188 files found in Library "RIP Graphics files"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
A2R102.ZIP Yes 16571 6/7/1993 A2R v1.02 - Ansi to Rip conversion utility. Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for use with new RIP standard terminals. Fully functional user supported software. $20.00 (US)
A2R103.ZIP Yes 17209 6/22/1993 A2R v1.0; Ansi to Rip conversion utility. Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for use with new RIP standard terminals. Fully functional user supported software 
ADICONS1.ZIP Yes 39138 6/14/1993 Various original .ICN for use with RIP.
AD_GRAPH.ZIP Yes 74058 9/14/1993 Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited BBS 
AIEDOOR.ZIP Yes 4071 12/2/1993 Pop-up pick list RIP Door Menu from AIE
AIEMENU.ZIP Yes 4496 11/10/1993 Windows-style drop down RIP menus-free for WC v3.9
AIR202.ZIP Yes 128569 11/17/1993 --==AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip==-- Wrap your BBS system messages in great looking RIP window frames. Two command line modes, and an interactive mode. Configurable Sysop message in frame, 10 pre-drawn frames available.
AIRRIP.ZIP Yes 3115 10/10/1993 Good Collection of Icon-less RIP Graphic screens for SpitFire BBS, 2 Welcome Screens and one Door Screen. 
AM_DEER.RIP No 6399 12/20/1993 Deer by Annie Mendetta.
AM_MICE.RIP No 4456 12/20/1993 Mousical by Annie Mendetta.
AM_ROSE1.RIP No 3415 12/20/1993 Signature Rose by Annie Mendetta.
AM_XMAS2.RIP No 6276 12/20/1993 Christmas Scene by Annie Mendetta.
AM_XMAS3.RIP No 6691 12/20/1993 Christmas Screen by Annie Mendetta.
AM_XMAS4.RIP No 6844 12/20/1993 Christmas Screen by Annie Mendetta.
AM_XMAS5.RIP No 6988 12/20/1993 Christmas Screen by Annie Mendetta.
AM_XMAS6.RIP No 3812 12/20/1993 Christmas Screen by Annie Mendetta.
ANT100.ZIP Yes 46415 12/30/1993 Ant Raid! RIP GAME! Eat your enemies and conquer the hill!
ASRTICNS.ZIP Yes 13496 1/1/1994 An excellent assortment of RIP graphic Buttons and Icons from a variety of sources. 
ASRTRIPS.ZIP Yes 33500 1/1/1994 An excellent assortment of RIP graphic screens from a variety of sources. 
A_ICNS.ZIP Yes 25395 12/28/1993 Over 80 RIP Icons beginning with letter "A"
BALLOON.ZIP Yes 2161 12/18/1993 RIP action screen from Crash and Burn BBS Springfield Mass. U.S.A. from Grant Louis RIPnet! Member 154:300/201
BATTLRIP.ZIP Yes 10543 8/11/1993 Sample RIP screens for Wildcat BBS use'm if ya can. 
BEAR.ZIP Yes 2505 8/17/1993 A Computing Bear in RIPscript 
BILL.ZIP Yes 4361 8/24/1993 RIP Screen of what Clinton has in store? 
BLUEBIRD.ZIP Yes 3071 12/29/1993 RIP: Nice picture of a bluebird on a branch.
BSRICONS.ZIP Yes 23316 7/26/1993 Bunch of RIP Graphics Icons 
BS_SPIDR.RIP No 2239 12/20/1993 Spider by Borys Smogla Pauland BBS.
BT_JAS3.RIP No 3352 12/20/1993 Jasmine (Alladin) v3.0 by Bill Thys.
BXICONS.ZIP Yes 40365 8/6/1993 RIPscript Icons for use with Brainex Door Programs. 
CADICONS.ZIP Yes 39679 8/18/1993 RIP Icons from the CADalog BBS, AWESOME RIP! 
CATPLAY.ZIP Yes 2447 12/29/1993 RIP: Cat jumping out of a box.
CCAT4RIP.ZIP Yes 17498 7/20/1993 Humorous RIP Scene from CCAT BBS, Could this happen to you? 
CD_ROM.ZIP Yes 1556 12/29/1993 RIP: CD-ROM and discs.
CHARLIE.ZIP Yes 9507 8/19/1993 Charlie announces WinRIP! - WinRIP rip graphic ad' 
CIRCTEXT.ZIP Yes 20081 1/27/1994 Prompts Wildcat! 3.90. Non-RIP only.
CSKPAINT.ZIP Yes 113607 6/29/1993 Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editing abilties...
CUBE_100.ZIP Yes 108243 1/31/1994 �The Cube v1.00� - BLand Software (RIP Only!) A simplified RIP Graphics version of the popular Rubik's Cube. Features a complete point-and- click GUI for the user! Very easy to install! Reg.: $20 (Expires 30 Days From Install)
C_ICONS.ZIP Yes 17648 12/30/1993 50+ RIP Icons begining with the Letter "C"
DAYSLEFT.ZIP Yes 15472 12/16/1993 Make CLR/BBS/RIP screen days till Christmas 
DLOKRIP.ZIP Yes 5587 10/26/1993 Funny DOWNLDOK.RIP screen, Wildcat @CODES@
DPAIN20.ZIP Yes 136169 8/3/1993 DeadPaint v.2.0 - the newest version of the RIP paint program. Now support bezier curve, arcs, pies, mouse area, bitmap, Windows ICO, custom patterns and more. Also allows undo. Only $20 registration fee
DUCKICN.ZIP Yes 58219 10/6/1993 All of the RIP Icons needed to use with The Flying Duck BBS. One of the best RIP Graphics BBS's seen. 
DVIEW20.ZIP Yes 63906 7/19/1993 Dead View v2.0. A RIP viewer. Docs are in DPAIN20.ZIP.
DVIEW30.ZIP Yes 95834 8/26/1993 Dead View 3.0 - RIP Graphics Screen Viewer. 
D_ICNS.ZIP Yes 19948 1/2/1994 70+ Rip Icns beginning with the Letter "D"
EAGLE.ZIP Yes 4415 10/28/1993 Drop down, Windows-style RIP menus for WC
ENTPBMP.ZIP Yes 4170 12/28/1993 The USS Enterprise RIP Icon/Button/Screen
E_ICNS.ZIP Yes 20903 1/4/1994 70+ Rip Icns begininng with the letter "E"
FIDONET.ZIP Yes 13631 1/18/1994 Animated RIP screen advertising that your a member of Fido.
FIREP.ZIP Yes 4022 12/29/1993 RIP: An X-Mas fireplace complete with stockings!
FLTLN102.ZIP Yes 233284 9/30/1993 FlatLine v1.02 Rip Paint program.
FLTLN103.ZIP Yes 276479 10/16/1993 FlatLine v1.03 - Powerful RIP editor/painter tool. 
FREEMENU.ZIP Yes 1475 1/12/1994 Main Menu in RIP using WC Defaults. From Lightning Inc.
F_ICNS.ZIP Yes 30938 1/4/1994 100+ Rip Icns begininng with the letter "F"
GARFIEL8.ZIP Yes 3169 12/29/1993 RIP screen of Garfield cartoon
GARF_RIP.ZIP Yes 8298 8/23/1993 A couple of nice RIP graphics screens of GARFIELD - for those who are into this fella who use your RIP capable BBS and who are themselves RIP capable.
GC_N_D.RIP No 1974 12/20/1993 Night and Day by GC.
GD_CLOWN.ZIP Yes 135604 11/30/1993 Grafix Design "Clown Rip Menu Preview"
GD_DEC93.ZIP Yes 161693 11/30/1993 Main, MSG and Files RIP Menus with The Holiday Touch.
GD_NOV.ZIP Yes 120210 10/31/1993 Set of Thanksgiving Rip Menus for Wildcat
GD_NOV93.ZIP No 227164 12/10/1993 Grafix Design Rip Menus Nov 93, unzip -d -$
GICONS_1.ZIP Yes 82974 7/6/1993 Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane, Samurai, boat, 486 PC... for RIP 
GICONS_2.ZIP Yes 9117 7/5/1993 More Cars of ICONs Colletcion for RIP 
GICONS_3.ZIP Yes 8250 7/5/1993 Ghostbuster ICONs for RIP 
GICONS_4.ZIP Yes 16735 7/6/1993 More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl and Don't Panic Logo. 
GICONS_5.ZIP Yes 91994 7/17/1993 Collection of New ICONs for RIP 
GICONS_6.ZIP Yes 116082 7/17/1993 Collection of New ICONs for RIP 
GICONS_7.ZIP Yes 115977 7/18/1993 Collection of New ICONs for RIP 
GICONS_8.ZIP Yes 114969 7/17/1993 Collection of New ICONs for RIP 
GICONS_9.ZIP Yes 27865 7/23/1993 Collection of New ICONs for RIP 
GIFCAT.ZIP Yes 33033 9/16/1993 Give your GIFs more detailed descriptions.
GOODRIPS.ZIP Yes 3808 8/29/1993 These are functional rip screens that look great and work great. Included is a text file for those who would like me to make Rip screens to fit their board. 
GR_DEER.RIP No 20810 12/20/1993 Reindeer by George Ramos.
GR_TURK.RIP No 12973 12/20/1993 Vegetarian Turkey Greetings by George Ramos.
GR_VETS.RIP No 6666 12/20/1993 Salute to Veteran's Day by George Ramos.
GTURIP01.ZIP Yes 56100 12/16/1993 GTURIP01.ZIP is a collection of graphical rip backgrounds which can be customized to your own personal needs.Provided By Good Times Unlimited BBs. 
GTURIP02.ZIP Yes 46887 1/5/1994 GTURIP02.ZIP is a collection of graphical rip backgrounds which can be customized to your own personal needs.Provided By Good Times Unlimited BBs.
GTURIP03.ZIP Yes 51681 1/5/1994 GTURIP03.ZIP is a collection of graphical rip backgrounds which can be customized to your own personal needs.Provided By Good Times Unlimited BBs.
G_ICNS.ZIP Yes 14448 1/4/1994 40+ Rip Icns begininng with the letter "G"
HALLORIP.ZIP Yes 77449 9/20/1993 Complete set of Halloween RIP Menus from Grafix Design. 
HAYES288.RIP No 2612 1/31/1994 Great RIP of the Hayes 28.8 for your BBS!
HELLOC.RIP No 1990 2/7/1994 CASTLES actual HELLO1.RIP Screen.
HELLORIP.ZIP Yes 33613 7/17/1993 Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or .SCR file which is constantly changing due to some programs making a HELLOxx.BBS (SCR) or BULLxx.BBS (SCR) after they are run. 
I2R_V100.ZIP Yes 141244 1/4/1994 Icon2Robo v_1.00 Shareware Converts Windows Icons to RoboFX Icon Libraries. View windows ICO Files from environment or from the command line. View RoboFX Icon Libraries from the environment as well as the command line. 
ICONM102.ZIP Yes 50525 9/5/1993 Automatically Download RIP Icons
ICUPD263.ZIP Yes 523375 12/9/1993 ����� IconUpDater v 2.63 w/RIP ����� Force callers to use RIPgraoghics!!!!! Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens @-codes. This the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! This thing is so packed with options you wouldn't believe it. Added new Space Saver feature for you callers. Menu driven config and Manual programs making setting up this highly configurable Door easy! Has a time function, so user time does't get wasted! Support for DOS 6.2. Add 2 files of you own to the main menu to offer your callers, for offering RIPterm or your Member DOCs. Forced fill features. No Sysop Maintenance. over 5 support program include. Great Icon Maintenacne! MUST use DSZ or GSZ transfer protocols. Also supports the ANSI caller, so we can get them switched to RIP! Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-324-8606.
ICUPD266.ZIP Yes 568063 2/9/1994 ����� IconUpDater v 2.66 w/RIP ����� Force callers to use RIPgraphics!!!!! Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens @-codes. This is the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! This thing is so packed with options you wouldn't believe it. Added new Space Saver feature for you callers. Menu driven config and Manual programs making setting up this highly configurable Door easy! Has a time function, so user time does't get wasted! Support for DOS 6.2. Add 2 files of you own to the main menu to offer your callers, for offering RIPterm or your Member DOCs. Forced fill features. No Sysop Maintenance. over 5 support program include. Great Icon Maintenacne! MUST use DSZ or GSZ transfer protocols. Also supports the ANSI caller, so we can get them switched to RIP! Call DUOnline for a DEMO Key. 513-860-1191.
I_ICNS.ZIP Yes 15505 1/14/1994 30+ Rip Icns not available before begininng with the letter "I".
JL_DOG.RIP No 5276 12/20/1993 My Pooch by Jean Ludwig.
KINK211.ZIP Yes 88411 1/17/1994 The Kinkiness Test Adult Online Game For Any DOOR.SYS BBS! DV Aware! Version 2.11 RIP Graphics Support! From FireHawk Software 
KLAUS.ZIP Yes 4314 12/29/1993 RIP: Ms. Klaus with cookie sheet.
KN301.ZIP Yes 64082 7/24/1993 KATNEWS! v3.01; RIP! Newsletter Creator for Wildcat! v3.90 Systems. including mouse support, and a full- screen editor for newsletter creation! 
KP_BASE.ZIP Yes 2232 7/20/1993 Set of base rip menus, background and title you add rest 
LAST10.ZIP Yes 7761 1/14/1994 Last 10 v1.1a Animated RIP Last 10 callers
LICN0100.ZIP Yes 32357 8/6/1993 LOGINICN v01.00 - Download RIP icons at Login Let your users download your RIP icons at login, without having to search file areas or bulletins to find the icon file name. Now works for any BBS system that uses a DOOR.SYS .ANS/.ASC/.RIP external display file support. Auto-RIP mode detect. Non-Standard Com Ports. *FREEWARE*
LITEMENU.ZIP Yes 3775 7/7/1993 Some decent sample RIP menus!
LORD302.ZIP Yes 307192 1/20/1994 -=-=Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.02=-=- Fantastic door from Seth Able, including RIP, multi-node, non standard com port, fossil, and most drop file type support.
LORD303.ZIP Yes 270157 1/30/1994 -=-=-=Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.03=-=-=- Fantastic door from Seth Able, including RIP, multi-node, non standard com port, fossil, and most drop file type support.
LP_FAWN.RIP No 4631 12/20/1993 Fawn in Forest by Linda Petrus.
LP_HUNT.RIP No 4365 12/20/1993 Hunting Season is Open! by Linda Petrua.
LP_TURK.RIP No 4134 12/20/1993 Thanksgiving Screen by Linda Petrus.
LP_XMAS2.RIP No 5258 12/20/1993 Christmas Scene by Linda Petrus.
LSTRIP11.ZIP Yes 36359 10/31/1993 SF Last Ten RIP Creation! v1.1. Creates A Nice RIP Display Of The Last Ten Callers. Freeware! Now with Security Blocking. 
LTHOUSE.ZIP Yes 2714 7/16/1993 RIP screen of a lighthouse from The Docksider BBS.
LVPG_ALL.ZIP Yes 154152 7/19/1993 Collection of rip graphics Icons 
MAINMNU2.ZIP Yes 1090 9/13/1993 Main Menu in RIP w/Wildcat defaults and @-Codes built in. 
MENUBUTT.ZIP Yes 4199 7/26/1993 Set of RIP Menus (ready to run) From Grafix 
MERIP.ZIP Yes 14319 12/2/1993 ���[ Midnight Escape BBS ]���������������ķ � These are a few of the RIP Menu � � Screens used on Midnight Escape BBS. � � � �����������������������������������������Ľ
MIKERIP.ZIP Yes 124177 1/13/1994 A collection of RIP screens you may or may not have seen.RIP viewer included.FREE!
MIRIP105.ZIP Yes 178237 12/19/1993 ۲�� MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.05 ���� Edit the RIP scripts being used on several Bulletin Board Systems now. Allows you to load, edit, and save your script files. The program is WildCat! smart for some of their screen @@ variables such as @BBS@ and colors to better get an idea of what the script will look like to the users. From John Haro, the creater of MI-Programs.
MOUSIE2.ZIP Yes 4026 12/29/1993 RIP screen of two mice playing
MP_RIP.ZIP Yes 1207 7/11/1993 2 RIP screens actually made with DeadPaint!
MSIPRELG.ZIP Yes 14392 1/31/1994 The WCTEXTR.DAT and PRELOG.RIP used here. Editable now.
MYRIPS.ZIP Yes 6819 8/6/1993 16 RIP Screens, Good Collection! 
NEATNESS.ZIP Yes 6518 9/30/1993 RIP Graphic Screen Examples, Use or Edit 
NODES10.ZIP Yes 1927 8/16/1994 This is another animated RIP screen, Node Stats 1-10.
ODY1.ZIP Yes 2074 12/29/1993 RIP screen of Ody the dog cartoon
PFACE3_0.ZIP Yes 172061 9/29/1993 *****Poker Face 3.0******************** Now with RIP graphics! An animated poker door with multi-bbs support, support for locked com ports, and complete RIP support! Latest version always available from 1:138/151 Magic name: RIPPOKER
QRIPIT10.ZIP Yes 110630 12/20/1993 ���Quik-RIPIT v1.0!��� The Hottest RIP screen generator EVER for a BBS! It's quick, easy, and makes awesome screens for you, either manually or on auto- pilot! Best of all, it's CHEAP at only $10.00! Download it and check it out! Works on almost EVERY BBS!
RD100.ZIP Yes 31052 11/28/1993 RipDoor v1.0 - reset text window & more
RFDN_INF.ZIP Yes 3109 11/27/1993 === RIPnet! RFDN! Guidelines (5) files === Information about RIPnet! File Distrubition 1.RFDN!.txt 2.File.rul 3.DIZ.rul 4.FILE_ID.diz 5.FILE_ID.size ___________________________________________ 
RIPART.ZIP Yes 10309 9/17/1993 4 RIP Screens-Stealth Fighter, F15, Liberty Bell & POW!
RIPBINGO.ZIP Yes 98005 11/3/1993 Rip Bingo By Mike Wilson.
RIPBLKJK.ZIP Yes 235721 10/10/1993 "Rip BlackJack" is a RIP GRAPHICS DOOR GAME version of BlackJack. As seen at ONE BBS CON, this door uses RIP graphics and icons to give the caller a very fast-paced graphical experience. Any BBS software that can generate a DOOR.SYS is supported. YOUR BBS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RIP CAPABLE, ONLY THE GAME PLAYER! Shareware, fully functional. Fully supports file locking and sharing.
RIPC101.ZIP Yes 23423 8/16/1993 RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter 
RIPCASIN.ZIP Yes 98650 11/4/1993 Krazy Casino RIP Support.
RIPCONV.ZIP Yes 3102 7/4/1993 RIP screen Converter from Hiram's Valley BBS 07/04/93
RIPEZ15.ZIP Yes 14611 8/20/1993 Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics. 
RIPEZ18.ZIP Yes 15913 12/28/1993 Ripeasy Ver 1.8. Great ansi/rip converter. From T.N.G.!
RIPFIRE.ZIP Yes 10956 10/24/1993 RIPFire Info Packet; The Painless Way To RIP Your SF BBS! Inexpensive, Good Rip Screen SETS For Your SpitFire BBS. 
RIPGRF51.ZIP Yes 40692 12/29/1993 RIPGRAF 0.51, now you can make/view RIP graphics on your Amiga! Read all documentation please.
RIPGRF70.ZIP Yes 137668 2/26/1994 RIPGraf v0.70, RIP screen maker. Updated files only, needs
RIPICONS.ZIP Yes 152542 12/23/1993 550 RIP icons not available before
RIPIT18.ZIP Yes 91602 12/2/1993 ��� RIPIT! v1.8 ��� The fastest and easiest way to produce a superb RIP screen from an existing file! This version will produce 81 different RIP styles (more coming!). This version added more styles and increased the programs performance speed. New Feature! Tell RIPIT to select the RIP style for you, or do it yourself! RIPIT works great and the best part is, it's cheap! Only $10.00! From the author of the WildStuff Utilities! Download it and check it out!
RIPIT20.ZIP Yes 145861 1/2/1994 ���RIPIT v2.0!��� The Hottest RIP screen generator EVER for a BBS! It's quick, easy, and makes awesome screens for you, either manually or on auto-pilot! Best of all, it's CHEAP at only $10.00! Download it and check it out! Works with almost ANY BBS!
RIPIV200.ZIP Yes 223121 8/31/1993 The RIP Icon Verifier v2.0; Detect if users need to download your BBS RIP Icons 
RIPLIST1.ZIP Yes 49363 10/18/1993 RIPList v1.0; RIPList is a utility to help debug RIP script file. It simply outputs a file that contains the extented text description of the commands in each line and lists there parameters or arguments. 
RIPMECCA.ZIP Yes 45742 7/30/1993 RIP Graphics Mecca Menus For Maximus BBS 
RIPMNUS.ZIP Yes 47245 12/13/1993 RIP Sample Menus for TRIBBS
RIPPED.ZIP Yes 14650 12/2/1993 *** Custom Rip Menus for your BBS *** Superbly & Professionally done RIP Menus for your BBS. For a small fee, we will provide your Main, MSG, and File menus in RIPSCRIPT. Read the ORDER.DOC for full details!
RIPPLE.ZIP Yes 4410 10/2/1993 Sample RIPscript Graphics and plug for the "RIP Artist's Group" that is looking for interested artists to join. 
RIPPOKER.ZIP Yes 95470 11/3/1993 Poker Online Door Game Rip support.
RIPRM110.ZIP Yes 59750 1/1/1994 The RIP Playroom. Any DOOR.SYS BBS! Sysop Configurable! DV Aware! Version 1.10 RIP Display Door. From FireHawk SoftWare. 
RIPROL15.ZIP Yes 256728 10/10/1993 "Rip Roller" is a RIP GRAPHICS DOOR GAME based on the family dice-game Shut The Box. As seen at ONE BBS CON, this door uses RIP graphics and icons to give the caller a very fast-paced graphical experience. Any BBS software that can generate a DOOR.SYS is supported. YOUR BBS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RIP CAPABLE, ONLY THE GAME PLAYER! Shareware, fully functional. Fully supports file locking and sharing.
RIPSAM.ZIP Yes 3810 9/10/1993 5 RIP Menu Screens for SpitFire BBS 
RIPSC154.ZIP Yes 72347 7/19/1993 RIPscrip Graphics Protocol Specification.
RIPSCRNS.ZIP Yes 7083 11/15/1993 RIP Screens: Misc & WC Idle screen (SysOp Menu)
RIPSK101.ZIP Yes 114784 11/29/1993 RIP Sketch v1.01 - Easy to use RIPscrip drawing program for creating online RIP graphics. Includes support for all the level-0 RIPscrip commands plus icons, clipboard, mouse regions and more! This version includes more fonts. Requires EGA and a mouse. Supports Adlib sound.
RIPSRNS.ZIP Yes 3153 9/9/1993 Set of 5 Excellent RIP Scenes 
RIPSTUFF.ZIP Yes 31621 1/19/1994 Last10 Text2Rip RipFree Bug Fixes.
RIPTOGR.ZIP Yes 4682 8/26/1993 RIPTOGR v1.0 - Convert DOOR.SYS/USERINFO. 
RIP_N_FX.ZIP Yes 21454 12/12/1993 How to Use RoboBoard/FX and RIP together 
RIP_VTG.ZIP Yes 76934 1/8/1994 RIP SCREENS; 81 Nice Looking Screens Examples For Use With RIP Spitfire BBS 
RIVICONS.ZIP Yes 92114 8/7/1993 All Icons for the Rivendell BBS-BEST RIP GRAPHICS IN KANSAS! 
RM_GD.RIP No 6302 12/20/1993 Grateful Dead Screen by RM.
ROBO2RIP.ZIP Yes 33576 8/11/1993 Use these RIP Icons to make your BBS look like a ROBO BBS 
RRIPIT13.ZIP Yes 25527 8/20/1993 RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; This little gem takes any text file and imports it into a RIPScript display complete with configurable icons, mouse field commands, colors, fonts, text, and more. Great for creating RIP versions of your BBS Bulletins 
RTIME100.ZIP Yes 11165 6/30/1993 RIPTIME v1.00 - Create (.BBS/.RIP) when any function occured *FREEWARE* 
RV101.ZIP Yes 40577 9/21/1993 RIPView v1.01; Automatically detect RIPScrip Graphics and will show the user up to 20 screens. RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and RIPScrip screens. RIPView also supports Languages. RIPView supports the following drop files: TriBBS, PCBoard, DOOR.SYS (GAP), SpitFire, WildCat!, RBBS (DORINFx.DEF), and WWIV. RIPView also supports locked serial ports, 16550 FIFO buffering, and you don't need ANSI.SYS loaded! 
SAMCTRL.ZIP Yes 3014 9/5/1993 3 RIP Graphic Screen Examples 
SANTA.ZIP Yes 2405 12/7/1993 Santa Claus RIP Screen
SFCTRL.ZIP Yes 3654 9/5/1993 3 Excellent RIP Graphic Screen Examples for SpitFire BBS 
SFLASTEN.ZIP Yes 6041 11/26/1993 ��[ SFLASTEN - Version 1.5 ]���������͸ � Create Last 10 Caller Display Files � � Creates BBS, CLR & RIP Files! � ����������[ Buffalo Creek Software ]�;
SFLOG.ZIP Yes 19362 11/27/1993 ��[ SFLOG - Version 2.0 ]�����������͸ � Callers Log Statistical Utility � � Creates BBS, CLR & RIP Files! � ���������[ Buffalo Creek Software ]�;
SFPLANE.ZIP Yes 3191 10/3/1993 RIP screen made using Tombstone Artist. It is based on the picture on the cover of the 3.4 supplement document! 
SFRIPASK.ZIP Yes 45252 10/14/1993 SFRIPASK ver 1.0 Enables your users to download your Icons.
SHWCON12.ZIP Yes 24458 9/9/1993 ShowCon 1.2 RIP Icon Viewer. Freeware.
SLINFO.ZIP Yes 5287 10/9/1993 SearchLight Info Packet
SPIT_RIP.ZIP Yes 2022 10/9/1993 RIP screen of a Spitfire WWII Airplane Great for SpitFire BBS's 
SS_30.ZIP Yes 87558 12/8/1993 SuperSlots! v3.0. Slot machine game DOOR for many BBS types from J & W Software. *NEW: RIPscrip graphics and optional Make- Up days. Features include: ANSI/RIP screens with sound and animation, full Multi-Node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15 supported, DESQview aware, easy installation and no maintenance.
SS_31.ZIP Yes 88146 1/19/1994 SuperSlots! v3.1. Slot machine game DOOR for many BBS types from J & W Software. Features include: ANSI/RIP screens with sound and animation, full Multi-Node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15 supported, DESQview aware, easy installation and no maintenance.
STARWARS.ZIP Yes 1689 8/24/1993 RIP, Super StarDestroyer and the DeathStar 
STATS3.ZIP Yes 21448 10/15/1993 ������ STATS version 3.0 �������ͻ �STATS version 3.0 from CastleTree � �Productions. New Features include� �RIP detection and SysOp definable � �options. � ����������������������������������ͼ 
TECHQUST.ZIP Yes 14417 8/6/1993 RIP Screen from TechQuest On-Line BBS 
THEBOOK.ZIP Yes 2340 6/30/1993 RIP Screen...Looks Like the Wildcat 3.60 Manual! 
TOMBDOOR.ZIP Yes 2084 9/5/1993 RIP Door Menu - Made With Tombart Paint Program 
TRANS201.ZIP Yes 229469 8/11/1993 Version 2.01 Now WildCat v3.9 and RIP compatible! The prompts included will not work with previous versions of Wildcat. 2.01 now includes a utility called MAKERIP.EXE that will ask you a few questions and create a fairly nice RIP menu for you! Saves you paying $200 for RiPaint! The ansi and ascii screens are now customizable at your request. 
TRICON01.ZIP Yes 2860 9/11/1993 RIP Screens For TriBBS 5.0. Drawn With RIPaint And Includes ICONS! Main, File & Message. 
TTSRIP.ZIP Yes 14816 8/6/1993 This is a collection of RIP MENUS for use with WILDCAT 3.90 BBSes. Also included are ANSI screens along the same lines, for the ANSI part of the board! 
UNREG.ZIP Yes 123797 11/2/1993 Weather v2.11 RIP Bulletin maker with icons
WHATRIP.ZIP Yes 1512 9/25/1993 Goofy RIP Graphic To Show Color Palette 
WILDSL34.ZIP Yes 34725 10/12/1993 WildStats/Call Log v3.04! @Color & RIP display files! The best is even better now! WildStats will generate an @Color coded display, a RIP display detailing who called your system for the day, PLUS a detailed listing of what has occurred on your BBS! 
WMFRIP.ZIP Yes 12447 10/20/1993 Windows Meta File WMF to RIP Converter
WRONG.RIP No 7021 12/20/1993 Halloween Screen.
ZBASE18.ZIP Yes 91846 2/7/1994 ZBase 1.8 - Is a RIP/Ansi Door for your BBS Listings. ZBase will allow your own on-line database of BBS's and will display 5 of your favorite BBS lists! Supports RIP Graphics, Downloading, and makes a text file of your Database listing! Support for such systems as TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire, WildCat!, RBBS, WWIV, Maximus, etc. Very easy to use! NOT CRIPPLED! THIS CORRECTS VERSION 1.7 BAD COMPILE!