The thing to remember is that when you see the prompt followed by [HOST] it is like you are actually sitting at the host terminal... To execute commands on your own YAM/ZComm hit F1 to call your local terminal program... To open access to the complete disk enter the command: UNRESTRICT and then use the system password -- otherwise you will remain in the C:\zcomm directory or one of its subdirectories. To see the files on the host enter: 'dir' and hit return. TO DOWNLOAD a file from the host enter 'sz filespec' (wildcards OK) (Remember this is just like typing at the HOST keyboard...) - For Xmodem enter 'sx filespec' at HOST prompt - TO UPLOAD a file hit F1 to get into your terminal command mode and then enter 'sz filespec'. Everything else is automatic. - For Xmodem enter 'rx filespec' at HOST prompt - To leave a MESSAGE enter the command 'message' and follow prompts. ---> To see this message anytime enter the command 'help' <---