Chapter 19 Pg 59 DSZ Reference Rev May-29-93 Typeset 5-29-93 20. CHANGES Be sure to save your serial number/password (SNP) card and the putsnp program you received from Omen Technology to use with future versions of DSZ you may download! (Use GCOLORS to serialize GSZ.) Current GSZ and DSZ versions are maintained on EXEC-PC BBS, BIX, GEnie (IBM Roundtable), CompuServe (IBMCOM and CONSULT SIGs) as well as Omen's TeleGodzilla (503-621-3746). DSZ is a popular program which has been the object of virus attacks. Pirated/hacked versions of DSZ have cost users and DSZ's developer thousands of dollars in lost time and other expenses, in addition to injuring of Omen Technology's reputation. Virus and Trojan code hidden in hacked/pirated copies of DSZ and programs claiming to "register DSZ" have caused loss of data. -rw-r--r-- 1 caf omen 52762 May 28 12:34 -rwxr-xr-x 1 caf omen 53530 May 29 22:56 dsz.exe PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: C68530A5 52762 PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: 168E29C3 53530 dsz.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 caf omen 32864 Apr 26 1992 gcolors.exe -rw-r--r-- 1 caf omen 70608 May 29 22:57 gsz.exe PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: AEFF337B 70608 gsz.exe PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: E83AEFB2 32864 gcolors.exe Your copy of should show the same CRC values. ZIP uses a 32 bit CRC compatible with the Professional-YAM and ZCOMM "crc" command. pkzip -vt dsz The following Pro-YAM/ZCOMM command gives the 32 bit CRC for DSZ.COM: EXAMPLE: >>>c: crc If your copy shows a different CRC or file length, insist on a legitimate copy and report the source of the bogus/pirated copy to Omen Technology Inc. Omen Technology has received reports of serious problems caused by unauthorized patches to DSZ, and cannot assume liability for the performance of the resultant code. COM7 and COM8 are changed; see the "port" command above. A problem in the 1/17/89 and 2/2/89 DSZ versions corrupts files under unusual circumstances. Please delete all instances of the 1/17/89 and 2-02-89 version.