This is a preview of WMSTAT - a WildMail Log file statistics reporting utility. This is not documentation - the docs haven't even been started yet! It's going to take Derek a month or so to get the information into the log that WMSTAT will require. Until then, this version outputs some interesting information not easily available without manually adding things up in your WildMail log. WMSTAT will create a WildCat 3.x @COLOR@ code compatible screen. This file name is defined in WMSTAT's configuration routine ("WMSTAT /INIT"). Run "WMSTAT /?" for command-line help. Please don't report any bugs on this, it's not really a releasable product at this point. If you like it, however, feel free to let me know. Sorry for attaching this to WMDUPER, but I figure if you wanted WMDUPER, you'll probably be interested in this. GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK! What do you want this thing to do??? Thanks.... Rob