FOR SYSOPS ONLY!!! So you have a WC3.X BBS and want to do this eh? Well here's how... ITEMS REQUIRED: Intel Satisfaxion Modem FAXPAK by Jeff Hofstetter WCPRO First of all you need to get the MODEM and BBS to answer correctly, so I am including my satis.mdm file for Wildcat. Be sure you set the FAX to autoanswer in the INTEL SETUP PROGRAM for 1 ring. You will find this option under Technical Options. My FAX.BAT: (your path's & file names will vary) F: cd \wc30 wcpro faxout copy line.fax+faxout.fax FPRETRY -g -e -l F:\wc30\wcwork\node1\log\fpretry.log FPSEND *faxout.def -c faxout.cvr FPRECV -f -d F:\BBS\FAXIN -x FPLOG -v -r -l 10 -q -o F:\wc30\wcwork\node1\log\faxsend.log FPPRINT -a -o LPT1 -q -m F:\BBS\FAXIN -e FPDEL * -r -n -sc F: cd \wc30 WCPRO: Create a COMMAND file for WCPRO that will EXPORT the FAX messages. Example: LIST MESSAGES MATCHING FAXMSG.PMM CONFERENCE=2 FORMAT=FULL LOGFILE=FAXOUT.FAX DELETE MESSAGES MATCHING FAXDEL.PMM CONFERENCE=2 LOGFILE=FAXDEL.LOG The main idea is to SEARCH for the word FAX in the SUBJECT field. IE: Subject: FAX XXX-XXXX It is a good idea to run this command file BEFORE you export to the net. This will keep your FAX messages on your bbs and not send them out into the Common (or whatever you choose) Conf. FaxPAK: You will need the ADVANCED EDITION, which can be obtained from: Jeff Hofstetter FAXPAK UTILITIES 1722 Drake Street Longmont, CO 80503 Support phone: 303-440-7683 (USA Mountain time zone) BBS: 303-772-6778 (Wildcat I might add!) Fax: 303-440-7683 You will need to create a .CFG file for the FPSEND program. Example: Msgstart = ----------------------- FromField = From: ToField = To: PhoneField = Subj: FAX Maxdigits = 7 FileExt = FAX This file will restrict use to Local Faxes, and use the ---------- as the message delimiter. A small problem is that WCPRO is not consistant in it's message output. The ----------- is not present BEFORE the first message, so you will need to create a file that contains this delimiter and you can use DOS copy to add this line to your message outfile. For you DESQVIEW user's, you will need to run this FAX.BAT at DOS (not under DV), perhaps preceeding your nightly tape runs or whatever else you do outside DV. This should take you along way to having FAX and your BBS both on one telephone line and your EMAIL to FAX setup working smoothly. If you have additional questions, you can reach me at: Pat Nefos The Sounding Board BBS 5505 Valmont, 147 Boulder, CO 80301 (303)444-7942 BBS/FAX RIME NODE: SOUND