08/23/93 1.3 * Re-release of UFDC. Fixed a MAJOR bug that should have NEVER been in UFDC. (Of course, when you test ONLY on your own machines before releasing a program, there will be problems!) The major bug fix was a slip up on my part that let a LOT of files slip through UFDC without being counted! 08/23/93 1.2 A few minutes before version 1.3 - thought I had fixed a bug that did not allow the 1st file in a DIR file to be detected by UFDC for purposes of counting. Only the tip of the iceberg! 08/08/93 1.1 Minor bug dealing with memory was resolved (or at least we hope so!) 07/20/93 1.0 * Initial release of UFDC.